The Core
April 15, 2022, Volume 13, Issue 32
From the Principal
Hello Parents,
The early arrival of spring vacation came as a real surprise. The superintendent and I continued to monitor the number of staff who were testing positive and realized we were compromising student safety by staying open for Friday. I apologize for all of the inconvenience this may have caused you. We are all hopeful to start fresh after the break.
In case you have not heard, the large playground structure is being removed and the new one will be installed this coming week. It's amazing to think about the long journey of this playground and we're so thankful to our PTO for raising the funds and getting the order in last May! We're going to celebrate the structure next Monday when we return.
We had a lot of fun having next year's kindergarteners come for Kindergarten Registration Days. For those who could not attend, we will be looking to have another session later in the spring.
Congratulations to the Moana cast and crew - all shows were terrific!
Have a terrific vacation; take some time to read to your child.
Mark T
Quote of the week:
“Orchard School can only be a wonderful place to grow if we all support each other.”
Demolition Starting on the Old Playground Structure
Order early! Deadline by Monday, April 24th
Memory Books are a great way to commemorate your child's year at Orchard. Books cost $14 each and can be ordered using the link or QR code below. If you are able, please consider donating an extra book for a family in need.
Order Link:
School Code: 920771
You will need the school code above and then follow the directions on the screen to set up an account. If you already have an account from last year, please update your child’s information so their order goes to this year's classroom teacher. Do so by clicking on the “+Add/Update Information” purple button in your account and adjusting the teacher's name and grade. If you wish to donate a book, you can put it in your name or your child's name as the system requires a name be entered but we will be sure the book goes to someone in need. Thank you!
Volunteer Opportunity: This Memory Book coordinator is graduating in June! If you are interested and willing to take on the Memory Book in future years, please reach out to learn the ropes and be mentored in this current ordering season.
Please Respect Our Neighbors
Our Arrival and Dismissal routes are going much smoother these days so it is so important for parents to use our parking lot pick-ups & drop-off routes rather than dropping off your child on Baldwin Avenue. Our neighbors have been very patient with us and we need to keep off their lawns. It's also not safe so please support our neighbors like you support our school.
Thank you on this.
Ms. Baldwin's Kindergarten Classes Learning about Robotics with our IT Teacher, Kristen Courcelle
School Nurse Notes
What are LAMP Tests?
Similar to a PCR test, a LAMP test detects molecular material (RNA) within the virus.
LAMP tests are highly reliable and results are ready within 30 minutes. With parent/caregiver permission, school nurses can administer a LAMP test on a student who becomes symptomatic while at school.
To learn more about different types of COVID tests, visit the health department (translated test directions are also available here).
FREE LAMP tests are available from the Health Department.
Find sites here (walk-ins allowed) or make an appointment here for pick-up.
Testing is recommended for people with symptoms, and close contacts of someone with COVID-19, who are not up-to-date on COVID vaccines, and for individuals who have traveled internationally.
A symptomatic student should only return to school when symptoms are resolved or markedly improved (and they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication).
Please continue to check the SBSD COVID-19 Dashboard for case updates, testing recommendations and illness guidelines, as we will be phasing out email notification at the end of April.
Be well,
Kara Cassani, RN & Darcy Mazlish, RN
Orchard School Nurses
SBSD Elementary Health Services
p. (802) 652-7303
f. (802) 652-7354
New Arrival Time
Parents, we want to get our school day started earlier in an additional step to move forward as fully reopening. We want to start our day at 8:05. If you are dropping your child off and want to avoid the busses, feel free to use the "teardrop" parking lot. To help us reclaim a little more of our school day, doors open at 7:50 AM.
- Most Busses Arrive at 7:50
- Walkers Arrive at 7:50-8:05
- Drop Off in the Teardrop Parking Loop at 7:50-8:05