The Westgate Wire
Friday, November 6, 2020
A Word from Mrs. Buch and Mr. Walton
A few things to keep on your radar...
- We are looking forward to our Parent-Teacher Conferences later this month. Teachers have been hard at work preparing information to share with you. This year's conferences will reflect the priorities we have set this fall: safety, supporting students' social/emotional development and curriculum.
- When using the back circle drive, please be mindful of the signs for Accessibility Parking. We have a few students who require this space when being dropped off or picked up. Please do not park in these areas.
- It is important to have your child to school by 9:05 on each morning they are in attendance. If your child is late, you need to scan the orange QR code at the front doors to sign them in. Please do not just drop them in the circle drive.
- Students who are going home for lunch must sign out and in with a staff member. Please click here to access the Home Lunch form.
We wish you a healthy and happy weekend!
~Ann and Scott
Parent/Teacher Conferences-Thursday, November 19, 2020 and Friday, November 20, 2020
At Westgate School, we value a strong partnership between home and school. Twice a year, once in November and once in February, time is provided for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Parent-Teacher Conferences are a valuable time to share information and discuss the progress of our students. This year all fall conferences will be virtual through a Zoom link provided by your child’s teacher. Parents will be able to sign up for Parent-Teacher Conferences online, using You will receive an email from Westgate Administration on 11/10/20, initiating the scheduling process at 7 pm. The window for signing up for fall conferences will be Tuesday, 11/10/20, at 7 pm through Tuesday, 11/17/20, at 10:00 a.m.
To be fair and equitable to all our Westgate families, each family may sign up for only one evening conference each year. Families can either sign up for an evening conference in the fall or the spring, not both.
We look forward to successful parent/teacher conferences!
Let's keep everyone safe and healthy! Click the attachment below in case you missed important information from our school nurse about COVID-19 Quarantining Procedures.
It is important that all people in the building wear an approved face covering. We also recommend that your child keep an extra mask in their backpack in case they forget one or it becomes soiled. Please click the link below for approved masks.
Important Upcoming Dates
11/19-11/20- No School-Parent Teacher Conferences
11/23-11/27- No School-Thanksgiving Holiday
12/4- Progress Reports
12/21-1/1- Winter Break