Capitol Hill Headliner
February 25 , 2022
For your Calendar
NOW through MARCH 18: Simpls fundraiser for PTO (https://www.simpls.com, use code CHPTO22. More info in the PTO section below)
MARCH 1: Middle School Band Concert
MARCH 4: No school, grading day for teachers
MARCH 4 & 5: HONK! Middle School Musical performances (scroll down for ticket info)
- March 4: 7pm
- March 5: 2pm & 7pm
MARCH 7: Tri-School Orchestra Concert at Central High School, 7pm
MARCH 8: PTO Meeting, 7-8pm (meet.google.com/hsz-obsc-tyr)
MARCH 9: Tri-School Band Concert at Central High School 7pm
MARCH 9 - 23: Capitol Hill Read-A-Thon! See below, more to come - stay tuned!
MARCH 15: Spring Picture Day
(my.lifetouch.com picture day ID: EVTSGSPJH)
MARCH 15, 24, & 25: Parent Teacher conferences (in person, see below for more information)
MARCH 25: No school, grades 1-5, parent-teacher conferences
MARCH 25: Digital Learning day, grades 6-8 (K-8 schools only)
MARCH 28: Track & Field starts for Middle School (required forms can be found below)
APRIL 4-8: No school, Spring Break!
APRIL 15: Digital Learning day, all grades
APRIL 21: Doing Good Together (scroll down for details, volunteers needed!)
Winter reminder for morning drop-off
- Drop students off on Concordia Ave Drop-off Zone only
- Drop and go to help traffic flow, no parking on Concordia!
- Pull forward all the way, don't block driveways or stairs
- Follow the directions of school arrival staff
- Do not pull ahead of or swoop in front of other cars - be patient and move with the line
- Avoid making a right turn on to Mackubin
- Do not drop students off on Mackubin - we do not have enough safety personnel there to assist, and this street will be VERY narrow with the big snow
- Do not park in the Lung Association lot across from the school on Mackubin
A note on parking during parent pick-up and after school activities
The pickup process is busy and crowded, we know!
Recently, we have heard from our residential and business neighbors along Makubin that driveways and alleys have been blocked in the afternoons, prohibiting entry/exit for their own properties. Please be mindful of this and do not park in or block driveways or alleys while you are here for afternoon pickup!
We want to be good neighbors :)
Additional pick-up reminders:
- No parking in MLK lot or the Lung Association lot
- All students need to wait inside until parent is outside and name is called
- All parents must come to one of the lines and let staff know who they are here to pick-up
- Be patient as we get students out as fast as we can
- If you're picking your child up from after school activities, do not park in handicap parking spaces unless that space is legitimately needed by someone riding in your vehicle. Please do not park across the handicap parking spaces, rendering them inaccessible. Please do not block the crosswalk to the school entrances.
Daily Health Screening
Families should conduct a health screening for COVID-19 symptoms every morning before sending their student to school or the bus stop.
DO NOT send your child to school if they are exhibiting any of these symptoms: chills, sore throat, headache, fatigue, nausea, muscle pain, vomiting or diarrhea, new runny nose or congestion, new or worsening cough, difficulty breathing, or loss of taste or smell.
Please report the absence to the attendance line at 651-325-2599 and submit a report to the COVID-19 Reporting System as soon as possible.
March 15, 24, & 25, Parent Teacher conferences, in person!
- March 15, 5pm - 8pm, all grades
- March 24, 5 - 8pm, all grades (note, this is a DATE CHANGE from March 17)
- March 25, 8am - 4pm, grades 1-5 only (Digital Learning Day for Middle School)
Mr. Porter's 3rd grade class performs with their handmade puppets and original poetry
Coming up! Tri-School Orchestra Concert
Capitol Hill orchestras will perform their pieces, hear performances by Ramsey and Central orchestras and then we have a big finale with all the orchestras performing together. Students and families get a preview of what an excellent high school orchestra can be with a full symphony orchestra, we get to see many Capitol Hill alumni, and it’s always inspiring to perform side-by-side with everyone together.
We will leave during 7th period in order to practice together. All families are encouraged to come hear this exciting concert.
Grab your books, claim your favorite reading spot, and be ready... the Capitol Hill Read-A-Thon is around the corner! Over the next few weeks, families will receive information about this key fundraiser through:
- the PTO Membership Toolkit,
- Capitol Hill Friends & Family (on Facebook)
- the Capitol Hill Headliner newsletter
- a comprehensive event package sent home with students (1st week of March), and
- a Read-A-Thon event kick-off during the March 8th PTO (online) meeting.
EVERY STUDENT and classroom are invited to participate, set reading goals, and invite sponsors through easy-to-use tools and instructions.
Look for more information in the Headliner next week! If you have an urgent question, please contact the PTO Read-A-Thon crew.
Voice, Choice and Joy is back!
Join the teacher-led committee to help plan and run Voice, Choice and Joy Day on June 2nd. On this beloved day, all Capitol Hill scholars get to participate in a special event that they have chosen from a variety of unique options.
Volunteers are asked to participate in 4 full day planning sessions on 3/30, 4/13, 4/26, 5/18, as well as on 6/2. Please contact Ms. Simmer at elizabeth.simmer@spps.org if you are interested.
Twelve additional volunteers are needed to help scholars sign up for their activities on selection day. If you are able to help from 9:30am-4:00pm on April 26th, contact Ms. Swenson at jeanie.swenson@spps.org.
PTO Meeting Tuesday, March 8th
The Cougar Read-a-thon kicks off virtually at the March PTO meeting (meet.google.com/hsz-obsc-tyr) on Tuesday, March 8. Families and students are encouraged to join us from 7 - 8p as Mr. Freeman shares one of his favorite books!
Health Start Middle School Parent Sessions - Save the Dates!
Join parents from Capitol Hill and Highland Park to talk about Middle School specific topics in sessions facilitated by Jennifer Marshall, Parent Educator from Health Start School Based clinics.
Join one or all using this Zoom link: https://mnachc.zoom.us/j/8417187800
- Wed, 3/2 at 6:30 – Mental Health & Motivation
- Tues, 4/12 at 6:30 – Bodies, Relationships & Communication
- Thurs, 5/12 at 6:30p – Screens and Technology: the good, bad and getting back on track
Simpls Fundraiser
We have partnered with Simpls, a St. Paul based company, that makes food from scratch using local, organic and sustainable ingredients, for another fundraiser and option to not have to worry about what’s for dinner!
The Simpls event is currently open and runs through March 18th. You can order a variety of frozen soups, pizzas and goodies using the following code: CHPTO22 directly on their website https://www.simpls.com/. Orders will be delivered to your house within 2 business days of ordering as long as the address is in the Twin Cities and surrounding suburbs. (The Gift Packages on their site count for our fundraiser, but not gift cards.)
Capitol Hill PTO will get a portion of every sale during the fundraising period and you can use the code as many times as you would like between 2.11 and 3.18. Please feel free to tell friends and family or post our code (CHPTO22) to your social media accounts if you would like. This fundraiser is not only a simple way to raise money, it is a great way to support a small company in our community!
If you would prefer to donate directly to the PTO, donations can be made via cash/check to the office, at GiveMN or PayPal (treasurer.capitolhill@gmail.com).
Capitol Hill Merchandise is Here!
Short and long sleeved shirts and sweatshirts are available. You can order online using a credit card via ourschool.support/CHNewLogoMerch. If you would like to pay using a check or cash, use the order form below that came home with your student. Orders will be collected through Friday, February 25th. Merchandise will be sent home with students in March, so be sure to include your child’s teacher or Foundations teacher on the order form.
Capitol Hill Voice, Choice, & Joy Day
Do you have a passion, skill, hobby, or talent that brings YOU joy? Would you be willing to share it with students and teach a small group of students?
Think about arts and crafts, slime making, cooking, baking, games and sports, nature (gardening, birding, nature scavenger hunt)….think creatively, think fun, think what YOUR child would like to learn!
Capitol Hill is hosting Voice, Choice, & Joy Day on June 2nd from 10:00-3:00 pm. VCJ Day offers both on and off campus activities that bring JOY to all our students!
How can you help?
Volunteer by hosting a class three times during the day at school for approximately 8-10 students (more volunteers mean smaller classes).
You will need to complete an SPPS Background Check (if you haven't already). You can turn it into the Capitol Hill office. If you already know you want to lead a group...here is the link.
If you don’t want to lead a class, volunteers are needed to help with classes, or to accompany classes going offsite. If you are available, please contact Elizabeth Simmer Elizabeth.Simmer@spps.org.
Thank you!
Voice, Choice, & Joy Team
Doing good together returns April 21!
If you're not familiar with this event, it is a community service fair that gives students and their families an opportunity to participate in a number of hands-on projects that give back to our local community while teaching kindness.
We gathered virtually last year, but are working hard to offer in-person activities this coming spring! The event is scheduled for Thursday, April 21 from 6pm-8pm at Capitol Hill. Please fill out our short (2-3 question) survey so we can make sure to provide adequate supplies, activities, and space for the event: https://forms.gle/oDSt4sDEzJTizGRK6 There is also a place in the survey to provide your information if you would like to volunteer at the event. Volunteering at Doing Good Together is fun, not a huge time commitment, and is a great way to get involved and feel connected to our school community. If you are interested in learning more, you can email Abby Heuckendorf: agrodin01@gmail.com
Yearbook! ordering is now open. Don't miss out!
The deadline for ordering the 2021-2022 Capitol Hill Yearbook is March 25th. Visit ybpay.com, and use order ID 14565522.
Capitol Hill Support Staff February update
Track and field will begin on March 28. All other spring sports will begin on April 11.
Students are required to complete 2 forms prior to be eligible to participate in our Middle School athletic program:
- Sports physical (good for 3 years) https://drive.google.com/file/d/14hFWR0kDRU6j467TgMkQOPJGj7_0FwSh/view
- Middle School athletics registration form https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q5CWejaOqGDKHxGzPJlimYKv1mHASPCJ8hYu_qCOyws/edit
Dylan Wakefield-Dagen, Athletic Director, Capitol Hill
Capitol Hill has partnered with Every Meal to provide weekend meals for families
We are excited to partner with Every Meal to offer a free weekend food program to all of our students. Every Meal is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to fight child hunger through community and school partnerships. They strive to make a difference in children’s lives by focusing on food gaps like weekends, school breaks, and summer when they can’t receive food in school.
Here is a snapshot of the weekend food program:
- https://www.everymeal.org/what-we-do/weekend-program/
- Free for all families and schools to participate.
- Children receive a weekly food bag that includes 4-5 pounds of nutritious, non-perishable food.
- No qualifications required for enrollment. Every Meal does not collect information from families; privacy is protected
- Families may choose from five food bag options tailored for dietary preferences.
- Families may enroll in the program anytime throughout the school year
- A thoughtful partnership model- see the Overview
An informational brochure with registration form has been given to ALL students - CHECK BACKPACKS! Contact the Capitol Hill office at 651-325-2500 if you don't find it or need more information.
Picking up earlier than 4:15 dismissal time?
Please, to the extent possible, be mindful that students are still engaged in learning until dismissal time. We have many families picking up early this year. If you must pick-up early, please see the notes below.
- Facemasks are required. We have them available in the office if you need one!
- Update as of January 7: With the uptick in Covid cases in the Twin-Cities, and in an effort to reduce sharing of pens and the sign-out book, we have decided that sign out in the office will NOT be required at this time. Please enter the building, come to the office to let us know who you are picking up, then wait in the main lobby while we gather your student(s) for you.
- All changes should be called into the office (651-325-2500) by 3 pm
- Please plan accordingly. Students move throughout the day into different classrooms and spaces. We ask for your patience while we find them for you, which can take some time.
- We will not call your child(ren) to the office for early dismissal to wait for pickup. Because we are still in a pandemic, we are limiting the number of people in our main office.
- Use the Blue C doors and buzz Capitol Hill to come in to speak with the office staff, then go to the lobby to wait.
- Students should not be calling home to get picked up early without being seen by an adult first, such as the nurse, counselor, or an administrator. If your child is not feeling well, they should be seen by the nurse and the nurse will call you if your child needs to be picked up.
- Students are not allowed to leave the building without being checked out by the front office staff. Student safety is our top priority and they always need to be accounted for.
Parent Drop-off and Pickup Procedures
- Parents/guardians drop off students on Concordia Avenue, no earlier than 9:30am.
- Please do not cut in front of other cars already in line.
- When you get close to the front of the line, pull up as far as you can to Mackubin Street.
- NO PARKING on Concordia: this a pull up and drop off quickly area. If you must park your car, please park safely on another street to take care of your drop-off needs.
- There is no parking for drop-off in the MLK or Lung Association lots.
- DO NOT BLOCK PARKING LOT DRIVEWAYS. Avoid stopping at the stairs as well.
- Students get out on the right side (curbside) on Concordia.
- Parents/guardians stay in the car. Once your student is out of the car, please safely pull out of the line.
If you are driving, park safely along Makubin, Carroll, Igelhart, or Marshall - not in the MLK or Lung Association lots
- Please do not stop in the middle of the street
- Please do not park in the cross walk
- Please park and pick up your scholar on the sidewalk
- Be mindful of student safety
Elementary students will be grouped inside by last name, with 3 pickup lines outside on Makubin: Student last names starting with A–G, H–O, and P–Z.
Staff members will be outside calling Elementary student names on the radios. Middle school students will continue to exit the Green Doors on Mackubin.
All changes should be called into the office (651-325-2500) no later than 3 pm. Please, to the extent possible, be mindful that students are still engaged in learning until our 4:15 dismissal time.
Office Hours: 8:30 - 4:30
Morning Drop-off Time
We want to ensure each child is safe when arriving for school. Staff supervision begins at 9:30am. Please do not drop off your child earlier than 9:30.
Attendance/late arrivals:
Please make sure to always report your child's absences. You can do this in two ways:
- Dial the attendance line directly at 651-325-2599 -OR-
- Email us at capitolhill.attendance@spps.org.
Please include your child's name, grade, the reason for their absence, your relationship to the child, and a return phone number that you can be reached at if we should have questions.
Calling Your Child
When calling the school to speak to your child, the office staff will deliver your message to have your child call you back. Teachers are teaching during the day and we are trying our best to lessen the interruptions during instructional time. Thanks for understanding.
Dismissal is at 4:15. We appreciate you making every attempt to honor this time. Students are still actively involved in classroom instruction up to dismissal time.
Please call the Capitol Hill office at 651-325-2500 if you are picking up your child early or letting your child go home any other way than their normal routine.
***Please make sure to call the office no later than 3:00 pm if you have to make changes. If you call later than 3:00, we cannot guarantee that your child will get the message.***