Lakeview Lecture
September 2022 Edition
From the Principal...
Although summer was amazing, the Lakeview staff is excited to be returning to the swing of things! There are some important dates and notifications listed below to keep you in tune with the latest information. Additionally, the Lakeview office is open the next few weeks up to the start to the school year, so if you have questions, feel free to call or stop in.
Mr. Bretl
(262) 472-8401
Lakeview Calendar Items
August 31- Open House @ Lakeview (PTA cookout) 5-7pm
September 5- Labor Day
September 6- First day of school
September 13- Picture Day
Lakeview Registration Day
This is an optional event for families who need assistance with registration. If you are unable to attend the scheduled dates/times and would like assistance with registration/fee payment, please contact the main office 262-472-8400 to schedule a time to come in.
Instructions to register your child are below. If you need your login information, please contact the main office.
Lakeview Open House!
Location: Lakeview School
Please make sure to take the opportunity to visit Lakeview Elementary School on Wednesday evening to meet the teachers, drop off school supplies, and enjoy the cookout on the playground before you head home. Teachers will be in their classrooms until 6:30 and can be found out at the cookout until 7:00.
Lakeview School Supply Lists
New Faces to Lakeview!
1st Grade Teacher- Stephanie Patrick
2nd Grade Teacher- Megan Hanson
3rd Grade Teacher- Sarah Goff
Special Education Teacher gr K-1- Alice Jordan
Special Education Teacher gr 4-5- Kathy Gordon
Health Aide- Anchaly Swenson
School Counselor- Kayla Crane
Picture Day
School Day Information!
Student Arrival
Doors will open at 7:50 for students to enter the building.
Parent/Guardian Drop off:
- Drop off for all students will take place in the front loop (one way) drive and students will enter through the front door of the school.
- Staff will come out at 7:50 to begin the drop off process. Students should wait in the car until a staff member comes to get them and safely leads them into the school.
- Students who choose to eat school-provided breakfast, will first stop at the cafeteria for the "grab and go" style breakfast. Breakfasts will then be taken to their classroom where students will be given time to eat before the school day begins.
- There will be flexibility with the drop off timeline the first few weeks. After that, students arriving after 8:00 will need to check in at the office prior to going to class.
- Any parent/guardian drop off or pick up changes should be made by contacting the main office.
Bus Drop off:
- Students being dropped off by the bus will enter through the back doors by the playground.
- Students who choose to eat school-provided breakfast, will first stop at the cafeteria for the "grab and go" style breakfast. Breakfasts will then be taken to their classroom where students will be given time to eat before the school day begins.
Student Dismissal
School day ends at 2:55pm.
Parent/Guardian Pickup:
- Students being picked up by parent/guardian will be exiting the front door of the school.
- Parent/guardians arriving before the end of the school day should wait in their vehicles in the pickup line.
- At 2:50, a staff member will come out and radio into the school the names of students with parents that are waiting.
- Students will be dismissed and escorted to the parent/guardian vehicles.
Bus Pick Up:
- Students riding the bus will be escorted to the back doors at 2:55.
- Busses will depart Lakeview at 3:00.
- Daily changes in bus transportation should be made by contacting the main office.
- Any bus route transportation changes should be made by contacting Nelson's bus service.
Important numbers:
Nelson's bus service: (262) 473-4955
Attendance Hotline: (262) 472-8400
Lunch and Snack
- School lunch is no longer covered by federal funding.
- Student lunch/recesses times will be between 11:00-11:40.
- Students will be eating lunch in the cafeteria.
- Each morning, teachers will be taking a lunch count.
- Lunch Menu can be found on the district website.
- All classrooms will have a morning snack.
- Students should supply their own snacks from home.
- No community/classroom snacks will be shared.
Snack Milk
- Snack milk is optional for K-5 students ($32 per semester)
- 4K will still receive milk as part of the 4K program (no additional fee)
- Students are encouraged to bring their own water bottle from home.
J-hawk Swim Lessons
Parent Resources:
Mr. Bretl, Principal (262) 472-8401
Mrs. DePorter, Secretary (262) 472-8400
Mrs. Swenson, Health Aide (262) 472-8490
Mrs. Argueta, EL Teacher (262) 472-8439
Lakeview Elementary School
W8363 R & W Townline Rd.
Whitewater, WI 53190