Thompson Friday Forecast
September 7, 2018
From the Principal...Steve Morrill
I am excited that the new school year has arrived. We are off to a great start! I would encourage you to take advantage of all possible learning opportunities with your middle-schooler. One way you can do this is by choosing your words carefully. For example, instead of asking your child, “what he/she did at school today?”~~ Ask he/she, “what they LEARNED today?” Changing the question ever so slightly might really change the response you receive.
The adage “the only constant you can count on is change” is a familiar phrase to all of us including the Thompson community. With each and every new year, change is a given. Teachers change, course offerings change, and schedules change. This year we have seen many minor changes and major changes. Thank you for your continued support, patience, and flexibility as we partner together.
We appreciate everyone’s patience as the weather has been unpredictable and sporting activities have been changed or postponed. As soon as an event is changed, we update our Thompson website homepage. Checking this site will ensure that you have the most current information available.
The first PTO meeting of the year took place yesterday morning. There were many new faces in attendance and I’m excited with the energy and commitment I see in this organization. Please visit their website and get involved!
Enjoy your weekend!
Homework Clubs Begin
The 7th/8th grade Homework Helpers will be meeting on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:30 - 4:30 pm with Ms. Minuth and Ms. Romano. Please come in and get help with homework or if you just need a quiet space to work. We will be starting on Tuesday, September 18th. We will meet in the North Lab, Room 111. Come study with us!!
7th and 8th Grade Curriculum Night
The format for the night will give you the opportunity to meet your student’s teachers, learn about this year’s curriculum, and hear about classroom expectations while following your child’s schedule found in HAC. Students are encouraged to take a picture of their schedule and share it with you. The evening will conclude before 9:00 pm. We hope all will be able to attend!
Thank you to all of the parents who attended last night's 6th Grade Curriculum Night!
Thompson Types Creative Writing Club
Chess Club
PSAT Testing on September 26th
On Wednesday, September 26th, eighth grade students will be taking the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) in the morning. This is a "pre-test" to the SAT and a part of the SAT Suite of Assessments. Students will take a test in the SAT Suite once a year through their Junior year in high school. Information from these assessments is used to monitor progress towards college and career readiness.
Thunder News Club
Looking for an exciting club to join? Join Thompson’s student broadcast team - THUNDER NEWS! We will be producing 15-20 minute episodes featuring sports teams, clubs, and other trending topics in and around Thompson and St. Charles.
Not interested in being on camera? No problem! We have several production crew positions that you would be perfect for: Director, Music Producer, Camera person and so much more.
Please come to an informational meeting next Tuesday, September 11th at the 7/8 center in Mobile classroom M13 from 3:40 pm - 4:15 pm. Please see Mrs. Cole at the 6th grade center or Mrs. Gupta at the 7/8 center with questions.
Thompson Fishing Club
After School Activity Bus
Parent University - September 26, 2018
Safety & Security in D303
Wednesday, 9/26 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Thompson Middle School
6th Grade Center Cafeteria
An emergency or disaster can strike a school community at any time and can take the form of natural disasters such as floods, tornadoes. earthquakes or fires, as well as man-made accidents or criminal activity. When an event occurs during the school day, it is the responsibility of District 303 to care for and protect our most valuable resource: children.
On a regular basis, the school district works in partnership with local public safety and law enforcement officials on training and appropriate responses to emergency events.
As part of this Parent University program, presenters will discuss:
- Secure building entrances
- Visitor Management
- Communication
- Weather Alerts
- Drills and evacuation plans
- Lesson Plans
In addition, we will show an interview conducted by the Illinois Principals Association with Dr. Seth Chapman on his research related to school shootings.
- Dr. Seth Chapman, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services
- Mr. John Baird, Assistant Superintendent for Operations
- Commander Chuck Pierce, St. Charles Police Department
Click here to register
Picture Retake Day - Monday, September 24th
Picture retake day is Monday, September 24th in the morning for students who did not have their pictures taken during Material Pickup Days or would like their pictures retaken.
Breakfast at Thompson
Our Thompson Thunder students have the opportunity to purchase breakfast when they arrive at school each day. Aramark offers morning snack packs each day. Click here to see the menu for August.
Dates to Remember
- Tuesday, September 11 - 7/8 Curriculum Night - 7:00 pm
- Monday, September 24 - Picture Retakes in the morning
- Wednesday, September 26 - PSAT testing (AM) for 8th graders
- Thursday, October 4 - End of the M1 Health Rotation
- Friday, October 5 - No School for Students - School Improvement Day
- Monday, October 8 - No School for Students - Columbus Day Holiday
- Tuesday, October 9 - Start of the M2 Health Rotation
- Thursday, October 11 - PTO Meeting - 9:00 am
- Monday, October 15 - Principal's Coffee - 1:30 pm
- Friday, October 26 - End of the First Quarter
St. Charles Water Polo Flyer
Performance Series Assessments
Performance Series Assessments - Spanish
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Sarah Cann - Assistant Principal
Mr. Shane Darnell - Assistant Principal
Dr. Alicia Honnert - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kristy McKnight - Assistant Principal
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100