Blue Devil Bulletin
May, 2023
Lodi High School
Email: jelinjo@lodischoolswi.org
Website: https://high.lodi.k12.wi.us/
Location: 1100 Sauk Street, Lodi, WI, USA
Phone: 608-592-3853
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LodiSchoolsWI/
Twitter: @LodiHighSchool
From the Principal
May, 2023
Hello, Lodi High School Families -
The Spring months here at Lodi High School can be extremely busy for students, staff and families. With sports, concerts, banquets and awards ceremonies filling our calendars, it's important to try and slow down, make the most of all of these activities, and be sure not to take them for granted. Having already attended some of these events during the month of April, I'm again reminded of how talented and inspiring our young people are. They continue to impress not only their parents, but our staff and community. I look forward to many more concerts, banquets, and sporting events as we wind down the 2022-23 school year.
Also, the district will be celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week from May 8 to May 12, so feel free to reach out to one or more of our teachers and remind them of your appreciation of the great things they do every day on behalf of our kids.
Be sure not to miss the following in this month's bulletin, as well as many other events and notables.
- Senior Snippets
- 2023 Prom - A success!!
- The Outstanding Impact Awards
- Fine Arts Night
Have a great May,
Joe Jelinek
AP Exam Schedule
Below is the AP exam schedule. Please check your email regularly for updates from Mrs. Kirkpatrick on exam information. Also, please notify Mrs. Kirkpatrick if you are not planning on attending your AP exam for any reason including athletic/extracurricular conflicts.
May 2nd @ 8am - AP Environmental Science Exam
May 2nd @ 12pm - AP Psychology Exam
May 3rd @ 8am - AP English Literature and Composition Exam
May 4th @ 8am - AP Human Geography Exam
May 5th @ 8am - AP US History Exam
May 8th @ 8am - AP Calculus AB/BC Exam
May 8th @ 12pm - AP Computer Science Principles Exam
May 9th @ 8am - AP English Language and Composition Exam
May 10th @ 12pm - AP Biology Exam
May 11th @ 8am - AP World History: Modern Exam
Fall Sports Meeting
Senior Snippets
Please see this section for links to valuable information pertaining to graduation and beyond!
Important Upcoming Senior Event Info
- May 7th - Senior Athletic Banquet
- May 11th - Final Spring Concert
- May 15th - FFA Banquet
- May 17th - Senior Honors Night
- May 19th - Senior Trip to Devil's Lake (May 22 - Rain date)
- May 26th - Graduation Walk, Practice and Picnic
- May 28th - Graduation!!!
Free virtual SAT and ACT practice tests
2023 - Outstanding Impact Awards
The Rotary Club recently sponsored the Outstanding Impact Awards ceremony which occurred on April 17, 2023 at the Dorf Haus in Roxbury. Congratulations to all the students and staff recognized at this event. As shared by Mr. Breunig to those in attendance that evening, the educators who were recognized that night represent all the educators within the district. We had 10 students out of the class of 2023 get to select an educator who had an outstanding impact on their life. As he reminded everyone that night, the other students in the class also have outstanding educators in their lives as well, they just didn't have the opportunity to share their story and the educator that impacted them at this ceremony. Even the students who were chosen, had a difficult time choosing only one educator who had an outstanding impact upon their life as a student.
This year's Summa Cum Laude students were Samatha Edge, Emma Glaser, Paul Lins, Andrew Smith and Rachel Winters. Other students that were able to honor one staff member were:
Fine Arts - Kait Meier
Career and Technical Education - Paige Sweatt
Athletics and Physical Education - Zane Licht
Overcame the Most Barriers - Kaden Trickle
Most Improved - Mason Young
High School Teachers and other staff members that were honored as Outstanding Impact Winners were: Cody Endres, Connor Anderson, Rachel Tippery, Kyle Mack, JP Fassbender, Donna Melchior, Erica Bardwell, Chris Paulson. Staff members from other schools that were honored were Sally Chapman and Chris McNeill.
Lodi High School would like to thank the Lodi Rotary Club for their sponsorship of this impactful annual tradition.
2023 - Junior Prom - A Night in Old Hollywood
- Anna Florin and Tyler Hellenbrand
- Quetzal Peterson and Blake Meier
- Anna Stratton and Skyler Rose
- Allison Gray and Jayce Kolinski
- Brooke Endres and Evan Clary
- Tommy Lund and Morgan Paulson
- Lauren Burros and Brady Puls
- Taysha Lowery and Anna Kittleson
- Kogen Baron and Gabby Guethlein (voted by their classmates as the 2023 Prom Royalty)
Junior class advisors, Ms. Tippery and Ms. Ashbeck, would like to thank all of the Junior class parents that helped with treats, decorations, and chaperoning the event as well as LHS teachers that were in attendance.
2023 - LHS Jobs Fair
Our goals for this event again this year were:
To foster a relationship between the high school and area businesses.
To provide an opportunity to share information about local job possibilities and connect businesses with potential employees.
To provide an experience for students to practice interpersonal and employability skills with potential employers.
2023 Fine Arts Night
Music Boosters - Sing and Swing
Students of the Month - March
The following students were selected as "student of the month" for March. Every month, staff from each department have the opportunity to nominate a student who has gone above and beyond in the past month. Award winners are presented with a certificate, enjoy some breakfast snacks, and receive a personal thank you note from the nominating teacher.
- Maya Houdek (PE)
- Alannah Moen (Music)
- Ava Ballweg (CTE)
- Raegan Zastrow (Art)
- Ava Stephens (Office)
- Ben Schultz (Spanish)
- Talan Tamura (Math)
- Maddie Hellenbrand (Social Studies)
- Megan Smith (Science)
- Morgan Paulson (English)
Forensics at State
The Forensics Team competed at the Wisconsin Interscholastic Speech & Dramatic Arts Association (WISDAA) State Speech Festival on Friday, April 21st. The team earned 3 Gold (perfect score), 4 Silver, and 2 Bronze medals. A special shout out to the Gold Medal winners, Natalie Haak, Jade Homewood, and Natalie Detert! The Blue Devil public speakers had a fantastic season! Coaches, Anne Lembcke and Renee Moldenhauer are very proud of everyone on the team.
FFA Update - April
April showers bring May flowers, especially here for the Lodi FFA! Students worked hard throughout the month of April to prepare for the annual Lodi FFA plant sale which takes place in the few weeks leading up to Mother’s day. Students were tasked with planting flowers, re-potting plugs, designing hanging baskets, watering, and fertilizing in order for the plants to thrive. FFA members also created advertisements and will work during the sale!
April also brought our largest chapter event, Ag Products Day/Day on the Farm on April 14th. This event took place on the Haag Dairy Farm (a huge thank you to them!) with over 50 high school students volunteering. Students worked to present stations about various agricultural entities, including many animals, floriculture, hydroponics, and different food products. Other students were tasked with guiding students through the stations and getting them to each place on time. This was no easy task, with over 200 elementary students in attendance.
FFA students also helped out with the FFA Alumni Auction, helping to serve food and move items, as well as helped with the Girl Scout day on the farm. Lodi FFA students are looking forward to May to host their annual FFA Banquet, where they will celebrate and wrap up this year’s activities and start next year’s officer team off on the right foot.
Sports & Entertainment Marketing Class
Camp Randall and Overture Visit
The Sports and Entertainment Marketing Students had a rare inside look at Camp Randall and the Overture Center on April 26th. Lodi’s Alumni Nate Jelinek who is the UW Football Communication Coordinator gave the students an indepth look and feel of what it takes to be a part of and to continually develop a successful UW Badger Brand and specifically the football program. The students were also given a walk through of Camp Randall and were allowed on the field. In addition, they visited the Overture Center and were given an indepth look at the enormous amount of staffing, events, and funding needed to run such a successful venue.
German Exchange - May 4 - May 22
Food Service
Happy Spring Students and Families!
This year sure went by fast! It is nice to see all the blooming flowers and plants! Our May Harvest of the Month fruit is blueberries, the herb is lavender, and the vegetable is ramps-spring onions. We will serve all of them at some point this month. We will also have our corporate chef, Josh Good here to do a special lunch for us on May 24th as a special before we say goodbye to our seniors. We will miss all of you! He will be making Chicken Tinga Tostados.
In April we featured: chicken cordon bleu sandwiches, chicken cordon bleu wraps, walking taco salads, turkey BLT wraps, and chicken Caesar salads and wraps. We appreciate everyone trying new things and we look forward to more specials next year.
We are still looking for students to be on the food council for next year. This is your opportunity to have a say on what we put on your menus. Please see kitchen staff for more information!
A few reminders:
Please do not put non-purchased items under your tray or in your pocket. Please keep all items visible so cashiers charge you accordingly. Additionally, please keep all purchased, opened items at your table and away from the kitchen area so we know what has already been paid for.
Silverware - In the last 2 weeks most of our forks have gone missing! It is expensive to keep replacing them and those replacement costs affect what we need to charge for items you purchase. Please be mindful and careful to not throw them in the trash. Silverware should be placed in the bin in dish area when you are done eating. If we continue to lose silverware, it will be necessary to go to plastic. Please help be a part of the solution!
Student lunch accounts need to have money in them in order for student’s to be able to make food service purchases throughout the school day. This includes ala carte items, and single milk purchases with home lunches. If the account is negative, student’s will not be allowed to make these purchases per school district policy, please see the food service account policy
Lastly, with the school year starting to wind down, please make sure all student lunch accounts maintain a positive balance. This allows for an easier transition into the 2023-2024 school year. Please feel free to reach out to Ariel Andrews at 608-592-3855 X1017 or by email andrear@lodischoolwi.org with any questions or concerns regarding your student’s lunch account.
Thank you, families for your continued support of the food service program.
Diane Lueck
Food Service Director
Did you order a 2023 yearbook yet? Check here: 2023 Sales List
IMPORTANT: To control costs, we do NOT purchase any extra copies for last-minute purchases! Do not wait until district picture day to buy your yearbook! Order today to guarantee your copy. Please note: The special options like icons or personalization are no longer available online.
To pay by cash or check, please print the Final Order Form and send your payment with the student’s name to the high school no later than FRIDAY, MAY 26th, 2023. If paying by check, please make it out to Lodi High School.
To pay by credit or debit card, please click on this link: Jostens Online Orders. When buying online, you will get the option of a payment plan (3 installments). The last day to order your yearbook online is MONDAY, MAY 29th, 2023.
Email Renee Potter at pottere@lodischoolswi.org
Nurse's Notes
Nurse’s Notes:
It is hard to believe that we are nearing the end of the school year and rolling into summer. Please review the information below so your student is ready for summer and the start of the next school year.
Medication Pick-Up:
Please remember to pick up all of your student's medication from the nurse’s office by the end of the school day on Tuesday, June 6th. Any leftover medication left at the school will be properly disposed of and cannot stay in the nurse's office over the summer. If your student has an emergent medication at school and will be attending summer school then we will make sure that will stay with the summer school program.
Summer Checklist for Medication and Immunizations:
If your child will be having their annual physical over the summer then there are a couple of things to keep in mind.
Medication: Any prescribed medication for school we will need your doctor to complete a medication form with their signature along with parent signature. Medication must be in the original container for the school to accept. Attached are forms that you can print off and take with you to your child’s appointment.
Immunizations: Ask your doctor to review your child’s immunizations. If immunizations are needed, get them caught up. If your child is being seen because they are sick, follow your physician recommendations. Please update the immunization form if your child has received any vaccines over the summer and turn it in to your child’s school office at the start of the school year.
Mental Health:
Vaping and Over-The-Counter Drug Information:
Janelle Sivam RN, BSN
School Nurse
Lodi High School 608-592-3853 Ext 4484
LES/OSC 608-592-3842 Ext 2103
A Note From LCAT
Please see the below flyer for an important community training opportunity.