Northern Burlington Back to School
Stay up to date with information from NBCRSD
Northern Burlington News
NB Website: www.nburlington.com
Welcome Back Students
September 5: We will welcome all students who are new to the school and / or district. This day will allow our 7th graders, 9th graders and any students who are new to the district an opportunity to receive an introduction to the school, their teachers and the building before we welcome the entire student body. The students will have an early dismissal but the staff will work a full day. Busses will be transporting students starting on Tuesday, September 5, 2023.
September 6: We will welcome the entire student body. This will be a full day for students and staff.
For your quick reference, below are the start and end times for the Middle and High Schools
Northern Burlington Regional High School
- Regular Day: 7:20 AM - 2:28 PM
- Early Dismissal: 7:20 AM - 11:55 PM
Northern Burlington Regional Middle School
- Regular Day: 7:30 AM - 2:38 PM
- Early Dismissal: 7:30 AM - 12:05 PM
Student Schedules and Transportation Information
If you have questions regarding a student's schedule, please reach out to their school counselor. Counselor information can be found in the Student/Parent portal and their contact information can be found on our website under Counseling Services.
For help accessing your PowerSchool account, please contact Debra McMullen at 609-298-3900 ext. 2089 or via e-mail dmcmullen@nburlington.com
For help regarding Transportation, please contact Jennifer Matey at 609-298-3900 ext. 2087 or via e-mail jmatey@nburlington.com
2023-2024 School Calendar
2023-2024 Lunch Applications
Please visit the Northern Burlington Free and Reduced Lunch website by clicking the link.
For additional help, please contact Jill Markley at 609-298-3900 ext. 2003 or via e-mail jmarkley@nburlington.com
School Breakfast Program
Additional information will be sent by the individual schools including times, where to purchase and what will be available.
New Website
If you haven't seen the update yet, check it out here!