Principal's Weekly Newsletter
A Message from Dr. Nadjarian
It has been quite an eventful week as we celebrated Valentine's Day, our 100th day of school, and kicked off our first Student Council meeting, whose members took the lead in walking and donating to our Community Refrigerator Drive. Thank you for your generous food donation to Brookline's Community Refrigerator. We will be making weekly trips with our students throughout the Lenten Season.
As part of the Boston Catholic Schools Office procedure, all Principals undergo an evaluation after completing their first year. Thank you to those who took a moment to fill out the survey, and if you have not, please do so when you get the chance!
I hope you have a safe and restful February Vacation and we look forward to seeing our students return!
A Message from Nurse Catherine
I am happy to once again report that we had 0 Covid cases this week.
If you are looking for things to do around Boston check out this link.
For free or reduced-priced museum passes visit the Boston Public Library or the Public Library of Brookline websites for information.
Have a fun and safe winter break!
EDP Policy
Email the office at info@stmarys-brookline.org with your homeroom teacher and if it concerns EDP or clubs, our Director of EDP ntiney@stmarys-brookline.org (Ms. Nicole Tiney).
Looking Ahead
February 20th-24th:
No School- February Vacation
February 27th:
March Matching Challenge begins
March 1st:
Middle School Family Meeting (Field Trip Zoom)
March 8th:
- Parent Volunteer Council and Room Parent Meeting 8 am in Cafeteria and Zoom
March 10th:
Admissions Open House 9 am
March 13th:
Extra Band Day, Band students in K2-8 must bring their instruments
March 15th:
- Extra Band Day, Violins only in K2-8 must bring their instruments
March 16th:
Pizza Thursday or Home Lunch, no Brookline Lunches Served
March 17th:
No School - Pastor’s Day
A Message from Ms. Whitten, Drama Teacher
K2/1st: We began our acting unit by using the story “Tacky the Penguin” (Helen Lester) to teach us about characters, character traits, and embodied actions. We’ve been busy discussing, designing, acting, writing, and creating character traits to describe what character traits make characters, our friends, our teachers, and even ourselves unique!
2nd-4th: We began our acting unit by diving into the 5 W’s of acting: who, where, what, why, and when. When we include our five w’s in performing, our characters can best communicate the stories that we want to tell! To celebrate Valentine’s week, students used their knowledge of the 5 W’s to perform original (and delicious) scenes inspired by the lines found on conversation candy hearts!
5-8th: Upper school students have been working in groups to research, rehearse, and facilitate drama games. This project, which culminated this week for middle school, and will end with 5th grade at the end of the month, gives us a chance to flex our public speaking, leadership, and ensemble-building skills!
A Message from Ms. Smith, Music Teacher
K2 just completed their Spy Kids Unit in Music class. What? Spy Kids in Music? That's right! By learning musical vocabulary and building their musical gadget belt, they've been training to become conductors of the Grand Staff and save the world from losing music! Through exposure to classical music and disco lights, students have learned specialized music vocabulary. The work also has a focus on listening to the way we express ourselves through music contributing to music analysis in older grades. It may just be imagination play now, but it deepens their listening experience and eventually, they can pull those gadgets back out to make their own, creative, expressions. It's been fun to see them create their own games with the vocabulary as they reinforce what they've learned for themselves.
Here are some of our Conductors of the Grandstaff with their newly earned Music Batons!
Student Council
Boston Winter Walks
Boston Lyric Opera Comes to St. Mary's through Partnership with VOICES Boston
Visual Art with Ms. Malinowski
Thank you to Students in Band!
Girls Basketball Field Trip
Valentine's Day Lessons/Festivities
Miss Porcello's PreK class enjoyed a wonderful Valentine's Day Party with mini chocolate chip muffins, strawberries, and apple sauce!
Ms. Fragola's Grade 1 class made their very own Valentine's Day boxes, and love bugs for parent appreciation on Valentine's Day. They also participated in a math activity where students counted, sorted, and graphed candy conversation hearts.
Mrs. Palmer's Grade 5 class had snacks provided by classroom parents to celebrate Valentine's Day. They also played Valentine's Day Bingo and received prizes generously given by classroom parents. It was a joy to see the students giving notes and Valentines to each other!
100th Day Celebrations
Ms. Tiney and Ms. McAuliffe's Kindergarten classes had fun celebrating the 100th day of school! Students made crowns, and participated in 100-themed centers and exercises using mathematical strategies to count their way to 100. Some of the exercises included jumping jacks and windmill touching toes. They also surprised their students with 100 balloons and shared their 100th-day mystery bags with the class. They also ended the day with a 100 balloons celebration!
Ms. Fragola's Grade 1 class participated in a 100th Day STEM Center challenge in which students were tasked with building, counting, and sorting items that add up to 100. Some of the materials they used in this challenge were coins, Polydrons, unified cubes, and popsicle sticks.
Mrs. Palmer's Grade 5 class celebrated the 100th day by making their names from 100 mats and calculating each letter as a fraction and a decimal. They also drew themselves at 100 years old in caricature form.
Carnival Breakfast for Lunch
Grade 4 Number Corner
Grade 5 Fishbowl Debate
Grade 6 Earth Science
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