Children's Ministry Weekly Update
October 6, 2024
Fall Break has begun and we pray any of our families that are traveling have a safe trip. We will NOT have children's church on October 6 due to Fall Break but the nursery will be open and staffed for children under the age of 3.
Our Children's Church schedule for October will be as follows:
October 6 - No Children's Church/Nursery staffed
October 13 - Children's Church/Nursery Staffed
October 20 - Children's Church/Nursery Staffed
October 27 - Children's Church/Nursery Staffed
The sensory room is always available for families to use during service as needed. Please remember that a guardian must stay with any child that uses the sensory room.
Check out our Family Retreat Fun!
In preparation for Pack the Pulpit for Impact Church of Christ (more info soon), the 4th and 5th grade students have the opportunity to travel to Impact Church of Christ in Houston, Texas. Impact Church of Christ serves Houston's inner city by bringing the word of God to them through summer programs, weekly worhsip times and bible studies, providing a homeless ministry, food distribution to the needy, summer kids programming and so much more.
On a weekly basis the Impact team serves over 800 families weekly through their food pantry distribution. We will be joining in the distribution on Wednesday, October 23. This is a great opportunity for our kids and teens to understand the need in the surrounding communities and see where the food that is collected during Pack the Pulpit will be going.
Here are the details for Wednesday, October 23:
- 4th and 5th grade (4 spots remaining)
- Youth Group (3 spots remaining)
- Adults attending: Todd Morte, Carmen Bertrand, Isaac Bertrand, Jeff Fowler, Rachel Fowler, Travis Anderson
- Parents may join us as well
- We will travel by bus (driven by Todd Morte) to Impact Church of Christ.
- We will help in the food distribution from 5:30-6:45 pm
- We will travel back to KWCOC at approx 7:00 pm
Text Carmen Bertrand (832-527-7106) if you would like your child to attend. This is a first come, first serve event. Please be sure that your child can arrive at KWCOC by 4:45 pm to leave.
Save the Date: Any families are able to join us on November 23 to take our collected items from Pack the Pulpit to Impact. The KWCOC bus will be available. Parents please plan to attend with your children as we will receive a tour of the Impact distribution center.
Worship Activity Bags are NOW Available in BOTH Foyers
Worship Activity Bag Wall
👀 A Peek inside a bag 👀
What is a Worship activity bag?
Our church bags will be changing mid-September to "Worship activity bags". These bags and activities are reusable week to week which decreases the financial burden as well as the time necessary to create each bag each week. Inside the bags you will find, a bible, a variety of quiet fidget toys, a writing utensil as well as a notebook. Please leave all the supplies inside the bag when returned at the end of service. The purpose of these bags is to help your children listen and focus in on worship. We will also have an activity page and page for sermon notes located above the "Worship Activity Bags" area that your child(ren) may use along with a bag. Please take the activity pages home with you. Snacks will no longer be included in the Worship bags, please plan ahead if you feel like your child will need a snack during worship services. Also remember that we have children's church for ages 3 to 1st grade as well as the nursery staffed for any child under the age of 3.
KWCOC Childcare Protection Policy
1.) Volunteer Application (click here) - only completed once
2.) Complete the Child protection policy training and test (click here) completed once unless you get notice that it has been updated
3.) Complete a Background check (once your volunteer application is complete, you will receive an email for the background check) - this is to be completed every two years
Once again, this policy applies to everyone 15 and up that wishes to volunteer in the Children's ministry or the youth ministry (ie. VBS, teaching classes, CM/YM events, camps chaperones, taco Tuesday, providing childcare at KWCOC, etc.)
Contact Carmen with any questions or concerns.
Kingwood Church of Christ
Email: carmen@kwcoc.org
Website: www.kwcoc.org
Location: 2901 Woodland Hills Drive, Humble, TX, USA
Phone: 281-358-3865
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/KingwoodChurchofChrist