Message from the Principal
Greetings Ram Nation,
I hope that your family is looking forward to an exciting holiday season. Before we get to winter break, I want to encourage our students to finish the semester strong. They have just a couple of weeks to put forth their best effort to drive their grades in the right direction. In addition, our students will be taking their midterm TE 21 benchmark in math and English. The staff has worked diligently together with the students, to set goals for this assessment and are anxious to see how students have progressed over the quarter. Please encourage your student to give their best effort on these assessments.
We are very excited about the availability of the MyStop Versatrans App. More information is available in this newsletter. The app is a great way to stay connected to your student’s bus.
Thank you again for your support this year. I would like to personally wish each family a happy holiday season. As always, if you have any concerns, please contact the front office at (865) 425-9201.
Climb the Mountain,
Kirk W. Renegar Ed. D.
Principal-Robertsville Middle School
Daily Bulletins
- Chorus Holiday Concert
- Geography Bee Club will meet in Room 22 f rom 2:45 until 4:00pm
- International Diversity Club will meet in Room 2009 from 2:45 until 3:30pm
- Interact Club will meet in Room 209 at 2:45pm
- Music Makers Club will meet in Room 202 from 2:45 until 3:30pm
- TSA will meet in Room 127 from 3:00 until 5:00pm
Tuesday, December 11
- Chess Club will meet in the Library from 2:45 until 3:45pm
- Robotics Club will meet in Room 127 from 3:00 until 4:00pm
- YOKE Club will meet in the Cafeteria from 7:00 until 8:00pm
Wednesday, December 12
- Chess Coaching will take place in Room 123 from 7:00 until 7:30am
- Dugeons and Dragons Club will meet in Room 119 from 12:45 until 2:15pm
- SECME Club will meetin in Room 120 from 7:05 until 7:30am
- TSA will meet in Room 127 from 4:00 until 5:00pm
- RMS Basketball vs. Jacksboro (A); GJV 5:00, GV 6:00, BV 7:00
- Board Game Club will meet in Room 230 from 2:45 until 3:45pm
- Poetry Club will meet in Room 233 from 7:00 until 7:30am
- Robotics Club will meet in Room 127 from 3:00 until 4:00pm
- GIVE Club will meet in Room 224 from 7:05 until 7:30am
- Lighthouse Club will meet in Room 213 from 7:10 until 7:30am
News and Updates
Winter Break Reminder (2 more weeks of school)
High School Registration
Thursday, February 7th: 8th grade Parent Night at ORHS Auditorium & Food Court; 6:00 – 7:30pm
My Stop App Announcement / Anuncio de la Aplicación Electrónica My Stop
We are pleased to announce that you now have access to the Versatrans My Stop App. The My Stop App provides parents mobile access to bus information. This app displays the location of the user’s assigned school bus, as well as the estimated time of arrival to their stop. Students can plan for the late or on-time arrival, and prevent missed pick-ups or being left outside in inclement weather.
How to access Versatrans My Stop App:
Versatrans My Stop Application is available in the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. It is listed as “Versatrans My Stop” by Tyler Technologies, INC.
Versatrans My Stop can also be accessed on the web using the following URL:
Login Information:
Username: firstname.lastname
Password: birthdate MMDDYYYY
Login Example:
Student name is John Doe who was born on September 12th 2009
Username: john.doe
Password: 09132009
Note: For parents with multiple children, only one login is required. Any other students with the same family ID will be listed in the drop down menu in the application or website. Please contact the Transportation Department at 425-3191 if you have any questions or concerns regarding the My Stop App.
Nos complace anunciarle que ahora usted tiene acceso a la aplicación Versatrans de My Stop. Esta aplicación de My Stop les da la oportunidad a los padres de familia de tener acceso a la información de autobús a través de sus móviles. Esta aplicación le indica la locación del usuario en el autobús asignado, al igual que la hora estimada de llegada a la parada correspondiente. Los alumnos podrán planear de acuerdo a como la ruta del autobús este yendo ese día y asi no tener que perder el camión o esperar mucho tiempo afuera cuando el clima no esté bien.
Como Accesar a la aplicación a Versatrans My Stop:
La aplicación Versatrans My Stop se encuentra disponible en tienda digital de Google Play y la tienda digital de Aplicaciones de la Apple. Se encuentra enlistada como”Versatrans My Stop” por Tyler Technologies, INC.
De igual manera se puede accesar a este portal a través de la página web utilizando la siguiente dirección electrónica:
Información de Inicio:
Nombre de Usuario (username): primernombre.apellido
Contraseña (password): Fecha de Nacimiento MMDDYYYY
Ejemplo de Inicio de Sesión:
El nombre del alumno es John Doe quien nació en septiembre 12 de 2009
Usuario: john.doe
Contraseña: 09122009
Nota: Aquellos padres de familia que tengan más de un hijo, únicamente un inicio de sesión es necesario. Todos los otros alumnos bajo la misma familia serán enlistados en el menú en la aplicación o en la página web. Por favor contacte a 425-3191 si tiene alguna pregunta.
PTA Reflections
Do you like to dance and want to try choreographing your own number? How about producing a film, writing a poem or story, composing a song, taking a picture or creating a piece of visual art? Try your hand at any or all of these art forms with this year’s PTA Reflections theme: “Heroes Around Me.” Reflections is an arts program though which students can create artwork to reflect their interpretation of a theme. Robertsville has not participated in this program since 2014-2015, when one of our student’s entries won an Award of Excellence in photography at the state level and went to National PTA for judging there!
Pick up a PTA Reflections Entry Packet today from the front office, create your works of art, and return each with a completed entry form by December 21, 2018.
Morgan Joins RMS Staff by Rambler Reporter Lauren Upham
When a new teacher begins at Robertsville, it is important to get to know him or her. It is Anita Morgan’s first year here at our school, and we can already tell that she is an amazing teacher. She has been teaching here in Oak Ridge for 16 years! So, why hasn’t she been here at RMS all these years, you may ask? Well, she has been teaching over at Jefferson Middle School. Morgan is our new eighth grade inclusion teacher.
Morgan enjoys teaching here and says that her favorite thing about this school is the students. Overall, she has been in the education system for 27-28 years. She is very experienced in the teaching field, as you may have gathered. Her favorite subject to teach is history, stating that “It’s just something I like. It teaches how to engage civilly in a public forum, which is something we need nowadays.”
Different teachers have different teaching styles, and it is very relevant to understand how teachers feel about the level of strictness in the classroom. If you know how someone feels about it personally, you can learn a lot about them. When asked about some of the new school rules at RMS this year, Morgan responded, "I believe that you have to have a stricter environment, but you should manage kids, not control them. I think it is one thing to have fun with the kids, and one thing to have control over the kids, and they are not the same thing. If you manage the environment, you can also have fun with them,” stated Morgan.
So, what about her personal life? Ms. Morgan enjoys doing several things in her free time, including hiking and swimming. She also says that she does a lot of gardening. Her favorite sport is baseball, and her favorite team is the Chicago Cubs! She has two children, a son and a daughter.
It is a very interesting thing to learn about a new teacher. If you get the chance, talk to Ms. Morgan. She is such a sweet person, and it is certain that she would enjoy learning about you, too!
Chorus Concert
For 5th and 6th grade, the concert is Monday, December 10, at 7:00 in the RMS auditorium. Singers need to arrive by 6:30, and all students and guests will enter through the double doors in the front of the building next to the cafeteria.
The exact same info goes for the 7th & 8th grade Chorus Holiday Concert except it will be held on Tuesday, December 18, at 7:00.
E-cigarettes and Your Health
GIVE Club at Robertsville
Give Club / ORHS Baseball are doing a holiday party for Willowbrook kids. This will take place after school on Dec 13 at Willowbrook. Ms Davis and Ms Scott along with Give Club students have planned and organized this activity for the last 2 months. They are expecting 80 Willowbrook students . Coach Free and his team will be in attendance to lend a hand at the 8 different activities. There will be cookie decorating, Candy Cane relays, pin the tail on Frosty plus pictures and lights synchronized with music. Hopefully this is the beginning of a new tradition.
Online Yearbook Orders
The 2019 Ram Yearbook is for sale online at www.yearbookordercenter.com. The cost is $15, but the price will jump to $20 after January 20, 2019. Contact Ms. Kinder with yearbook questions: jkinder@ortn.edu
Student Newspaper
Did you know that Robertsville is the only Oak Ridge school with a student newspaper staff? Visit our online school newspaper at: www.orhsnews.com.
Thanks to the PTSA
Canvas Parent Accounts
About Robertsville
Robertsville Middle School Vision Statement:
To be a great school
Mission Statement:
Every child will be successful
Belief Statement:
- We believe all students can grow academically.
- We believe in a safe and secure learning environment.
- We believe that our school culture is built on respect.
- We believe in teacher collaboration in conjunction with community resources to provide students support.
Contact Information
Phone Numbers
Main Office: 865-425-9201
Counseling Center: 865-425-9202
Library & Computer Help Desk: 865-425-9153
Instructional Technology Coach: 865-425-9214
Cafeteria: 865-425-9235
Clinic: 865-425-9196
Fax Numbers
Main Office: 865-425-9247
Counseling Center: 865-425-9236
Website: www.ortn.edu/robertsville
Location: 245 Robertsville Road, Oak Ridge, TN, United States
Phone: 8654259201
Twitter: @RMSortn