Books that bring Excitment to All
Howard E. Wasdin, Stephen Templin. I am A SEAL Team Six Warrior. St. Martins's Griffin, 2012. 192 pgs.
A boy, Howard Wasdin, was physically abused when he was growing up. His mother's job didn't pay enough for him and his three sisters. Then, along came Leo (moms boyfriend) who would beat Howard if he messed up or got an attitude. They had no real relationship. Howard was done working for Leo so he joined the Navy SEALS. SEAL meaning SEa, Air, and Land. He went to BUD/S which was Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL. He passed and became a Navy SEAL. After following orders and completing missions he was informed that there was a open spot in the Seal Team Six and they needed someone. So they chose him.
Veronica Roth. Divergent. Katherine Tegen Books, 2012. 487 pgs.
Beatrice Prior would make her own choice. Choose her own faction. The factions are Dauntless, Amity, Erudite, Abnegation, and Candor. She is in front of everybody especially her family. If she chose the wrong faction it could hurt her family.
Marie Lu. Legend. Los Angeles Times. 2011. 301 pgs.
Born in an elite family in one of the Republic's wealthiest districts fifteen year old June is a military prodigy. Born in The Republic's lake sector Fifteen year old day is the countries most wanted criminal. They have no reason to cross paths but all of that changes when June's brother is murdered.
James Dashner. The Maze Runner. Delacorte Press, 2009. 376 pgs.
A boy, Thomas, is in an elevator that is going up. He doesn't remember anything. His name, family, and age. He is surprised to see the elevator open and is even more surprised to see that in front of him are boys staring and looking at him. He is confused and scared and wants answers.
Pittacus Lore. I am Number Four. Harper Collins, 2010. 440 pgs.
A boy who has left his planet because is was being invaded by the Magadorians is now on earth and Is given special abilities that is making him wanted by those evil and cruel Magadorians. He is still learning how to control his abilities, but one day he will have to face them with his kind. He does not know his real name but he is the Fourth of the nine people who have the same abilities as him but to kill and destroy the Magadorians he must find Five, Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine.