Kindergarten News
September 2, 2022
Our First Hoppy Helper!
Each day we will have a Hoppy Helper! We use frogs to display the helper’s name. This child will help with the weather report, read the Morning Message, serve as the line leader and help with other various duties. Monday, Aaliyah was our first one!
Independent Reading
The students each have their own browse bag that contains a variety of books. As we get to know your child’s abilities and interests we will personalize their selections to suit them.
Working on our names
We are doing a variety of activities to reinforce our names. We are learning to use capital and lowercase letters in the appropriate places.
Letter Formation
We are practicing writing letters. Please encourage your child to practice at home using the proper formation. We went on a letter hunt and the children were excited to find “A” throughout the classroom.
Writers Workshop
As authors we are telling simple narrative stories through pictures and words. At this point our focus is to gain a sense of story and express it through our illustrations.
Math Workshop
We are working on writing the numbers from 0-10.
Exploring nature
We certainly enjoy recess but, on occasion, we stop to explore a praying mantis, caterpillar, butterfly or skink.
Fridays will be our regular library day. The children will enjoy a story and select a book weekly. Please make sure to read and return the book by Friday morning.
Have a Great Weekend!
Contact Information
Mrs. Poston (tposton@lexrich5.org)
Mrs. Meade (smeade@lexrich5.org)
Dutch Fork Elementary: Academy of Environmental Sciences
Proud to be a Title One School