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Jaguar Band Newsletter
Your Place for JHS Jaguar Band News
March 28, 2021
A Message from Mr. Lucita
Important Dates
Band Sponsorships - Please Share!
Rookie Corner
Spirit Wear: Online
Chrome Car Emblems
Band Booster Membership and Committees
Formulario de Membresia e Interés del Comité
Remind 101 for 2020 - 21
VIPS REQUIRED District Volunteer Program
Sync Your Calendar
Dear Jaguar Band Families,
Welcome to another week in the lives of the Johnson Jaguar Band! First a few celebrations from last week. We cannot believe that we have already held our first New Member Marching Camp of the 21 - 22 season, and it was a huge success! We had a great turnout from our rising 8th graders last week, and are looking forward to another great showing next week on the 6th of April! This past week we also saw all three of our concert bands attend their first-ever Pre-UIL Concert festival. The performances were amazing! And, the judges' comments and feedback were extremely complimentary and provided excellent information for future growth as we prepare for the upcoming UIL Concert and Sightreading Evaluation. We did have one unfortunate item that arose as a result of the Pre-UIL event. In an effort to sanitize the chairs after each group's performance, the sanitation spray used, unfortunately, had a negative reaction with several of our students' clothing and caused some discoloration on their seat area. It was an issue that apparently happened to multiple schools that participated last week, and I apologize to any of our students that may have had this happen. It was an unseen and unfortunate side-effect of the sanitization process they used. Lastly, we want to celebrate a great weekend performance by our amazing Winter Guards! More about that later in this letter!
This is another busy week, so let’s get started on the rundown! Tomorrow, Monday, April 29th, there is a surprise celebration for our Johnson HS Teachers and Staff! The Jaguar Band, Rosettes, Jag Cheer and our Jaguar Athletes will be out in full force supporting our teachers by waving, cheering, dancing, holding signs and making music for them. This will happen immediately after school tomorrow and will conclude at approximately 5:45. We would like everyone to be there wearing their Gold Marching Show Shirt from this year and have their music and flip folder ready immediately after school. Don’t forget to bring your Gold Shirt to school with you tomorrow!
Also, this week has already started with much success! Yesterday both of our Johnson Winter Guards competed in the TCGC festival in Georgetown. It was a great performance by both groups! Our JV Winter Guard placed 1st in their Division and our Varsity placed 2nd in their division! They both gave amazing performances and we are extremely proud of these hard-working students and their successes!
Next, coming up this week is UIL!!! This will be the first time in history that a Johnson Band has performed at UIL Concert & Sight-reading! We wish the two bands participating the best of luck!!! The Johnson Wind Symphony performs on Wednesday, and the Johnson Wind Ensemble performs on Thursday. We will wear the same concert black that we wore for Pre-UIL. Unfortunately, this year there are no audiences allowed inside the PAC; however, we will push out the results immediately once we know them! Let’s wish both of these ensembles the very best of luck!
As you can tell, our band program continues to grow and thrive as a result of our incredible band staff, our hard-working students and our dedicated and supportive parents! Let’s have another awesome week and it truly is “A Great Day To Be A Jaguar!”
Looking forward to a great week! Let’s Go Jags!
Mr. Lucita
Please help the Jaguar Band Organization successfully host the Texas Color Guard Circuit competition on Saturday, April 10th! Color Guards from across the state will be competing at Johnson High School. Sign up by clicking HERE and help us make a great impression!
*see Charms calendar for more dates. Sync calendar to your phone!
March 29, 2021
Winter Guard
Varsity & JV
5 - 8 p.m.
March 30, 2021
Wind Ensemble Rehearsal
5 - 7 p.m.
March 31, 2021
Marching Percussion Conditioning Camps
5 - 7 p.m.
April 1, 2021
Winter Guard
Varsity & JV
5 - 8 p.m.
March 31, 2021
UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest
Wind Symphony
April 1, 2021
UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest
Wind Ensemble
April 10, 2021
JHS Band and Guard hosting TCGC @ JHS
*set up Friday evening; competition all day Saturday
Band Sponsorships and opportunity to put Student names on trailer!
The Johnson Jaguar Band depends in large part on the fundraising efforts of the Band Boosters. Sponsorships are a very important part of fundraising. Our Sponsorship levels have been updated, and we have a lot of exciting options for businesses AND families! We ask that every family please share this brochure with anyone you know that has a business. We are eager to help promote businesses in our community that support the Jaguar Band! If you would like color copies of our Sponsorship Brochure, we are happy to provide them.
Melissa Frensley
Carmen Sifuentes
A new addition to our Sponsorship options is the Friends and Family Level. This level offers various options for businesses as well as an option for band families: For $200, you can have your child’s name and graduation year on our band trailer indefinitely with the option to simultaneously add sibling name for an additional $100.
Thank you for your support of the Johnson Jaguar Band!
Rookie Corner
8th Grade Spring Camps
8th grade and high school percussion camp continues.
8th grade camps for woodwinds and brass will be starting soon!
8th grade camps for the Jaguar Guard (JAGuard) will start in March!
*These camps are not mandatory but they will definitely give your student a strong start to the 2021 marching season! It's a great opportunity to meet 9-11th grade students and have fun!
The band directors and boosters primarily rely on Charms to communicate information. Make sure your information is up to date in Charms. Reminder that the Jaguar Band school code is: JohnsonJaguarBand
Check out our YouTube page!
Check out Jaguar Band and Guard videos!
If you have experience taking quality photos, will be attending games or other events, and are willing to take pictures for the band, please contact Greta Von Paumgarten at vpcommunications@johnsonbands.com.
Have fun!
Other Things You Want to Know!
- Check out the Johnson Band Spirit Gear! JB Band Merchandise is now in stock! Check out our online store for performance style caps, hoodies, long sleeve t-shirts and short-sleeved t-shirts. Both long and shirt sleeve t-shirts are available in a large JB logo and small JB logo style and have "Buda, TX" down the back.
- The show shirts (JOHNSON: This is Us!) Some sizes are still available! Get yours while supplies last!
- Johnson: This is Us! Christmas Ornament Thought you missed out on purchasing your Jaguar Band memory ornament? They are still available for purchase on our online store! Get yours while you can! Deliveries will be scheduled at a later date.
Spirit Wear: Sold Online!
How can you help?
¿Cómo puedes ayudar?
Update your CHARMS information to include BIRTHDAYS!
Log in at: https://www.charmsoffice.com/ the school code is: JohnsonJaguarBand
After logging in, click RETURNING students. The password is your child’s Hays CISD Student ID#. It will ask you to create a new password at that point. Please feel free to use a password of your choice.
Include birth dates so we can celebrate student birthdays!!
Find helpful documents regarding Charms on our website: https://www.johnsonbands.com/documents
Visit our website to find the correct Remind 101 codes for you and your student.
Text that code to 81010, and you're ready to go!
Questions or feedback?
Contact Juliette Kroeger
Visit the Johnson Band Website (www.johnsonbands.com) and click on the Calendar tab at the top for instructions.
Email: president@johnsonbands.com
Website: https://www.johnsonbands.com/
Location: 4260 FM 967, Buda, TX, USA
Phone: 512.268.5172
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johnsonjaguarband/
Twitter: @JHS_JaguarBand