Coyote Tales
Corron Mission Statement:
From the Principal:
Halloween is a day that reminds us as adults how important it is to let our students be children and experience traditions that we remember from our own childhood. It’s an opportunity for us as educators to support our students in engaging in social situations and monitoring emotions. Today will be filled with lots of smiles and joy - for both children and adults.
A staff member sent me this article earlier this week. I thought this would be the perfect time to share it with our families. While it is focused on teenagers, the information is definitely relevant to those of us who have or work with elementary aged children. Enjoy your time with your child today, and soak in the time they have to just be kids!
Mrs. Balaskovits
Upcoming Dates:
October 14 - November 22
Pick-A-Time Parent Conference online sign-up
(See direction attachment below)
Friday, Nov. 1
End of 1st Trimester
Sunday, Nov. 3
Daylight savings time ends - turn clocks back 1 hour
Thursday, Nov. 7
PTO Meeting in LRC at 7:00 pm
Monday, Nov. 11
School Board Meeting at St. Charles East High School at 7:00 pm
Wednesday, Nov. 13
School Improvement Day/Half Day - Students dismissed at 11:40 am
Report cards open up on HAC
Friday, Nov. 15
PTO Parent-Child Dance
6:00 - 9:00 pm
Friday, Nov. 22
PTO Donuts with Someone I am Thankful for
7:45 - 8:20 am
November 25 - 29
Monday, Nov. 25
Parent-Teacher Conferences from 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Tuesday, Nov. 26
Parent-Teacher Conferences from 8:00 am - noon
Veterans Day Celebration - On Monday, November 11th, starting at 2:00 pm
Corron Elementary School will host a Veterans Day assembly to celebrate those individuals who have given so much for the freedom we enjoy. Students will participate by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, speaking, singing patriotic songs they have learned in music, and honoring some of the veterans within our Corron community.
We need your help at home to prepare for this observance: 1. We would like to honor our Veteran family members who have served or are serving in the armed forces. We will be putting together a video slideshow of photos of our community veterans. We encourage you to email 1 digital picture of your Veteran(s) to our LRC assistant: . Please include what Branch of Service they were in, their rank {if possible}, and their relationship to our Corron student(s). Digital photos of Veterans are due by Monday, November 4th. If you submitted a picture last year, and would like us to use it again this year, please email Mrs. McVicar to let her know. 2. If your Corron Veteran is able to attend our assembly on November 11th at 2:00 am, please notify the office at 331-228-6900. We would like to send them an invitation and be prepared to recognize and honor them appropriately! Thank you for supporting us in showing appreciation for those who have given so much for our freedom. Please email your photos electronically.
Lost and Found
From the Nurse:
Keep your child home from school when:
* Your child has a temperature of 100 degrees F or more within the past 24 hours. Children should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school and not taking fever reducing medication to control symptoms.
* Your child has been diagnosed with a bacterial infection (Strep) your child MUST have 24 hours of antibiotics, fever free, and feeling well before returning to school.
* Your child has had vomiting or diarrhea during the past 24 hours.
* Your child has a persistent, moist, productive cough, chest congestion, or discolored nasal drainage.
* Your child has an unexplained rash, sore or pink eyes with a discharge.
Some students are returning to school too soon after being home ill. They should be kept home until they have been symptom free for 24 hours. This is important for your child's health and the health of his/her classmates. Please continue to remind your child of the importance of frequent hand washing, covering their coughs with their elbow, and proper use and disposal of tissues during this cold and flu season.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter concerning the health of our Corron students.
About us:
Location: 455 Thornwood Way, South Elgin, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-6900
Twitter: @CorronD303