May 2023
70 degrees, and sunny?!?
Yes, and we generally believe that this wonderful weather is hard-earned and well-deserved. Please enjoy as we prepare for the final two months of this school year.
May is one of our busier months including ongoing state assessments that begin this coming week. As noted below, only third, fourth, and fifth graders participate in state assessments but various other assessments occur just prior to the end of the school year that include all grade levels. Additionally, we are entering a fun season of field trips for many of our classes. If this includes your child's grade level, please look for important pre-trip information from your child's teacher.
Lastly, May begins several formal processes as we prepare for the coming school year. This includes our Kindergarten Orientation for incoming kindergarten families on Thursday, May 25th (6:00pm) and the start of considering grade levels and classes for next year. Please continue reading below for additional information including several important dates this month and beyond.
Enjoy and thank you for your time, partnership, and support.
5/5 - Spirit Day
5/5 - LIF Day (1:35 pm dismissal)
5/8 - Awards Assemblies (Grades K-2 @ 9:00 am & grades 3-5 @ 2:20 pm)
5/12 - LIF Day (1:35 pm dismissal)
5/19 - LIF Day (1:35 pm dismissal)
5/25 - 2023/24 Kindergarten Orientation @ 6:00 pm
5/26 - LIF Day (1:35 pm dismissal)
5/29 - Memorial Day (No School)
Next Month & Other Dates to Note:
6/1 - Awards Assemblies (Grades K-2 @ 9:00 am & grades 3-5 @ 2:20 pm)
6/2 - Natural Leaders Read Around the World evening (5:30 pm)
6/8 - 5th Grade Celebration (6:00 pm)
6/9 - PTA End of Year Bash
6/15 - Kinder Celebration (10:30 am)
6/19 - Juneteenth (No School)
6/20 - Field Day
6/22 - Last Day of School (12:20 pm dismissal)
Summer & Back-to-School Dates:
- 6/26 - School office closed for summer
- 8/16 - School office reopens
- 8/21-24 - Everett Ready for incoming Kindergarteners
- 9/6 - 1st Day of School (Grades 1-5)
- 9/11 - 1st Day of School (Kindergarteners)
Calendars: 2022/23 Calendar - New! 2023/24 Calendar
Forthcoming State Assessments
State testing for third, fourth, and fifth graders will begin in early May and take place across a majority of the month. As noted below, testing will occur for specific grade levels on designated dates. If you have not already done so, please see the below-linked information
Thank You for a Wonderful Evening!
If you were not able to join us this year, please keep this wonderful, community-filled event in mind next spring.
Fun Run Success for our Eagles!
Several classes reached highs including Mrs. Bexell's second grade class (most funds raised), Mrs. Burwell's third grade class (most donations), and Mrs. Marshall's first and second grade class (highest level of participation).
Thank you to each and every Eagle and family for your support of this year's Fun Run! Additionally, we want to thank our Monroe PTA, and especially Nicole VanderPloeg, for coordinating and hosting this year's Fun Run.
Honoring Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
Each May, our students and school come together to celebrate and honor Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AAPI Heritage Month). Our collective learning includes opportunities to explore and honor historical and cultural contributions of individuals and groups of Asian and Pacific Islander descent across our United States; past, present, and future.
We invite you and your family to join us in honoring Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage. Together, we know that our collective learning about one another's heritage builds a more inclusive, collaborative community. Honoring Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month provides us all with a wonderful opportunity, and we welcome your involvement as we learn and celebrate across the month of May.
Student Placement Input Opportunity
As spring progresses, we are beginning our process for considering classes for the forthcoming 23/24 school year. As we do so, we want to make sure that families are informed and involved in this multi-month effort.
As an overview, our Monroe team utilizes the months of May, June, July, and August to cooperatively plan for the placement of our students into classes for the coming year. Current teachers, along with paraeducators, specialists, and administrators, work together to provide input. Our collective goal is to build a foundation for community by drafting balanced class rosters, which include the equitable placement of our learners in relation to each child’s strengths and needs (academically, socially, and emotionally).
As part of our process, we look to you as parents/guardians for insight related to your child’s needs. Please note that this is different from requests for placement with a specific teacher as that is feedback we cannot consider. Teaching assignments for the coming year have not been determined, and it is important that we keep our class formation process focused on the needs of our students and on creating the best possible classroom community for every child. Feedback is most impactful when it describes the unique qualities of the child.
The below-linked feedback form has been designed for that purpose, and we encourage you to spend a few minutes providing insights that will assist us in drafting classes across the coming months. Please note that this form will close on Tuesday, May 30th.
Monroe Student Placement Information – Parent/Guardian Input
Please note that class rosters are not finalized until late August. Placements are communicated prior to our planned Meet Your Teacher event in early September.
May Everett Public Schools Newsletter
Our Everett Public Schools newsletter for the month of May is linked/attached below. This specifically crafted monthly communication is designed to connect with all of our families and provide information pertaining to all of our schools/programs. This month's newsletter includes updates pertaining to:
- ECEAP Preschool Enrollment
- State Testing Updates
- Graduation Dates/Information
- School Safety Update: Reunifying Students/Families
- May Community Resource Fair
Lost & Found Update
With thanks to your help, our Lost & Found has improved over the past few weeks, reaching a more manageable state and even a few open hangers.
Nevertheless, the below image provides a view of our Lost & Found as of this past Friday afternoon. If you spot anything familiar, please know that we are happy to facilitate a joyful reunification between your child and their lost item of clothing. If the below image is too small/difficult to navigate, please know that our Lost & Found racks are rolled out to the front of our school each Friday. Please feel free to visit anytime (Friday or otherwise) to take a look.
Please note that we bag/donate articles of clothing that remain past our last day of school in June.
Thank you and congratulations for reading to the end of this update. We appreciate your time and partnership in serving our beloved eagles. Your children fill us with joy, and we are thankful that your family is part of our Monroe community.
Again, an early Happy Mother's Day to all of our amazing mothers, grandmothers, and beyond.
Win the Day, Eagles!
Tyler & Catarino
Principal & Assistant Principal
Monroe Elementary School
tream@everettsd.org - crodriguez@everettsd.org
Phone: 425-385-7300
Fax 425-385-7302
Missed an Update?
Below are links to previous editions of our MOE News:
- State Assessment Update: English Version - Spanish Version
- April 2023: English Version - Spanish Version
- March 2023: English Version - Spanish Version
- February 2023: English Version - Spanish Version
- January 2023: English Version - Spanish Version
- Previous Editions of MOE News 2021/2022 & 2022/2023 School Years