8/14/23 Trail Notes
"If not me, then who?" TrailBlazers are Learners!
Absence Reporting Tool - see link below for instructions
PTSO offering Sponsor participation with Sponsorship Levels. Forms available at the front office or email the PTSO at the link below:
Sponsorship Levels
Sponsorship Form
Any questions please contact the QH PTSO and thank you for thinking of our students and staff!
Thank you so much to our new sponsors. The Quartz Hill Community is so appreciative of your generousity!!
Curriculum Night Info.: A short visit with grade levels to learn more about what your students are learning in the classroom! A Parent/Guardian event only. Thank You
Report to the Library Please
5:00 - 5:30 - KPrep (go directly to their classroom)
5:30 - 6:00 - Kinders
6:00 - 6:30 - First Grade
6:30 - 7:00 - Second Grade
7:00 - 7:30 - Third Grade
Wed. August 16th
5:30 - 6:00 - Fourth Grade with Gifted Info. from 6:00 - 6:30
6:00 - 6:30 - Fifth Grade with Gifted Info. from 6:30 - 7:00
6:30 - 7:00 - 6th Grade with Gifted Info. from 7:00 - 7:30
Calling all 4yr. olds !!! KPrep for 4 yrs. and up ... Sign up now!! Quartz Hill has a S.T.E.A.M. KPrep for 23-24. See the info. on this link!!! There is VIK care available before and after...
QH S.T.E.A.M. 4 yr. old, all day, KPrep Program - Let's get our 'littles' started on the TRAIL!! ❤️
PTSO Information - Love to have you involved and items for sale on their website including customized mugs, yearbook, spirit t-shirts, water bottle stickers, AR donations, etc. See link below.
PTSO PATHFINDERS for Dad/Father Figures
PTSO Needs You!! ❤️
Fall 2023 QH PTSO Schedule
August 28 - EEGEE's
Sept. 11 - 15 - Book Fair
Sept. 28 - BINGO Night
November 16 - PTSO General Meeting
November 22 - Harkins Movie Event
*Dates, times & events are subject to change
Our Courageous Brylee Freeman making 'hard work' happen hour after hour!! We love you Brylee...❤️
Our courageous 4th grader, Brylee Freeman is battling cancer and making 'hard work' happen hour after hour along with support from her family (CVHS Coach Freeman) and incredible community members…
So there you have it our Fighting Freeman’s, We mean it when we say Brave Like Brylee
We can’t thank you enough for all of the love and support you’ve shown in the beginning of our journey. Please continue to lift our baby girl up in prayer.
We love you all #thefightingfreemans #BravelikeBrylee
School Calendar 23-24. More dates to come--we are still planning events. Thank You! Bingo Night was moved to 9/28 :)
This is a work in progress due to the functionality of technology and the creator - Dr. Henry :(
I am working on an improved format--the entire year will be here soon 🤞
8 August
2- 1:55 Early Dismissal
8- 6:00 GPS Gov. Board Mtg. - Can Watch Online
9- 1:55 Early Dismissal - Teacher Professional Learning Communities
15- Curriculum Nights 15th & 16th - see info. in teacher's newsletters
16- 1:55 Early Dismissal - Teacher Professional Learning Communities
AND Curriculum Nights 15th & 16th - see info. in teacher's newsletters
21- 3:30 School Council Mtg. - Location TBD
22- 6:00 GPS Gov. Board Mtg. - Can Watch Online
23- 1:55 Early Dismissal - Teacher Professional Learning Communities
24- 6:00 PTSO General Mtg. in Library
25- GPS Behavioral Health Fair for the Community at Community Ed - Power & Guadalupe - See-GPS Website for Details
29- 5 - 8pm EEGEE's PTSO Fundraiser Night
30- 11:55 Very Early Dismissal - 1/2 day out - Teacher Professional Development
9 September
4- No School - Labor Day
6- 1:55 Early Dismissal - Teacher Professional Learning Communities
12- 6:00 GPS Gov. Board Mtg. - Can Watch Online
13- 1:55 Early Dismissal - Teacher Professional Learning Communities
20- 1:55 Early Dismissal - Teacher Professional Learning Communities
21- 11:55 Very Early Dismissal - 1/2 day out - Parent Teacher Conferences - Teachers will
set up appts.
22- 11:55 Very Early Dismissal - 1/2 day out - Parent Teacher Conferences - Teachers will
set up appts.
26- 6:00 GPS Gov. Board Mtg. - Can Watch Online
27- 1:55 Early Dismissal - Teacher Professional Learning Communities
28- 5:30 - 7:30 PTSO Bingo Night - So much fun for families - PTSO website for information
29- 11:55 Very Early Dismissal - 1/2 day out - Grading Day
School Dates, Drop Off and Pick Up Info and District Calendar - Link Below
The Infinite Campus Parent Portal should have teacher names on student schedules. Link to Infinite Campus Parent Portal:
(you can login or create your account)
Drop off:
- The South Parking lot Gates are not open until 7:45 am. The late bell rings at 8:10am.
- Cars drive into the parking lot and circle around letting kids out at the gate.
- The late bell rings at 8:10 am-- so if you are late, parents/guardians will have to park and sign students in at the front office.
-Pick Up:
- Pick Up is in the South Lot. Parents pull in the driveway closest to the front of the school and drive forward along the sidewalk and wait until the kiddos are dismissed. Teachers/Staff usher kids to the cars.
-Kinders may be picked up at *2:50 pm and Grades 1-6 at 2:55 pm (although we will keep kinders if you cannot be there at 2:50 pm)
*On Wednesdays, 1:50 pm and 1:55 pm
-You may also park in the South or North Parking Lot and walk over to the gates in the South Parking Lot and pick up your student.
-OR you may park in the Campo Verde High School parking lot and walk down to pick up your student.
- Please do not park across the street at Sky Ridge- Their employee parking only
*We have given out large signs, with your student(s)' last name on it.
Please place in any vehicle that may be used to pick up your student...saves a tremendous amount of time when staff is loading students into vehicles.
Even if you are not new to Quartz, we have new staff members. Thank you...
Bus Info. You will receive text alerts should a bus be 'off schedule'-late, etc. There is also an app that you can use to track your student on and off the bus. Here Comes the Bus App:
Wednesdays are usually early dismissal at 1:55 pm
District Calendar for 23-24:
Important Links for QH website, IC parent portal, school supplies, nutrition services, Bus Routes and Bus Tracking App, VIK Before and After School Info., and PTSO
Quartz Hill School Website:
*All of the following links can be accessed through the above QH website but for your convenience here are direct links that you might find helpful 😊:
Teachers and Schedules: After 7/18, go on to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal and access student schedules and teacher names. Parents can either login or create your account:
Infinite Campus Parent Portal: https://gilbertaz.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/parents/gilbert.jsp
School Supplies:
Nutrition Services - Information about meals, etc...
Direct link to LINQ Connect: New Food Services support. Place money on your online account or create account. Application for Free and Reduced options:
Bus Routes and Information and Here Comes the Bus App:
VIK -District Before and after school care:
District Nutrition Services Link Below and August Menu link in next section. Takes a second to open.
Social Media Communication for our school and PTSO
Instagram: @Quartzhillptso
PTSO Website
Follow the school on:
Instagram: principalhenry; Twitter @QHTrailblazers
Quartz Hill Elementary Facebook Page