Hornet Herald
September 17, 2023
Hello Hornet Families!!!
What a weekend. I hope you all got to witness the recent rare event that took place in Austin Saturday. I was able to experience it firsthand and believe me when I tell you, it was special. IT RAINED!!! My wife and I were outside playing in the rain similar to kids who see snow for the first time. Our neighbors even joined in on the fun. We tried to get our daughter outside to play with us, but much like any other teenager, to avoid having her parents embarrass her, she promptly walked back into the house, closing the door behind her. Reality quickly set in, and we remembered our goal was to clean out our garage, so we spent the rest of the weekend removing that off our to-do list.
This past week, we wrapped up MAP testing in both math and reading. Results will be shared with and sent home with students Friday, September 22. During next week's Professional Development day, teachers and administrators with analyze the data to determine what supports we can provide students and how to use this data to plan upcoming lessons. Students will take the MAP assessment two additional times, middle of the year and end of the year, to see how much academic growth they have made.
Also, this past week, we held our first "Hold" of the school year on Thursday. This was a brief, unplanned safety measure, to attend to the medical needs of one of our students. During a hold, classes go on as normal, but we clear the hallways and students remain in class to ensure the privacy of the student or staff member requiring medical attention. The hold had little impact on the school day, and I am happy to report the student is doing much better.
This week at the Hornet's Nest our football, volleyball and cross-country teams are back in action. If you are looking for something to do, consider coming out to support our student-athletes. We will also have our first CAC meeting Thursday evening and join other middle schools for AISD's Roadshow, where we will share information about our schools to elementary students throughout the district.
I hope you all have a safe and productive week.
Mr. Estes
Campus Information
Upcoming Dates
- September 20 - Football vs. Parades
- September 21 - Volleyball vs. Lively
- September 21 - CAC Meeting
- September 22 - McNeil HOKA Invitational
- September 25 - NO SCHOOL
- September 26-29 - Homecoming Week
- September 26 - Football vs. Lively
- September 28 - Volleyball vs O'Henry
- September 30 - ORANGE Day
- October 2 - Football vs. Lamar
- October 3 - Band Concert @ Huston-Tillotson
- October 9 - NO SCHOOL
From Ms. S. Jones & Ms. Tasneem: Sophiah Cadena‑Martinez exemplifies the value of loyalty every time she walks into the classroom. She consistently supports students around her, ensuring she not only completes her assignments, but her fellow group members complete the assignment as well. She is loyal to both her learning and the learning of others. Thank you, Sophiah!
From Ms. S. Jones: Antonia Rivera‑Pimiento has demonstrated kindness and respect on a daily basis in U.S. History! Whether she is providing respectful and persuasive comments during discussions or welcoming all students with kindness, Antonia embodies Kealing values to the fullest!
From Ms. Randolph: Baylor Huh deserves a shout-out for his dedication, respect, and drive in the Social Studies classroom. He is always kind and polite to others around him and excels at keeping his peers on-task!
From Ms. Bazan: Arden Smallwood has been an exceptional TA to her 6th grade class. She is consistently helping them with BLEND questions and participating in leading group activities.
From Ms. Devall: Owell Hernandez Palma has demonstrated respect by having excellent listening and performing skills in band during the first three weeks of school.
From Ms. Russo: Amazing (Mazie) Smith works incredibly hard in class and has a great attitude. She is a joy to have in class and is always a bright light in my room.
From Ms. Russo: NaRyah Nunn is killing it in Reading! She works hard, gets her work done and has such a positive outlook this year! So proud of her and honored to be her teacher.
From Ms. Ingram: Ibrahim Haqi Ismael shows respect, kindness, and loyalty every day in my TX History class. He is on time, participates, and collaborates with classmates.
From Ms. Krumrey: Ellis Reddam is the perfect combination of intellectual engagement and compassionate concern for others. He’s always ready with a thoughtful response in class discussions, and he shows ongoing kindness and care toward his classmates.
CONGRATULATIONS to this week's Stinger Salute recipients!!!
Please sign up HERE to volunteer on September 30th. We will start at 9:00am and work until it's done! Students and parents are welcome. If you have a ladder, please bring it. All other supplies will be provided.
Hispanic Heritage Month runs from September 15 - October 15. We observe National Hispanic Heritage month by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.
AISD will conduct a monthlong profile series spotlighting Hispanic heroes and path breakers who have influenced Austin ISD in some way. Here is this week's spotlight.
More information on Kealing's celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month will come through Advisory for students and share in next week's Hornet Herald.
Established in 2013 as a Canadian observance, Orange Shirt Day was started by Phyllis (Jack) Webstad, who left her home on the Dog Creek reserve in Canada in 1973 to attend boarding school. When she got to school, she was stripped and her clothing, including her favorite orange shirt given to her by her grandmother, was taken away.
September 30 is National Day of Remembrance for U.S. Indian Boarding Schools. In 2023, September 30 falls on a Saturday. AISD will observe Orange Shirt Day on Friday, September 29, 2023. On Orange Shirt Day, AISD recognizes the damage the residential school system did to Indigenous children, lifeways, and cultures.
Does your child continually ask questions, head stuck in a book, take things apart then possibly put them back together? Then your child should go through the GT nomination process.
GT Nomination window is from September 18-October 6
Students, parents, administrators, and staff can nominate students
A committee will be put together and they will go through a specific process to determine eligibility
Reason for identifying GT students is to make sure students are provided with the opportunity to experience high achieving academic courses
Please complete the form below if you would like to nominate your student to be screened for the GT process.
For more information on Advanced Academics please visit the link below or contact Ms. Williams, rolanda.williams@austinisd.org:
We need your help Hornet Families.
- Remind your student of the cell phone policy.
- If need to get in touch with your student, contact the Main Office at 512-414-3214 and we will get the message to them.
We thank you in advance for helping your student stay focused and engaged in their classrooms.
It was an amazing week for Hornet Volleyball teams as they sweep Lamar in all four games. The 7th grade teams were on the road and had two hard fought wins. The 8th grade teams took it down to the wire and prevailed against the Scotties in front of a great crowd on our home court.
This week we look forward to taking on Lively. Come out and support these hard-working student-athletes.
- Coach Brynie
We are all excited to cheer on our football players each week. Just a reminder to purchase football tickets in advance by going to GoFan.co. AISD no longer accepts at the gate.
In addition to the football game, we are also planning Spirit Days, Pep Rallys, etc. More information will be shared with students this week.
This coming Saturday, September 23rd, AISD will host their annual Showcase where all schools will be presented. Come out with your family and friends to see the Kealing area, cheer on our very own Pep Band who is scheduled to perform at 9:15am, or you can volunteer to share your testimony about Kealing. If you are a student or a staff member, please contact rolanda.williams@austinisd.org. If you are a parent, please contact Jacqueline Flesher at vpmagnet@kealingpta.org. See the details below.
As some of you may know, our school will be heading on an incredible journey to Spain & Portugal with parents and students in the summer of 2024! Our 12-day tour will allow students to connect more deeply with a foreign culture and history and will showcase a glimpse of so much of what these two unique countries have to offer. You’ll relax on the stunning beaches of southern Spain, marvel at Gaudi’s famous architecture in Barcelona, attend a traditional flamenco evening, and so much more! We hope you’ll join our info session on September 19th to learn more.
This trip will fill up quickly, so please join our informational meeting where we’ll discuss:
● Where and when we’re going
● What we’ll see and do
● Travel logistics
● How your child can earn academic credit
● Flexible payment options that keep the tour affordable
We’ll also share details about how to sign up (space is limited!) and answer any questions you might have.
Meeting Details & Registration (must register to attend meeting): https://bit.ly/3qOIrti
Last year’s free or reduced-price status will expire on September 26 and students will return to a full paid status unless their families either complete a meal application or they are approved for state funded meal benefits. We ask that you apply for benefits for this school year as soon as possible so there is not an interruption to your student's lunch status.
- Families may apply for state funded benefits, such as SNAP, at www.yourtexasbenefits.com.
- Families may apply for district level meal benefits at www.SchoolCafe.com/AustinISD or by submitting a paper application.
Some of the ways the PTA has helped Kealing students, staff, and administration get the year started include:
- Partnered with Kealing administration to support New Student Orientation.
- Purchased “Thrive in the Hive” staff shirts.
- Hosted two Teacher Appreciation luncheons.
- Hosted Welcome Back Sunset Cruise for teachers.
- Partnered with administration to support Back to School Night.
- Kicked off the Secret Pals Program
- Purchased Spanish software subscriptions.
- Purchased classroom supplies for teachers.
- Purchased tools and novels for ELA classrooms
Your membership empowers us to continue these efforts. Join us today and help make a difference in your child's education.