Elementary Instructional Updates
Newsletter Issue 1 ~ January 2024/Vol.1
Message from Chief Academic Officer Dr. Frances Baez
Thank you!
Dr. Frances Baez, Chief Academic Officer
Division of Instruction
Contact Information
Website: https://www.lausd.org/instruction
Telephone: 213-241-4822
Follow us on social media!
- X- @LAUSD_Achieve
- Instagram- @instructionla
- FB- LASchools DOI
Inspirational Quote
"In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn."
- Phil Collins
Upcoming Dates
- February 9: DUE K-2 MOY DIBELS in grades K-2
- February 9: DUE i-Ready MOY Diagnostic in Reading in grades 3-5/6 and Math in grades K-5/6
- February 16: DUE i-Ready MOY Spanish Diagnostic in Reading and Math
Instructional Updates and Resources
Are your students prepared for the i-Ready MOY Diagnostic?
- The MOY expires 21 calendar days after a student starts the Diagnostic.
- Personalized Instruction is available upon completion of MOY Diagnostic and adjusted based on the new MOY performance level.
- For any school that assigned the MOY Diagnostic before winter break- if a student started and did not complete, the MOY Diagnostic expires after 21 calendar days and the MOY is automatically reassigned.
- The ASR will be assigned to all schools that will be administering the MOY ASR after winter break on January 8, 2024. The ASR expires 21 calendar days after a student is assigned the ASR.
A reminder that as students prepare to start the MOY Reading and Math Diagnostic, students will start the diagnostic based on their BOY performance level results. Please encourage students to do their BEST! The following are slides to prepare students for a successful i-Ready MOY Reading and Math administration:
- For support and professional learning, see the updated i-Ready PD Office Hours, Banked Time Sessions and Region led Learning Bursts- bit.ly/i-ReadyPD23-24
- Join Schoology Group- i-Ready Interim Assessment Resources Group: Access Code FMT8-XMS2-6M8M2
New Schoology Look!
We have some exciting news starting January 2, 2024. When you log in, you'll notice a new and fresh look with more
user-friendly icons and a layout that just makes sense. These changes will give you a new visual and enjoyable experience.
Don't worry; everything will still work the same way – we've just made it look better for you!
LAUSD Students and Employees Can Access Digital Books For Free!
- The LAUSD Learning Library on Sora is a collection of ebooks, audiobooks, comics, and magazines available for all LAUSD students and employees. There is content for all grade levels UTK – 12.
- Collections are curated for each grade level, hand-picked titles by teacher librarians, and a variety of formats to engage your students. The LAUSD Learning Library is a valuable resource for all readers.
- You can access Sora via the waffle in Schoology PLS_Job_Aid_Sora.docx or https://soraapp.com/library/lausd.
- Watch this video to understand how to use Sora! Click link for Spanish SORA Video
- Happy Reading!
Kindergarten Continuance (Including Kindergarten Retention)
Reference Guide 6756.1 provides guidance regarding kindergarten retention, the required completion of the Kindergarten Continuance Form (Attach. A-1), and how to access the school's retention warning report in the focus dashboard. Kindergarten students who have previously attended TK or ETK, are not eligible for retention. The date signed by the parent on the continuance form, must be before the first day of classes for the student. Please ensure necessary forms have been submitted according to the policy. For additional information, contact Elizabeth Bernal, Interim Administrator, Elementary Instruction at elizabeth.bernal@lausd.net.
Social Emotional Learning Resources and Links
Strong social emotional skills connect joy and wellness in the school community. Integrate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in all instructional areas. Join the SEL Schoology Group, access various resources and lessons to build SEL competencies in all students. Contact Debra Jelin, SEL Coordinator, dschneid@lausd.net, for more information. Use the link to access SEL Resources and Links available.
Expanding Teacher Access to the AMS
Starting January 8, 2024, we're expanding your access to the Assessment Management System (AMS). This upgrade empowers you to create and customize assessments tailored to your students. With elevated permissions, you can design assessments that align perfectly with your teaching goals. Visit our website on how to get started.
Discovery Education - January 2024 Newsletter
Happy New Year! In your Discovery Education Newsletter, find resources to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Lunar New Year, World Braille Day, and Wellness Day with Inner Explorer. Learn about the 3M Young Scientist Challenge, register for a virtual reality 3D virtual field trip with Edge at Hudson Yards.
Equitable School Performance Office and Data Champion Initiative (ESPO-DCI) January Newsletter
ESPO-DCI team would like to wish you a very prosperous and healthy New Year in 2024. As we move forward into the new year, we remain committed to our mission of providing comprehensive data-driven support to schools, ensuring that educators have the tools and resources necessary to help every learner reach their fullest potential. Visit our January Newsletter for additional information.
Tutoring Services and Resources
On-Demand Tutoring for All Students
High Dose Tutoring Transportation Request
Tutoring Designees may request transportation for students enrolled in high dose tutoring through MiSiS. Please allow 5-10 working days for students to be routed after transportation is requested. Click on this link for more information.
Home-Based Virtual Tutoring Now Available
Please share with your parents that Home-Based Virtual Tutoring is now available for eligible students. Tutoring is available for English Language Arts and/or mathematics. Visit the Tutoring Services website for more information. Parents can log-on to the Student Enrollment Portal, select Enrichment & Other Programs, to check eligibility and sign up eligible children for tutoring support at home. For more information, please visit the Tutoring Services website.
Paper.co Tutoring: Family Communication Resources
Professional Development
i-Ready Banked Time Tuesday Sessions
- Principals may elect to enroll their staff in the optional Banked Time offerings and include them in the school's professional development plan.
- Sessions will be hosted virtually via Zoom.
- These sessions are intended to be viewed as a whole group with the school designee logging in and projecting the Zoom session. For more information click on the flyer or contact Tyra Henderson, Elementary Director, at tbrookin@lausd.net.
Level Up Los Angeles Esports Competition with Minecraft Education
In partnership with Microsoft, LAUSD is launching a two-level esports competition with Minecraft Education.
- Level 1: Students Reinventing Los Angeles
- Level 2: Region Rumble Esports Tournament - open to all PK-12 students
- Students will identify a climate emergency and build an innovative solution for their community that can improve how people adjust to climate change.
ITI Leadership Exchange
The Instructional Technology Initiative Leadership Exchange is designed as a cohesive instructional technology cohort experience. This program empowers schools to assess their unique educational needs, paving the way for the integration of cutting-edge technologies that enrich student learning and involvement. By working together, participants will identify their school's current needs, create a roadmap for the integration of educational technologies, and cultivate a continuous cycle of improvement with instructional technology. Complete the Leadership Exchange Interest Form to participate.
AI 101 for Teachers
Discover the groundbreaking world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its transformative potential in education with code.org’s foundational online learning series for teachers and unleash the potential of AI in education! Join code.org for a free online series to demystify artificial intelligence, learn responsible integration, tackle bias, and revolutionize student learning outcomes.
ITI Professional Learning Opportunities
Calling all educators! Are you ready to level up your skills and embrace the future of education? The 2023-2024 ITI Professional Learning Catalog is now open for registration on MyPLN. Get ready to dive into cutting-edge topics like artificial intelligence, Cybersecurity Education, Digital Citizenship, ISTE Student Standards Suite, and computer science. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your teaching toolkit and empower your students!
University of Florida Literacy Institute Foundations
UFLI Foundations is an explicit and systematic supplemental program that provides students with the foundational skills necessary for proficient reading in all grade levels.
Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling
LETRS is an intensive professional development course that empowers teachers to understand the what, why, and how of literacy instruction, based on current scientific research on reading instruction.
Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling Follow-up
This professional development implementation series for LETRS graduates will bridge the gap between the science of reading and writing and its practical application in the classroom.
The Writing Rope Book Study
This 5-part book study is designed to support teachers in reflecting on the book's content and how to integrate it into their teaching. It will help educators understand how to teach students to write and use writing for learning across various academic subjects, providing them with the tools they need to design and deliver effective, explicit writing instruction. For more information, contact Fabiola Caicedo Garcia, Specialist, fcaicedo@lausd.net.
Core Knowledge Language Arts Menu of Supports
All schools implementing the CKLA curriculum are provided with ongoing professional development, on-site coaching, an Ambassador program, as well as digital resources and videos to support implementation of the curriculum.
Core Knowledge Language Arts PD
Educators newly implementing the CKLA curriculum are invited to attend a 2-day initial training, and educators in year 2 or 3 of implementation are invited to a full day follow-up professional development focused on planning and practice, as well as implementing the writing portion of the program.
Core Knowledge Language Arts Ambassador Sessions
Schools identify one teacher from grades K-2 and one teacher from grades 3-5 to serve as a CKLA Teacher Ambassador. CKLA Ambassadors will attend monthly, 90 minute professional development sessions to strengthen lesson delivery, unit planning and program implementation.
Illustrative Mathematics
Open to Illustrative Mathematics Educators
Teachers attending will explore the materials and structure of the Unit Planning Guides and develop a plan for upcoming units that focus on major work of the grade levels.
Teachers NEW to Illustrative Mathematics
New Teachers attending will focus on understanding the structure of a lesson and purpose of each unit to key mathematical ideas and connect the instructional structures and strategies that include the Mathematical Language Routine and Warm up Routines.
Administrators New to Illustrative Mathematics
Leaders engaging in these series of professional learning opportunities will reflect on their role in supporting teachers with the structure of problem based learning design, overview of unit assessments, instructional routines, and centers.
Eureka Math
Eureka Math: Module by Grade Level & Small Group Instruction
Teachers by grade levels will unpack a module to better understand the structure of how lessons support key mathematical concepts presented in the module. Understanding how Exit Tickets support differentiation and small group planning will also be covered in selected sessions.
Eureka Math: Teachers New to Eureka Math
New Teachers in these sessions will explore how modules are launched, how fluency supports number sense routines, and the coherence of concepts across the different modules.
Eureka Math: Administrators New to Eureka Math
Instructional leaders engaging in these series of professional learning opportunities will reflect on the leaders role in providing teacher feedback and the monitoring effective of math instruction using the Great Minds/Eureka curriculum.
Add+ Vantage Math
Add+ Vantage Math Recovery Course 1
Add+Vanage MR (AVMR) Course 1 supports educators engage with assessments in number words and numerals, structuring numbers and addition and subtraction strategies to recognize the student’s current level of numeracy understanding.
Add+ Vantage Math Recovery Course 2
Add+Vanage MR (AVMR) Course 2 supports educators with assessments on Place Value and Multiplication and Division strategies to recognize the student’s current level of understanding. *Prerequisite is completion of AVMR 1.
Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI)
Differentiated support is offered to schools participating in Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) depending on support model assigned based on years of CGI implementation.
In this professional development, participants will internalize their unit by engaging in a unit deep dive, and experience the instructional sequence of activities, lessons and chapters from a teacher and student perspective, while becoming more familiar with the texts, hands-on activities, and digital tools within the following units:
Participants will receive guidance from a Professional Learning Specialist in lesson planning and pacing, followed by an opportunity for independent planning. Registration is on MyPLN.
For more information, please see the Science PD Flyer.
CONTACT: If you have any questions please contact: lillian.valadez-rodela@lausd.net
Science 4th Grade Book Project
This professional development is supported by scientists and engineers with diverse backgrounds from the Aerospace Corporation. Participating Fourth grade teachers will receive a class set of “Everyday Energy” science readers to enhance science instruction.
Registration is on MyPLN. For more information, please see the Science PD Flyer. CONTACT: If you have any questions please contact: lillian.valadez-rodela@lausd.net
Elementary Science Full Option Science System (FOSS) Curriculum -
Earth Science Units Parts 1-4 Just in Time Series
- Participants in these virtual and in person sessions will join grade level colleagues to engage in “just in time” experiences to learn and plan for FOSS Earth Science teaching and to examine student work that results from the lessons.
FOSS New Teacher Symposium
- Elementary teachers are invited to attend a focused session on the FOSS Curriculum. We will be examining scope and sequence and organization of the materials for all the strands: Earth, Life and Physical Science.
Planning for CAST Using the FOSS Assessment System
- Participants will engage in deep learning about the FOSS assessment system and the alignment to the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS) and the California Science Test.
Registration is on MyPLN. For more information, please see the Science FOSS PD Flyer.
CONTACT: If you have any questions please contact: lillian.valadez-rodela@lausd.net
Grant and Competition Opportunities
California Grant Watch Website
The California Grant Watch website lists grants for public school teachers for the improvement of education, innovative teaching strategies, and professional development opportunities.
Grant Writing Modules
The Division of Instruction has three online modules focused on Grant Writing. Each module is between 8-15 minutes in length. Module 1: A Grant Writing Guide; Module 2: Grant Application Process; Module 3: Key Components of a Grant Proposal. To access the modules, go to MyPLN, under the learning dropdown menu, select Search LAUSD Catalog, and enter keyword Grants in the Global Search. Click on the module you wish to view.
Observances and Commemorative Events
Click on the links below for activities and resources.
New Year’s Day (January 1)
Human Trafficking Awareness Day (January 11) and Month
Proclamation on National Human Trafficking Month
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the National Day of Service (January 16)
Data Privacy Day (January 28)
Cyber Security and Information Center
Braille Literacy Month
National Blood Donor Month
National Mentoring Month