Pickerington Elementary
September 9, 2022
Pickerington Elementary
Upcoming important dates:
September 13th: PTO Restaurant Night
September 19th - 30th: APEX Fundraiser
Pickerington Elementary: @PickeringtonES
Pickerington Elementary PTO: @PickElemPTO
PTO email 📨 pickelempto@gmail.com
Email: dave_zwiebel@plsd.us
Website: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/pickerington-elementary/
Location: 775 Long Road, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: 614-548-1400
Facebook: facebook.com/pickeringtones
Twitter: @pickeringtones
Message from Mr. Z and Mrs. Brown
PTO Restaurant Night
- Late Arrivals - Please do not drop students off in front of the building and send them to the door by themselves. If your student is late for any reason, you must accompany them into the building. Also, If they are late because of an appointment, you can add the late arrival into Pick up Patrol so the office is aware.
- Pick up Patrol - If you have not done so already, please sign up for our new dismissal program. Reach out to valerie_jackson@plsd.us if you have any questions.
- Emergency Cards - Please make sure you get your emergency cards filled out and turned in. These cards are beneficial to the office in case our internet is down and we have to contact parents.
🍔 Apply for Free/reduced meals at PLSD 🥦
Easy process online to help out during the year with the cost of meals for your students if you qualify
The Family and Community Day Festival
is set for Saturday, September 17, from 3:00pm to 6:00pm, at Pickerington
High School Central. Please fill out the Google Form below if you are interested in participating in the event...
Family and Community Day Festival
or just come and join in on the fun!
Our cultural celebration of Hispanic/Latinx Heritage month begins on September 15th. We will celebrate and acknowledge the contributions of Hispanic/Latinx persons in our country and around the world through October 15th!
Pickerington Elementary Staff "Shout Out"
Has a Pickerington Elementary staff member gone above the call of duty to ensure your child has had an amazing day, week, month or even a year? 😁 Please take a moment to let us know by completing the form below. Pickerington Elementary is very fortunate to have an outstanding staff that loves working with your children. We all need a little “pat on the back” from time to time. We will make certain that this commendation is delivered to the appropriate staff member and that they are properly recognized.
Registration is open for the 2022-2023 school year. At the time of registration, a $25/child registration fee will be charged to complete the registration.
Pickerington Before & After School Programming, 2022-2023 School Year
Registrar: Robin May
Phone: 614-425-8178
Email: garverregistrar@ymcacolumbus.org
Parents can register online here.
Panorama Survey
Panorama SEL Fall Survey English 2022
How Can You Help Your Students Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program?
- Donate items for the Stripes Store through our Amazon Wish List
- Donate a new copy of your family's favorite book for our Book Vending Machine!
Family Resources
H.O.P.E Food Bags
Violet Baptist Church offers a Weekend Food Program. This program was created to help those families in need of meals for their children over the weekend. This is offered to our students for FREE. Each student in the house is eligible. Please reach out to Kendra Stewart, School Counselor by phone at 614-548-1431 or email at kendra_stewart@plsd.us in order to sign up.
Ohio Adoption & Kinship Network
OhioKAN is a new statewide program designed to help kinship and adoptive families navigate and connect with all available resources. We work to help families build connections and find resources in their area by providing personalized and customized referral information. We are also able, in Region 7 (Fairfield, Franklin, Licking, Madison and Pickaway Counties), to assist with flexible funds and hard goods. The feedback from families served has been incredibly positive! There are no income eligibility requirements and we serve formal and informal kinship placements, as well as adoptive families. We are here to listen, link and empower families. https://ohiokan.jfs.ohio.gov.
Parenting Workshop
Remember, students are not allowed to transport medication to school in their book bag. If you want your student to have medication available at school, the correct paperwork must be completed and the medication must be brought to the school by a parent or guardian.
Medication must be brought in the original container and must not be expired.
Prescription medication (including inhalers) must be in the original container with the pharmacy label attached. The label must include the student’s name, provider’s name, name of the medication, dosage to be given and time to be administered.
Medication forms are available here: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/forms/ (under Health and Medical).
Emergency Medical Forms
Please make sure you have updated the forms for the 22/23 school year for each of your students in Infinite Campus.
Change of Clothing
If your student has needed to borrow clothing from the clinic, please wash and return the clothing as soon as possible.
Want to get involved with Pick Elem PTO?
PTO Officers
2022-2023 PTO Officers
Co-Presidents: Emily Haverfield and Camille Browning
Vice President: Kayla Hamlin
Secretary: Jennifer Mayberry
AR Treasurer: Lisa Winters
AP Treasurer: David Albanese
If you need to contact the PTO please feel free to contact us at pickelempto@gmail.com We are excited to be your representatives next year!
Save the Date
9/13 - Restaurant Night - Gioninos Pizzeria
9/19-9/30 - Apex Fundraiser
9/21 - PTO Meeting 7pm
10/19 - PTO Meeting 7pm
10/19 - Restaurant Night - Chipotle 5p-9p
10/26-11/4 - Bookfair
10/30 - Family Fun Day - Trunk or Treat 2p-5p
11/1-11/4 - Bookfair
11/16 - PTO Meeting 7p
YouTube ▶️
Available Resources for Parents
The link below contains FREE resources that are being made available to our PLSD parents through a grant between the Fairfield County Educational Service Center and the Cook Center for Human Connection. They are provided as a convenience for our parents and families.