The Mather Memo
October Mather Parent Newsletter
5-week Progress Reports - Mailed out this week (10/12/2020)
If you have questions about your student' grades, please contact their teacher or their counselor.
Contact a Mather Staff Member
Technical Difficulties
Are you have a password issue? Click on the link on the Mather website - matherhs.org and a staff member will respond shortly
October - Self-Care Challenge Month
Ask your student about it today and join in on taking care of yourself this fall!
Meal Kits will now include a 3rd meal!
Pick-up is at door 4 from the hours of 8:00 am - 1:00 pm.
What is HAPPENING at Mather!
Smiling fingers!
The SAT was a success!
Crotchet Club is happening!
Back to school forms - have you turned yours in yet?
Here is the link to the form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10uDMOhkIeUd_TRUG-VIy2RpSymUsxP1p/view?usp=sharing
ALL 9th-grade students MUST submit a Medical Physical Form: https://www.cps.edu/globalassets/cps-pages/services-and-supports/health-and-wellness/health-forms-for-medical-providers/childhealthexamcertification_english.pdf
11th and 12th graders MUST be up to date on all of their medical shots: Students need proff that they have received the 2nd Meningitis shot (meningococcal vaccine) Documentation can be provided by your doctor and submitted to the schoool.
All forms can be submitted to contactmather@cps.edu. Please include students name, ID#, and homeroom #.
Attendance - Does your student need to miss a day of school?
Even though this year will begin with remote learning, students must follow the virtual attendance expectations given by the district. Even under the circumstances, student attendance is very important and necessary for them to be successful.
Students must be signed on and participate in each classroom Google Meeting, on time, in order to get credit for attendance for that period. Teachers will then report student attendance as normal.
If students arrive at the Google Meeting late, they will be marked as tardy
If students do not participate in one or multiple of their daily Google Meets, their attendance will be marked as Absent/Half Day Absent for the school day. Parents will be notified.
The following are procedures for reporting your child's absence during remote learning. Emails or notes cannot be accepted to report your child’s absence.
Please call the attendance office at 773-534-2340. Know that only a parent or guardian can call in to report an absence. You can save this number in your phone for easy access.
Parents and Guardians must provide the following information:
The date of the absence
The student's full name
Your name, and your relationship to the student
Your call back number
Reason for the absence - below are the acceptable reason for student absence according to the CPS and State of Illinois guidelines
Student Illness
Observance of a religious holiday
Death in the immediate family
Family emergency with an explanation
Circumstances which cause for a reasonable concern for your child's safety
Other situation beyond the control of the student
Oscar Urbina - Attendance Coordinator
Credit Recovery
Credit recovery classes ensure high school students stay on track to receive their high school diploma if they have fewer credits than they should have at any given point in their high school career.
Credit recovery classes meet outside regular school hours to give students opportunities to retake a failed course. CPS offers flexible credit recovery options so students can choose the best fit for their needs and schedule.
To learn more about your credit recovery options, contact your school counselor.
Classes are offered at select schools and vary by school. Not every course is offered every session. Students who must make up a required course should look for opportunities to take the course as soon as possible so they can graduate on time.
Mrs. Adriana Johnson: All 9th-grade homerooms - 410 - 490 (aantunez1@cps.edu)
Ms. Paige Stenzel: Homerooms - 160, 161, 170, 211, 260, 261, 270, 310, 360, 361, 370 (pestenzel@cps.edu)
Mrs. Anna Rodriguez: Homerooms - 111, 150, 151, 210, 212, 250, 251, 290, 311, 312, 350, 351, 390 (amrodriguez43@cps.edu)
Mrs. Karen Rojek: Homerooms: 110, 112, 120, 121, 220, 221, 230, 231, 320, 321, 330, 331 (kjrojek@cps.edu)
Mrs. Sara Wong: Homerooms: 130, 131, 132, 133, 232, 280, 281, 282, 332, 380, 381, 382 (swinckler@cps.edu)
What is HAPPENING at Mather!
Cross Country is in FULL SWING!
MHS Girls Swim Team
K-Pop Club
Principal Appreciation Month! Thank you Mr. Peter Auffant!
Mather High School
Email: contactmather@cps.edu
Website: matherhs.org
Location: 5835 N. Lincoln Ave
Phone: 773534-2350
Facebook: facebook.com/matherhs
Twitter: @matherhs