The Falcon Flyer
Weekly News and Updates - Volume 4 Issue - 8/25/2023
Volume 4, Issue 21 - 1/26/2024
"The greater the difficulty
the more glory in surmounting it.
Skillful pilots gain their reputation
from storms and tempests."
- Epictetus
Drying Off
This week also marked the halfway point for the year! With that, the focus of our bi-monthly VAPA lessons will be changing from performing arts to visual arts. This year students learned about choreography, keeping a steady beat, simple pantomimes, singing Do Re Mi, and movement patterns in a dance sequence. Starting February 6th, students will be receiving instruction in visual arts. This will involve sculpture, painting, drawing, and more.
Today was full of good news. Our 3rd Grade students and their SDUSD School Police "True Blue Buddies" participated in a bicycle safety demonstration. Better yet, they each got to take home their very own bicycle! Also, we are overjoyed to announce the birth of baby Finn Quaal. Born on Thursday, January 25th at 12:46PM weighing in at 8 pounds, 14 ounces and 23 inches tall. Mr. and Mrs. Quaal and their new baby boy are doing wonderfully, happy and healthy.
Our PTA also met today to start planning out the Valentine's Day Family Dance scheduled for Friday, February 9th from 6-8PM. If you're still interested in volunteering and couldn't make today's meeting, please contact PTA President, Jen Boucek at:
Kids Heart Challenge is coming soon! Students will learn how to have happy and healthy hearts and brains, while raising lifesaving donations to help others with special hearts. Plus, your family can learn the lifesaving skill of Hands-Only CPR in Finn’s Mission! Register TODAY at or by downloading the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android.
Drainage Update
The fifth wettest day in San Diego history (dating back to 1850) caused quite a mess in our lunch arbor. Thanks to the quick action of our Building Supervisor, Amber, and the Physical Plant Operations team from the district, we were able to prevent flooding in our cafeteria and auditorium. Unfortunately, the drainage pipes leading away from the lunch arbor became clogged with mud and debris from the storm. PPO crews were on site first thing in the morning on Tuesday to clear the clog with high pressure hoses. They were able to clear the drains and lines, but the hose got caught somewhere down the line and it was unable to be removed. Cue the excavator and dump trucks. The crew was able to dig up the pipe where the hose was caught, release it, and repair the line. Crisis averted, and just in time for next week's storm! Thank you custodial team and PPO team!
Falcon Lake
Removing the High Pressure Line
Digging Out the Line
THANK YOU SDUSD School Police True Blue Buddies!
Today our partners in SDUSD School Police visited Fletcher Elementary School for a bicycle safety demonstration alongside Barb and Ron from the San Diego Bike Coalition. The cul de sac was closed off for students to learn about coming to a complete stop at stop signs, hand turn signals, and the ABC's of bicycle maintenance - Air, Brakes, Chain. The best part is they all got to take home their very own bicycle and helmet!
Thank You SD Bicycle Coalition
Riding like a Champ!
Thank you SDUSD School Police
Illustrative Math Pilot Starting in Grades 4 and 5
During PLC's this week, Mrs. Grosse and Mr. León dug into a new math curriculum being piloted throughout SDUSD. It's called Illustrative Math (link). IM K–12 Math™ is fully aligned to the focus, rigor, and coherence of the standards, and has been given the stamp of approval by EdReports, earning perfect scores in the areas of Focus & Coherence and Rigor & Mathematical Practices. The scope and sequence of units, activities, and representations are designed to help students develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, build fluency with procedures, and solve mathematical problems that reflect their lived experiences.
Math vocabulary is developed through the process of actively exploring and learning mathematics. Students make sense of mathematical concepts using informal language before academic terms are introduced. Embedded within the curriculum are Mathematical Language Routines to support academic language development for all learners. These routines also provide opportunities for English Learners to engage in the specialized academic language demands of reading, writing, speaking, listening, conversing, and representing in math.
Materials are designed to affirm students as they build positive mathematical identities. Units and lessons begin by inviting students to use their prior mathematical knowledge, funds of knowledge, language, and culture to make sense of new mathematical concepts. Activities offer collaborative learning opportunities and instructional routines that center student thinking and encourage students to bring their whole selves to math class. Grades K–5 courses (and coming soon to 6–12 courses) include problem-solving contexts that positively reflect ethnically diverse cultures and support the implementation of culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy.
News Release: Grant Awarded for Military-Connected Schools
$2 Million Grant Awarded to San Diego Unified to Enhance Math Strategies at Military-Connected Schools
San Diego – The U.S. Dept. of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) has awarded San Diego Unified a $2 million grant to accelerate rollout and implementation of math strategies at five elementary schools and one middle school with a minimum of 10% military-connected students.
The goal of the Operation LEAAP (Learning Experiences Advancing Academic Progress) grant is to collaborate with San Diego Enhanced Mathematics in modernizing mathematics in grades 3-8. The approach is to expand and enhance problem-based classroom instruction and student-centered instructional strategies that incorporate hands-on experiences.
Among other things, the grant will create community partnerships, and provide tutoring for students as well as professional development opportunities for teachers at Crown Point Junior Academy, Fletcher Elementary, Hancock Elementary, Miller Elementary, Perry Elementary and Taft Middle School.
“San Diego Enhanced Mathematics is excited to support the Operation LEAAP grant by collaborating with selected school sites to modernize math instruction,” said Julie Garcia, San Diego Unified Senior Director STEM. “Through implementing a broad and challenging curriculum that includes engaging instructional strategies, we hope to promote hands-on learning experiences that help students find success and joy in their mathematics classrooms.”
San Diego Unified’s mathematics department and district leadership continuously seek innovative ways to build teacher capacity to elevate students’ mastery within mathematics. It is expected that 82 elementary school teachers and five middle school teachers from the identified campuses will benefit from grant-funded professional development, aligned with district goals, during the grant period.
Operation LEAAP will infuse research-based strategies that elevate student engagement in mathematics in high-needs schools with a population that includes at least 10% military-connected students to promote mastery of the subject matter, leading to matriculation into honors and advanced placement courses in high school and postsecondary readiness.
DoDEA’s Education Partnership and Resources Division strives to ensure all military-connected K-12 students have access to quality educational opportunities through engagement in partnerships with school districts and professional organizations. The division provides school personnel and stakeholders with evidence-based resources and supports to increase understanding and awareness related to the unique challenges faced by military-connected students and families. Learn more about the DoDEA grant at
Student of the Week
This week's Student of the Week is Marco in Ms. Yamashita's class. Marco is a ray of sunshine in the classroom. He brings with him positive energy. Beaming with pride, Marco takes his leadership role as supply manager seriously. He passes out materials, as needed and ensures they are placed back where they belong. Always smiling, Marco tries his best in everything he does. He gets along well with peers. At recess, you can find him playing soccer or bowling for pineapples. Laughter can be heard from afar.
Math and STEAM are Marco’s favorite subjects. He uses the Boxlight to demonstrate his understanding of number bonds. Marco is currently working on constructing a bowling arcade using a cardboard box and recycling materials. Spiderman is his favorite superhero.
Marco, thank you for being such an incredible Falcon and thanks for exemplifying what it means to be a leader at Fletcher Elementary School!
Leader In Me Learning at Home
Click the image to view the video.
VAPA Highlights
Learning About Shapes and Still Life
Dance Dance Dance
Theatre Posture and Gesture
Welcome to the World Baby Finn! 🥰
Finn Warren Quaal - Born January 25, 2024
Much love and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Quaal.
Weekly Forecast
Looking Ahead
31 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
2 - 100th Day of School
7 - Minimum Day - Team Meeting
9 - Valentine's Day Family Dance ~ 6-8PM
14 - Minimum Day - School Site Council & Instructional Leadership Team
16 - No School
19 - No School
21 - Minimum Day - Report Card Prep
26 - VAPA Day
28 - Minimum Day - Report Card Prep
1 - Minimum Day - End of Trimester 2
1 - Read Across America Day
5 - Minimum Day - Leader In Me Training
6 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
11-15 - Minimum Days - Spring Conferences
20 - Minimum Day - School Site Council & Instructional Leadership Team
Click the image above for the slide deck from October 20th's Family Friday Mathematics Presentation.
School Accountability Report Card
The School Accountability Report Card for Fletcher Elementary School is online via the above link or available as a hard copy in the front office.
Uniform Complaint Procedure - SDUSD
Fletcher Elementary School
Location: 7666 Bobolink Way, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619)605-4600
Twitter: @FletcherSDUSD