Dolphin Family News
September 16, 2022

March 10, 2023
Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, March 15th- STEAM Field Trip coming to DVE for the day!
Friday, March 17th- No School. Grading Day.
Monday, March 27th- Friday, March 31st- Spirit Week! See below for details.
Tuesday, March 28th- Wednesday, March 29th- Early Release @ 11:40am. Spring Conferences.
Thursday, March 30th- 3rd/4th grade Music Concert @ Sumner HS PAC. Students arrive @ 6:45. Concert starts at 7:00pm.
Monday, April 3rd- Friday, April 7th- No school. Spring Break.
STEAM museum coming to Daffodil for the day!
Our PTA has provided another Field Trip opportunity for our students! Every student will have a chance to participate in the hands-on workshops that the Steam Museum will provide on Wednesday, March 15th! We are still looking for volunteers! If you are interested, please contact the front office @ 253-891-4600.
DVE SPIRIT WEEK- 3/27-3/31
Attendance Matters!
In an effort to ensure our students are safe on campus we are implementing a change that will require all students who are late to school to be walked in by a parent and signed in at the office. Once the bell rings and doors close @ 8:25am Tuesday-Friday and 10am on Mondays, there is no longer staff supervision outside so we want to ensure our tardy Dolphins make their way inside safely. Thank you for your partnership!
Reminder - Monday Late Start Bell Schedule:
Every Monday our DVE doors open at 9:45am and the tardy bell rings at 10am. If your student arrives after 10am, you need to come in to the office to sign them in.
***This is our regular Monday bell schedule. It is different than a 2-hour late start due to inclement weather (snow/ice), which would be a 10:10am start time.***
Are you going on a vacation?
Then please don't forget to fill out the pre-arranged absence form to ensure that your student's teacher and the building administrators are aware of and can plan for your child's time away from the classroom. If your student is missing 4 or more school days, this form is needed to potentially count the time away as excused. You can obtain this form by contacting the DVE office. Thank you for your ongoing partnership on behalf of our dolphins!