Week 10 Term 3
Tauranga Primary School
Feature Newsletter Sponsor:
Tumuaki Pānui | Principal's Newsletter
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ngā mihi nui, kia koutou katoa - Warm greetings to you all
Thank you for your support of Tauranga schools' Teacher Only Day on Monday. On this day, local Tauranga Moana schools attended the launch of a localised curriculum created through extensive collaboration between local kura, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngāti Pūkenga. It is called Te Tai Whanake ki Tauranga Moana. The curriculum has collated important information about local marae, the local pūrākau (stories /legends), tikanga, historical events, waiata (song) and haka. We were pleased to see that many items in Te Tai Whanake are already embedded into our TPS Curriculum and daily practices. Over the next term we will review this resource and make plans to weave in any components relevant into our school curriculum from 2024.
The next ballot for out of school zone enrolments is on Friday 13th October 2023, where places will be balloted and offered for Term 1 2024. If your child turns five in Term 1 2024, please contact our office and get the enrolment process underway, alternatively, you can enrol online via our school website.
In Term 4, we will commence planning for the 2024 school year. If your family will be moving and changing schools in 2024 please let us know ASAP; it is very helpful to know well in advance of any students who are leaving TPS.
Class Placement for 2024
Please note that one or two teachers may change class or year level due to normal staffing changes. While we ask parents to allow us to exercise our professional judgement in placing all children fairly, we do appreciate some input from families where specific needs should be considered. It is not possible for senior staff to meet with all parents and listen to individual requests. However, if there are extenuating or special circumstances that we may not be aware of, please put these requests in writing and ensure they are sent to me by the end of Week 2 Term 4, 20th October.
If there has been an issue in the past that we need to be reminded of, it is also worth sending an e-mail or talking to your child’s class teacher, as not all information is carried over from year to year.
Only requests made in writing will be considered
At TPS we have a Peaceful Playground strategy, the purpose of this strategy is to provide the conditions so that all students have a fun and safe break time. Our main issue is our small school site, where it is not possible for spread students out and it is a challenge to provide lots of different options and spaces for the large variety of interests and needs our students have. We do not have room for full sized football or rugby fields and therefore students are forced to squeeze games into limited spaces beside others who are also competing for space to play their games.
The peaceful playground strategy includes initiatives such as:
- Lunch Club, where some students have a quiet space to eat and play with an adult present who coaches social skills and sets them up for a successful lunchtime.
- Peer Mediators - senior students supporting junior students
- Sport Leaders - senior students running games
- Library - staffed by student librarians (when we don't have to use the library as a classroom)
- The availability of high quality play equipment. The obstacle course constructed this year is our latest addition to our strategy.
- Clubs that run off and on during the year - e.g. chess, art etc.
- Practices - e.g. choir, sport etc.
- Sport Coordinator led games (with Jo Taele)
- Parent volunteers who coach and assist with running gamess from time to time
- Lunchtime House challenges/tournaments e.g. tug of war, touch
- In summer terms - lunchtime swim options for middle and senior students
- Staff on duty - adults present to help support and manage any challenges, accidents or conflict.
This term we have added to our team and hired Anish (from Kelly Sports) to come into school three lunch times a week to organise and run high impact sports on the senior site. He has been excellent and certainly has provided a brilliant programme for our students to engage with, we plan to continue this programme into Term 4.
Nau mai haere mai to Shania Finau, Jayson, John, Jared and Janiella Junio and Blake Bell who started schooling at TPS recently. Great to have you and your whānau join our school community.
Have a lovely school holiday break. Term 4 starts back on the 9th October.
Ngā mihi maioha
Fiona Hawes
The TPS board of trustees annually conduct a survey to check on parent perceptions of our school and ask for feedback concerning any relevant school happenings, policies or procedures being reviewed at that time. The information gathered assists us with school planning for the coming year.
Feedback from school whanau is very important and highly valued by us.
This year the survey is very simple and should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.
Thank you to everyone who has already completed the survey.
So far we have 34% of our school families who have responded
Every completed survey earns your child's House 20 points
The school disco is on tonight.. We are looking forward to seeing the amazing costumes you come up with to fit into the "Glow it up" theme. Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to help out with this event.
Please note Year 3 students have the option of choosing which disco session they would like to attend.
The next FOTS meeting is scheduled for 17th October in the staffroom at 6:30pm where all are welcome.
Congratulations Mauao, Term 3 House comp winner
1st mauao 45805 points
2nd Huria
3rd Puriri
4th Takitimu
Senior Speeches
The Senior School worked hard at the start of this term to write and present speeches on a variety of different topics. Sixteen students from SH1 and SH2 were chosen to compete in the Senior School speech competition that occurred in week 6. All the students did a great job crafting their speeches and presented confidently.
Congratulations to the competition winners:
Andre Swager - Why we should go outside
Chenul Gunarathna - 2022 Fifa World Cup
Grace Bell-Booth - Why our futures shouldn't be AI
Oliver Preston - Can money buy you happiness?
Congratulations to Oliver Preston for being the overall Senior Speech Competition winner.
All four students went on to compete at the South Cluster Speech competition and should be incredibly proud of the hard work they put into their speeches.
Second Hand Uniform
Has your child out-grown their uniform? We would love to have your second-hand items at the office that we use for families in need or sell for a discounted price, with the income from these sales going towards our Tiaki fund which is used to assist members of our school community in times of need.
Our stock of these items is very low at the moment and we would appreciate any donations of uniform items you no longer need.
- 21st September - School disco. Years 1 and 2: 5:00 - 6:00pm. Years 3 -6: 6:30-7:30pm
- 22nd September - Last day of school Term 3. School finishes at the normal times.
- 9th October - First day for Term 4
- 11th October - Mihi Whakatau to welcome new families to TPS at 9:00am
- 13th October - Ballot for out of zone Term 1 2024 enrolments
- 17th October - FOTs meeting - 6:30pm school staffroom
- 20th October - Kapa Haka Festival - TPS performing @ Selwyn Ridge School 9:00am - 12:00pm
- 23rd October - Labour Day - school closed
- 24th October - Board of Trustees meeting - 7:00pm School Staffroom
- 31st October - TPS Senior Athletics @ Tauranga Domain 9:00am - 2:00pm
- 16th November - Year 2 Parent transition meeting - 9:00am - 10:00am school staffroom
- 21st November - FOTs meeting - 6:30pm School staffroom
- 28th November - Board of Trustees meeting - 7:00pm School Staffroom
- 29th November - Middle School Athletics
- 6th - 8th December - Year 6 Camp @ Totara Springs
- 7th - 8th December - Year 5 Camp @ TPS
- 11th December - Year 1 - 5 Awards Prizegiving @ Memorial Hall 10:00am
- 11th December - Year 6 Social Dance @ Memorial Hall 7:00pm - 9:00pm
- 12th December - Year 6 Leavers' Assembly @ Holy Trinty 9:30am
- 13th December - Festival on the Field @ 5:00pm
- 18th December - Final day for the term - school closes at 12:00pm
Enrolment for Term 1 2024 - ballot to be held Friday 13th October 2023
Enrolment packs can be collected from the office, or use our online enrolment form at www.tauranga.school.nz / enrol.
Any queries or to check your child's name is on our pre-enrolment list please contact our Enrolment Officer, Barbara Turley at: office@tauranga.school.nz
2024 Ballot Dates:
Enrolment for Term 2 2024 - ballot to be held Friday 9th February
Enrolment for Term 3 2024 - ballot to be held Friday 10th May
Enrolment for Term 4 2024 - ballot to be held Friday 2nd August
Enrolment packs can be collected from the office, or use our online enrolment form at www.tauranga.school.nz / enrol.
Any queries or to check your child's name is on our pre-enrolment list please contact our Enrolment Officer, Barbara Turley at: office@tauranga.school.nz
TPS Summer Sports - Out of School Sports Teams
Primary Tennis Tournament (Years 5 & 6)
- DATE Tuesday 17th October
- TIMES 9:00am – 2:30pm
- VENUE Gordon Spratt Reserve, Papamoa
Ki-O-Rahi Tournament (Years 5 & 6)
- DATE Thursday 26th October
- TIMES 9am – 2:30pm
TPS Senior Athletics Championships
- DATE Tuesday 31st October
- TIME 9:00am – 3:00pm
- VENUE Tauranga Domain
WBOP Primary Touch Tournament. (Years 3-6)
- DATE Wednesday 1st November
- TIME 9:00am – 2:30pm
- VENUE Gordon Spratt Reserve, Papamoa
South Cluster Athletics Championships (qualifiers only)
- DATE Wednesday 15th November
- TIME 9:00am – 2:30pm
- VENUE Gordon Spratt Reserve, Papamoa
Cricket World Cup (Years 5 & 6)
- DATE Friday 17th November
- TIME 9:00am – 2p:00m
- VENUE Bay Oval, Mt Maunganui
WBOP Athletics Championships (qualifiers only)
- DATE Wednesday 22nd November
- TIME 9:00am – 2:30pm
- VENUE Tauranga Domain
Girls Cricket Festival (Years 5&6)
- DATE Friday 1st December
- TIME 9:00am – 2:00pm
- VENUE Bay Oval, Mt Maunganui
Contact Jo Taele our Sport Coordinator if you have any questions: sport@tauranga.school.nz.
ALBION JUNIOR CRICKET caters for Years 1-6 and their registrations are now open for the 2023/2024 summer season. To register: www.albionjuniorcricket.nz
Kelly Sports: Tuesdays after school at 3:05pm on the TPS school field. This term the focus is athletics, cricket and handball. If you are interested in registering your child you can either contact Anish Desai via email on tauranga@kellysports.co.nz or check out their website www.kellysports.co.nz
Fun First Football: Wednesdays after school from 3:15pm to 4:15pm on the TPS school field. If you are interested in registering your child please email funfirstfootballtauranga@yahoo.com
Looking for tennis players
Any Year 5 & 6 students who are keen to play in a competitive tennis tournament early in T4, please email Jo T for further information: sport@tauranga.school.nz
WBOP Mountain Bike Championship
Congratulations to:
Beau G Year 5 Boy and Year 5 overall Champion
Andre S 3rd Year 5 Boy
who recently represented TPS at the WBOP Mountain Biking Championships at Summerhill MTB Track at Papamoa Hills.
Our TPS Girls Tackle Rugby Team girls with Black Ferns
Our Newsletter Sponsors
Please support these businesses that support us:
Community Notices
Edventure Young Explorers Camp - Aongatete
Edventure Young Explorers Camp Mon 2nd - Fri 6th Oct (2nd week of the holidays). 8-12 years old, $525, based at Aongatete Lodge, Near Katikati. Bus Pick-up from Hamilton or Tauranga. More info: https://www.edventure.co.nz/bop
We have an amazing week lined up with bush walks, archery, air rifle, rock climbing, fire building and cooking, hut building, tenting (optional), orienteering, team building and confidence activities, & night activities. Based at Aongatete Lodge- near Katikati.
Check out the NEW: Edventure Tauranga Facebook Page;
or e-mail: todd@edventure.co.nz for more information.
Whai Juniors Basketball Holiday Camps:
The Whai Camps are designed for beginner and intermediate players who want to learn new skills, engage in friendly games, and have a blast! They are open to boys and girls aged 9-12, and no prior playing experience is required.
Camp 1: Monday 25th, Tuesday 26th AND Wednesday 27th* September
Camp 2: Thursday 28th AND Friday 29th September
Camp 3: Monday 2nd, Tuesday 3rd AND Wednesday 4th* October
Venue: Aquinas Action Centre
Address: 183 Pyes Pa Road, Pyes Pa, Tauranga 3173
*Wednesday the 27th September and the 4th of October will be held at the Merivale Action Centre (25 Kesteven Avenue, Parkvale, Merivale 3112)
Time: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Price: $149 (3 days), $99 (2 days), $60.00 per day
Hibiscus Swimm School offer both After School and Holiday Programmes operating from Tay Street Beach. For more information contact Matty and the team: email: info@surfschool.co.nz
website: surfschool.co.nz or phone: 027-279-9687
Fiona Hawes
Deputy Principal
Cathy Ediker
Assistant Principal
Robyn Caley
Junior Team Leader
Pam Wilkins
Middle Team Leader
Jason Morgan
Senior Team Leader
Jo Howard
International Student enquiries
Cathy Ediker
Business Manager
Susan O'Neill
Enrolment Officer
Barbara Turley