Fuller Family Newsletter
Vol. 5, No 16 - November 26, 2023
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Respect, Responsibility, Resilience
Core Values
Every day at Fuller, our CORE Values, or guiding principles, drive our school wide culture. These core values are taught and then reinforced daily with every student. We expect all students to demonstrate Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience towards everyone and in every situation.
Important Dates
Dates to Remember in December
December 1 - Last Day of Trimester 1
December 4 - First Day of Trimester 2
December 7 - Half Day (Dismissal at 11:40), Family, Friends, and Neighbors Day
December 8 - Trimester 1 Grades available on Aspen X2
December 25-January 1 - Winter Break
~No PTO or School Council Meeting in December
Fuller Fun Run
A message from Lisa Columbo:
Gene, Phil, and I would like to thank all of you for your help and support for the Fun Run. It is always great to see our students outside of the classroom and having fun with their peers. It was great to see so many students motivating each other to keep pushing to the finish line. Thank you to those of you that ran alongside our students and cheered them on as they passed by. We thank the PTO as well for their donations and a special thanks to UniCare, our sponsor for the t-shirts. We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and you were able to continue the celebration with friends and family.
Thanks again
Gene, Phil, and Lisa
6th Grade Top Runners
7th Grade Top Runners
8th Grade Top Runners
Important Reminder - Student Drop Off and Pick Up
You may not:
- Park in McCarthy's Parking Lot
- Park in Mass Bay's Parking Lot
- Pick up your child on Flagg Drive
- Use the bus loop before 8:15 or after 2:15
Project 351 - Congratulations Lukas Erasquin
Lukas Erasquin has been selected as Fuller Middle School's Project 351 Ambassador. We are very proud to have Lukas represent our student body in this prestigious position.
The 351 Story
Inspired by a vision of unity
We believe that inside every young person is a brave, bold leader with dreams of a better world and the skill, passion, and creativity to achieve their vision. When called to serve, this generation responds with an urgency of now. Yet, too often, a young person’s desire to lead isn’t matched with requisite resources, mentors, and platforms.
This untapped potential is our most precious resource and an extraordinary force for good.
Project 351 is determined to meet the demand for high quality, enriching service opportunities that respect and reflect the unique gifts and world changing aspirations of young people. And, to joyfully mobilize that abundance of talent and goodness to uplift, unite, and transform communities.
Our story began in 2011, when former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick sought to celebrate his second inaugural with a focus on young people and community. The concept of Project 351, which had been developed by Carolyn Casey, reflected Governor Patrick’s belief in the Beloved Community and the unlimited potential of young people. His embrace led to the realization of Project 351 as a one-day celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., statewide unity, and youth leadership.
By day’s end, a movement of hope-in-action had been founded. And, with it, an invitation to serve and lead for eighth graders in each of Massachusetts' 351 cities and towns. From that day forward, Project 351 Ambassadors would unite the entire state as one team, one community in service to cause greater than self.
One year later, Governor Patrick convened the second Class of Ambassadors to celebrate Dr. King and kick-off a 12-month leadership journey. The mission of Project 351, as an independent, nonprofit youth leadership organization, had begun!
CarpooltoSchool, powered by GoTogether
In case you missed the District’s announcement (https://www.smore.com/xt9fj), CarpooltoSchool powered by Go Together is live! If you need help in getting your student(s) to and from school OR you have the ability to offer ride support to fellow FPS families, please read the details to get started.
If you have completed a CORI form within the last 3 years, you can complete this google form. We will share your basic information with CarpooltoSchool and they will send you a welcome email with instructions.
If you do NOT currently have an active CORI approval, please complete the process outlined on the Human Resources website. The Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) forms are available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. For approval inquiries, you can contact myhr@framingham.k12.ma.us. Once your CORI is approved, we will share your basic information with CarpooltoSchool and they will send you a welcome email with instructions.
Attention all Band and Orchestra Students!
Pit Orchestra sign ups have begun for this year’s musical, Frozen Jr.
The Pit Orchestra is a group of students that plays the music for the musical. As a pit orchestra member, you are never on stage during the musical, but in the background playing your instrument for the cast of the musical. If you love to play music and your instrument, sign up for Pit Orchestra outside the Band Room door (B120). If you have any questions, please see Mrs. J!
Rehearsals will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:30pm-4pm starting Monday, December 4th.
We Need Volunteers
Fuller's School Council Meeting - January 8 @6:00pm
Fuller's PTO Meeting - January 8 @7:00pm
We meet on the 2nd Monday each month
Ski Club
Fuller Ski Club Sign Up
The Fuller PTO is excited to announce the opening of Ski Club Registrations this Friday, Oct. 27. An information session will be held this Wednesday evening via Google Meet for those who would like details about the Club before registering. We will cover the basics and answer any questions you have.
Fuller Ski Club Info Meeting
Wednesday, October 25 · 7:00 – 8:00pm
Time zone: America/New_York
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/edo-mbdk-yys
Our expected dates for the 2024 Club Season are: January 5, 12, 19, 26, February 2, 9 (all Friday nights).
Our costs for the 2024 Club Season are:
Six week lift ticket – $179 (purchased prior to Dec. 1) or $209 (purchased after Dec. 1)
Six week ski or snowboard rental (optional)* – $109
Six week helmet rental (optional) – $27
Six weeks of one hour group lessons (required for all beginners) – $93
Six weeks of bus transportation (required)** – $175
Pass insurance--$39 (optional)
*You may also choose to rent skis/snowboards at local ski shops and bring your own helmet
**Bus transportation is paid directly to Fuller via our Square site, the rest of the payments are done directly through Wachusett via their school groups portal. Bus fee is non-refundable.
Use this link to Register for Ski Club 2024. Bus payment is required to reserve your spot in the club. Spaces 1-48 are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis; spaces 49-52 will be chosen by lottery.
Registration closes on Wednesday, November 22. Email fullerskiclub@gmail.com with any questions or concerns.
School Expectations - Please Review
Thank you to everyone who is reviewing our expectations with their children. When there is a consistent message at home and at school, students thrive!
Please do not drop your child off at school before 7:55am. Doors do not open until 7:55.
If you arrive at school after 8:15, please drop your child off by the main doors at the top of the bus loop. The bus loop is closed to cars from 7:30-8:15am.
2. ID Badges: All students will be given an ID badge attached to a safety lanyard; students must wear their badges at all times and use the lanyard that they are given. If a student's badge or lanyard breaks, they should go to the main office for a replacement.
3. The following items are not allowed during school hours at school without permission:
Cell phones, Airpods, and smart watches are not allowed during school hours. If students bring these items to school, they will need to be put away in lockers or backpacks before entering the school.
Electronic games or devices, laser pens or pointers, cameras, video cameras. (Taking pictures or videos of students and staff is not permitted in school or on buses.)
Pokemon cards or other trading cards
Skateboards/sneakers with built-in wheels.
Squirt guns, water guns, air guns, cap guns, etc. - anything that looks like a gun is not allowed in school.
Lighters, matches or lighting devices, alcohol, illegal drugs, counterfeit drugs, drug paraphernalia, tobacco (chewing or smoking, such as cigarettes and vaping devices).
Weapons, knives (including pocket or utility knives), fireworks, stink bombs.
Other devices that may create a disruption or potentially be a safety risk (i.e. shock delivering devices).
Afterschool Program Information and Sign Ups
Afterschool Programming at Fuller Middle School
If your child is interested in being a part of our amazing Afterschool Program, please sign up today - spaces are limited. (If there are more sign-ups than available seats for a particular club, a lottery will determine enrollment.)
After School Schedule:
2:45 pm - 3:15 pm: Snack
3:15 pm - 4:20 pm: Clubs
4:25 pm - 4:45 pm: Craft-Lab
4:45 pm - 5:00 pm Dismissal
START DAY = September 26
After-school clubs do not run for half days, early releases, or school closures. Behavior expectations and policies are the same as the school day.
Registration closes 10/5/2023
Confirmation will be sent out by 09/25/2023 with Club and Bus information.
Metrowest Boys and Girls Club
Framingham has a very active Boys and Girls Club with activities available to middle school students after school, on early release days, and in the evening. Please check out the links below for more information and to register your child.
Framingham Public Schools' Health Form
If you have not filled out a Health Form for the 2023-24 school year, please do so today. We need an
up-to-date Health Form for every student every year.
No Cell Phones in School
Additionally, it is prohibited for students to take pictures or videos of anyone (including themselves) in school.
- If a student has their cell phone out or have earbuds/AirPods in during the school day, we will hold the cell phone in the office until the end of the school day.
- If a student continues to struggle with following the cell phone policy, we will require a parent or guardian to pick up the cell phone from the school. The school will notify home.
If you need to reach your child, please call the main office at 508-620-4956.
If your child needs to reach you, they can come to the main office to call or text you.
*Unless a student is using a cell phone for medical reasons.
School Schedule
Students must not arrive to school before 7:55; school doors open at 7:55.
Breakfast is served from 7:55-8:10.
The school day ends at 2:25.
Bus Requests or Issues
If you need to report an issue or request with your child's bus assignment, please use the link below to access a Google Form that will be shared with the Transportation Office.
School Drop Off/Pick Up and Map
If you will be dropping off or picking up your child, please follow the traffic pattern. For the safety of all students, vehicles are not allowed in the circle in front of the school from 7:30 - 8:15 and 2:00 - 3:00. This is to allow the buses to safely drop off and pick up students. Students will be dropped off and picked up in the large parking lot nearest to the fields. Staff members will be present to assist students.
School Supplies
We have ordered school supplies for all students at Fuller Middle School. Families do not need to purchase school supplies for their children who attend Framingham Public Schools. Teachers will not send a supply list out to families.
7th and 8th grade students who previously attended any Framingham Public School must bring their fully charged Chromebook to school on the first day. Once a Chromebook is assigned to a student, the Chromebook is their responsibility throughout secondary school (grades 6-12). Students are expected to be responsible for their Chromebook, to bring their Chromebook to school fully charged every day, and to bring their Chromebook to the school office if their Chromebook is not working properly (we will have it fixed and give a loaner to the student while it is being repaired).
We have a very limited supply of loaner Chromebooks, so these are only given to students whose Chromebook is being repaired. Middle School students are expected to be responsible for their Chromebooks and to be ready to learn at school every day.
Contact Information
I have also included a link below with a list of faculty who may be able to help you with specific social emotional or academic needs.
Media Opt-Out Form
The Framingham Public School District uses images and/or videos (‘media’) of students and
student work to showcase educational activities and programs (including before and after school and vacation programs), as well as to inform the community of the Framingham Public Schools experience. Photographs, videos, and/or the name of your child may be included in publications (print or digital), news releases, and on District maintained websites or social media accounts.
If you DO NOT give Framingham Public Schools permission to use your child’s name,
image, or school work in any public display or presentation, please sign below and return
this form to your child’s school (office or classroom for BLOCKS students, homeroom
for elementary students, and the school office for middle and high school students).
Free Breakfast and Lunch
How to Get Involved - PTO, School Council, Volunteering
First Meeting - September 11th
Please Join Us
If you have any questions about the PTO or would to volunteer for the PTO, please reach out to Jonna Rubin at fullerpto@gmail.com.
If you would like to join our School Council or volunteer to help out at the school, please reach out directly to me at kwood@framingham.k12.ma.us. This year Fuller's School Counsel will be working on ways to enhance family engagement and two-way communication. I am looking for caregivers and students to join the School Council to help us with this work; your input and ideas are invaluable.
School Council Meetings: 6:00-7:00 PM
PTO Meetings: 7:00-8:00 PM
Monthly Meeting Dates (the 2nd Monday of the month):
10/16, 11/13, 1/8, 2/12, 3/11, 4/8, 5/13, 6/10
Fuller Middle School Principal
Email: kwood@framingham.k12.ma.us
Website: https://www.framingham.k12.ma.us/Domain/14
Location: 31 Flagg Drive, Framingham
Phone: 508-620-4965