Knight's News
Mrs. Becker's News and Notes for the week of Sept. 9, 2019
St. Anthony Catholic School celebrates each individual as a unique child of God, provides a safe, Christ-centered environment that promotes cultural diversity, academic achievement, and challenges each of us to serve the school, parish, and community.
More than a school, we are a family.
Our 2019-2020 School Theme is Amazing Encounters with Jesus!
Parent Meetings 6:00-7:30 pm
- September 24th will be for 5th - 8th grade
- September 26th will be for Kindergarten - 4th grades.
These meetings will be general classroom meetings not individual parent conferences. If you need to schedule a conference, please contact the individual teachers.
Text Message-TEST
Wednesday we will be testing the text messaging function of our communication system. If you do not get a text message from SACS-FL check that you do not have unknown messages blocked in your phone settings and check your contact information in Renweb (FACTs SIS).
Depending on how you listed your cell phone number in Renweb (FACTs SIS), you may or may not have reeceived this important messages. If you listed your cell number as your home/primary number and not as a cell phone, you likely aren't going to receive text messages from the school. It is critical that all families have their cell phone numbers appropriately entered. This will ensure that you are receiving the latest communication from the school.
Please email Mrs. Becker at pbecker@saintacs.com with any questions.
Food Drive
"Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40
Soccer and Volleyball
- Practices for volleyball are Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays 3:30-4:30.
- Practices for soccer are Tuesdays and Wednesdays 3:30-4:30.
- Our next games will be Thursday, September 12 at St. Joseph Academy, Lakeland.
- Tuesday, September 17--Volleyball at home and Soccer at St. Joseph Winter Haven.
- Keep in mind that it is the parents' responsibility to arrange transportation to the away games. Please notify the school of the carpool arrangements.
- Please contact Ms. Allaire at dallaire@saintacs.com if you have any questions.
You are welcome to join us for our school Masses.
We have moved our school Mass day to Wednesdays at 10 am unless there is a Feast Day Mass during the week. Parents and extended family members are welcome to join us for our Mass but must sit in the chapels away from the student body.
'Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”' Matthew 19:14
Parking lot and Car lines
- Please be patient, cautious, and careful during drop-off and dismissal. We have a larger student population and that makes for longer lines.
- If you plan to park and walk up, please cross to the Faith Development Center and use the sidewalk to get to the school.
- Please do not skip to the front of the car line to drop off your child(ren).
- The parking lot speed is 10 miles per hour. Please remember "safety first"!
Students are tardy after 7:55 am, and you will be required to sign them in at the school office. This will require that you park your car and walk them in using the crosswalks and sidewalks. Please do not hold up the VPK drop off line if you are bring students late to school. VPK students should be signed in and in class before 8:15 am.
Please call the school office the day your child is out and follow up with a note on the day your child returns. If the absence requires a doctor's appointment, please be sure to provide documentation. All absences require a note (handwritten or emailed) from the parent upon the student's return to school.
Regular Dismissal
Kindergarten at 2:50pm in front of FDC Grades 1-4 at 3:00 pm Grades 5-8 at 3:10 pm
Early Dismissal
Kindergarten at 11:50 in front of FDC Grades 1-4 at 12:00 pm Grades 5-8 12:15 pm
We are making arrangements to begin our Hot Lunch program. Until then, please remember to pack snacks and lunches. Ice packs will ensure that food stays at a safe temperature. Please make sure lunch boxes are labeled with student names.
All students must be in full uniform at this time. Risse Brothers should have all out of stock inventory restocked. Please refer to the Parent Handbook for the uniform guidelines. PE days: Monday Grades: Kindergarten, Second, Fourth, Fifth and Thursday Grades: VPK, First, Third, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth
Please check our website for our current calendar. http://www.saintacs.com
¿No hablas ingles? ¡No hay problema!
¿No hablas ingles? ¡No hay problema!
Parent Portal link
Get to know St. Anthony Catholic School
Principal: Mrs. Patricia Becker
Superintendent: Mr. Henry Fortier
Email: pbecker@saintacs.com
Website: www.saintacs.com
Location: 924 Marcum Road, Lakeland, FL, USA
Phone: (863)858-0671
Facebook: www.facebook.com/StAnthonyCatholicSchool