Jaguar Messenger
Week of 12-4-23
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Quarter 2 Grading Reminders
The last day of quarter 2 is January 12. Any late work that is included in your child's final grade must be completed and submitted by Thursday, December 21. Help your child succeed by having him/her/their regularly check PowerSchool to see all grading information (assignments, assessments, projects, etc.). Any assignments marked with an orange exclamation point (and score of 50%) are considered missing and should be completed and submitted to your child's teacher(s). Please make sure your child notifies any teachers of missing work that has been submitted for credit. As always, contact your child's teachers directly with any specific questions.
Cold Weather Reminders
As we enter our cold weather months, it is a good time to revisit our AM arrival procedures:
The AM arrival time window runs from 8:10 to 8:30 a.m.
Students are not allowed on school grounds prior to the arrival time window, unless they are scheduled to meet with a Jackson staff member.
Students are to enter our doors through designated grade level entrances and report directly to their lockers and RAM classroom, unless they are reporting to the cafeteria to eat breakfast (cafeteria entrance door #5).
Pull as far forward in the plaza drive when dropping off your child. “As far forward” means to the end of the drive, when possible.
Have your child ready to exit the vehicle quickly during drop-off.
Encourage your child to dress for the weather! Although we do not anticipate children standing outside during arrival, dressing appropriately during cold weather months is always a good practice.
Gingerbread House Family Night
District 45 families are invited to join the Frida Community Organization for its Gingerbread House Spectacular on Tuesday, December 12, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Main Gym at Jefferson Middle School. Participants will enjoy a festive family night out and create their own edible gingerbread house to take home. Registration is not required to attend this free event.
Messages from the Jackson PTA
No Hassle Fundraising
Back again this year is our popular NO HASSLE FUNDRAISER! Just $20 per Jackson family helps us reach our annual goal! Any donation is appreciated! Click here and give today! OR Venmo The PTA @jacksonmiddleschoolpta (list NO HASSLE as the description). Your donations helps us fund things like: all grade dances, field trips, assemblies, teacher appreciation, student socials and 8th Grade Promotional Exercise. Follow us on our Facebook Page as we highlight some of the more exciting things we funded to make last year one of the best!
Click here to sign up and join the Jackson Middle School PTA. Stay involved and receive information about upcoming PTA events!
Next PTA Meeting
The next PTA meeting will take place on Thursday, December 14, at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will take place in the Jackson LRC. We hope to see you there!
Class of 2024 Information from Willowbrook
Jackson Daily Happenings
PowerSchool Parent Portal
PowerSchool is a proactive communication tool parents/guardians can use to stay informed about their child’s academic and work habits progress in school. Please click on this PowerSchool Parent/Guardian Quick Guide link for more information about how to navigate the PowerSchool portal. There is a mobile app version of the PowerSchool Portal for families. The interface of the mobile app is slightly different from the web version. If you experience any difficulties accessing PowerSchool, please email Mrs. Aparicio, the Jackson secretary who oversees PowerSchool. Her email address is
A friendly reminder that it is the responsibility of a parent/guardian to contact Jackson in the event his/her child will be absent from school. Please plan to report your child’s absence, prior to 9:00 a.m., by calling our attendance line at (630) 516-7368. Parents/guardians will leave a voicemail reporting their child’s absence. In the voicemail, please include the following information:
Child’s name and grade level
Date of absence
Reason for absence
Student absenteeism should be kept to the minimum; however, the School Board recognizes that some absences are unavoidable. The following are valid causes for a student's absence and will be considered “excused,” as specified in Section 26-2a of the Illinois School Code:
Observation of a religious holiday
Death in the immediate family
Family emergency
Other situations approved by the school principal