STEAM at Stribling FAQ
A Collection of Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions
How can I see pictures of what you're doing at school?
- Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/striblingelementary
- Twitter -- https://twitter.com/striblingstars
- Instagram -- @striblingstars
How does the traffic pattern work here?
We encourage everyone to use our main traffic pattern because it is staffed daily and also has Safety Patrol students in place to help keep things moving as smoothly an quickly as possible. For those families that choose to use the small front drive, please remember that students should exit the vehicle next to the curb and should not pass in front of any vehicles. If you need to leave your vehicle for any reason, please park in one of the visitor spaces available in the smaller front lot.
What other safety measures are in place?
We have many safety measures in place. Though this is not an exhaustive list;, but includes some of our latest developments.
- Burleson ISD has installed a video-based doorbell and lock to the exterior doors of the front entrance to all school buildings. The system will allow our receptionist to identify a person requesting access to the entryway between the main exterior doors and the interior front office door. We appreciate your patience, understanding, and proactive planning as it allows an extra layer of security for our school building.
- We use the Standard Response Protocol provided by the I Love You Guys Foundation in regards to school safety procedures.
- As a campus and district, we have begun collaboration with Tarrant County Crimestoppers and Friends for Life. Please review both websites for information regarding both programs. Know that your student can always reach out to teachers, administration, and front office personnel to report an incident, suspicious behavior, or a need for themselves or others; however, these two support programs are available and encouraged. Together, we can all overcome the three major problems faced by law enforcement: fear of reprisal, an attitude of apathy, and a reluctance to get involved and keep our campuses united and safe in the process.
What Special Dress options do students have here?
- Every Thursday is University Spirit Day. Students may choose to wear standardized dress bottoms with a spirit shirt supporting their favorite college or university (this does not include professional teams or teams on which students may be playing.)
- Every Friday is School Spirit Friday. Students may wear standardized dress bottoms with any of our STEAM Academy or Stribling spirit shirts; they may also wear socks that are NOT one of our standard colors OR crazy socks if they choose.
(Please Note - These and any other special dress days that take place throughout the year are completely optional; standardized dress is always an acceptable choice any day of the year!)
What does FREE DRESS mean?
Where is the 2018-2019 Burleson ISD Calendar?
Other Frequently Asked Questions
What time does school start, and when does it end? Doors open at 7:15; students are tardy if not in their classroom when the bell rings at 7:45. School ends each day at 3:00.
Where do students go when they arrive? Students may go to the cafeteria if they need to eat breakfast. Once they finish (or if they do not need to eat breakfast), then 1st-5th grade students will go to the gym, and Kindergarten students will go to the music room. If students arrive after the 7:35 bell, they may fall in line with their classmates and make their way directly to the classroom. Students arriving after 7:45 will need to go through the office for a tardy pass.
Will this be the same process for the first day of school? Actually, on the first two days of school families are permitted to walk their student(s) to the classroom. After that, students walk independently to their assigned location.
Will we be able to have lunch with our child? Absolutely! After the first two weeks of school, which is when we learn and practice cafeteria procedures, you are welcome to join your child for lunch. Please remember that, in the interest of safety and privacy for all children and families, only your personal child will be permitted to eat with you or eat any food you may bring.
How does the carpool line work, and where should I park? Please see the map of our traffic pattern provided. (A copy will also be posted on our website along with the following reminders):
So that everyone is as safe as possible, we ask all families to use the two-lane traffic pattern near the gym and cafeteria, because STEAM Academy at Stribling staff are available to assist students in this area each day during arrival and dismissal.
The driveway in the front of the building near the office is the School Bus drop-off/pick-up zone. Please do not park along the curb. It may look like bus traffic has ended, but if a bus arrives late, they must have access to the bus lanes.
The front of the building is not supervised for drop-off or pick-up. For the safety of our children, we ask that you use the supervised drop-off/pick-up lates. Students should never be dropped off in the parking lot to walk alone across the bus lanes.
Adherence to state and local traffic laws related to school zones (posted speed limits and no cell phone usage) is essential for student safety.
Are the Standardized Dress polo shirt colors red, white, and navy just like the other BISD campuses? Yes, plus our STEAM Academy at Stribling Stars may wear maroon or black as well. (These are the colors for polo-style shirts, socks, and sweater/jackets that the students may choose to wear in the building.)
What are some of the special events that take place throughout the school year? Family Nights – We plan to offer a variety of ways for families to be on campus and get a glimpse of some of the fun STEAM learning we are doing! Veteran’s Day – an important day when we honor family members that have served our country to protect freedom. Grandparents’ Day – a day designated on our calendar with special activities that give our students the chance to shower their grandparents with love and gratitude. We celebrate this in later than some other schools in order to have sufficient time to plan. Class Parties – at Christmas time and the end of the year. Career Day - Mrs. Coronado, our counselor, coordinates one day each year in which parents, family members, or other community members come to share with students how they use the things they learned in school at their current job. Open House – a wonderful showcase of what students have been learning and doing throughout the year. Campus Art Show – takes place the same night as Open House and provides families the chance to purchase a framed work of art their child designed. Book Fairs – take place once in the fall and once in the spring. Field Day – a day of various games and competitions coordinated by Coach Kimball. Kindergarten-3rd grade students participate on our campus. Our 4th-5th grade students will travel on a different day to BISD Stadium to compete against the other schools in the Kerr MS and Centennial HS feeder pattern. How can I become involved? Our amazing PTO is always in need of willing volunteers to get involved and help in a variety of ways throughout the year. Teachers may have opportunities for parents/family members to assist in different ways. Staff, such as our nurse or librarian, may also have needs for volunteers at various times throughout the year as well. Mrs. Coronado, our counselor, will also fill a daily schedule for our WatchDOGS (Dads Of Great Students) that are able to volunteer and serve across our campus. If you have an interest in supporting students through UIL events, Destination Imagination, or First LEGO League - please let a staff member know! How can I stay informed? We use a variety of communication methods to ensure that families can receive information in a way that works for you. These methods include: the campus website, email, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Classroom teachers may use other additional communication methods, such as Class Dojo, Remind, and Smore Newsletters..