Mustangs Newsletter - Dec. 1-15
December 1-15, 2023
Upcoming Dates
- December 1 - No School Mark Reporting
- December 4 - Tri 2 Begins
- December 11 - 19 - School Spirit Week
- December 12 - Choir Concerts: 7th Grade is at 6pm & 8th Grade is at 7:30pm
- December 13 - 8th Grade Orchestra Concert is at MGSH at 7pm
- December 14 - 7th & 8th Grade Jazz Band Concert at 7pm
- December 19 - Last Day Before Winter Break
- December 20 - NO SCHOOL - Conference Release Day
- December 21 - January 1 - Winter Break
- January 2 - School Resumes - Day 1
Thank You!
Thank you for your contributions to our food drive. These donations will go to CEAP, which is one of our local food shelves. We collected 1230 items!
New Procedure for Signing In or Out of MGMS
We have recently updated our student sign in process in the front office to ensure the ongoing safety and security of the school building. This new procedure will also help speed up the student sign-in and sign-out process for students that arrive after the start of the school day or need to leave early.
Starting Monday, Dec. 4th, all students who sign into the front office or leave early will use the Raptor system kiosk to scan their student ID card. This is the same system being used across our district sites to manage visitors to our school buildings, which will allow us to immediately verify a student’s identity as they enter the building. Students who do not have a student ID or barcode can also type in their 8-digit Student ID number at the kiosk. Students can also download the StudentVUE app on their cell phone and pull up their barcode from the app to be scanned while in the office. The slowest option is for the student to type in their name to look up their information; students may need to speak with the office staff for assistance.
Students should already be aware of the expectation of carrying their student ID or memorizing their 8-digit student ID number, as these are the same procedures students use to get both breakfast and lunch at school.
The process for adults to be verified in the office when picking up students has not changed. All adults are expected to present ID at the front desk in order to verify the school is allowed to release the student to them.
Please work with your student to ensure they understand the new sign in/out process, and we appreciate your patience as we work to make the system work as seamlessly as possible.
8th Grade Baby Pictures Needed for the Yearbook!
Submit a baby picture of yourself to be included in the 2023-2024 yearbook! Take a photo of your favorite baby picture and upload it to share with your peers.
Submission deadline is Friday, January 19th, 2024.
Similar to elementary school PTOs, PACT (Parents and Community Together) works to build a strong, inclusive community at MGMS. Every MGMS parent, caregiver and staff is a member.
Primary ways to make an impact include donations, volunteering and advocacy. Please click below for more details related to volunteer opportunities.
PACT Meetings
Join us to hear an update from Principal Smith and learn about positive MGMS initiatives.
Mark your calendar for these upcoming meetings from 7:00-8:00 PM:
Jan 22 (online)
Feb 26 (online)
April 15 (online)
May 20 (in person and online)
PACT website:
Facebook: Maple Grove Middle School - ISD 279
Hello from People Incorporated,
We are happy to announce that starting the 2023-24 school year, District 279 and People Incorporated has placed a licensed mental health therapist at our school, full-time. Michelle Rosenau, MA, LPCC will be on-site Monday-Friday, year round, to provide mental health therapy services to Maple Grove Middle School students.
Please click on the line below for more information.
Donations Needed for Positive Behavior Intervention Systems
At MGMS we practice the Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS) to support the teaching and learning of positive school behavior. Students have the opportunity to earn Mustang Pride Tickets. Beginning November 13, we will have weekly drawings of these tickets where students can come and pick out a treat if their name is drawn. This is where we are asking for parent support by way of donation. If you feel so inclined to donate non-perishable items (think variety box of chips or candy bars, some cool pens, fidgets, etc.) or anything you can think of that a middle schooler would be excited about, we would appreciate your generosity. Donations can be brought to the front office and we will stock for our "store". Thank you so much for considering to support our efforts to reward our students for being amazing humans!
Jennifer Hinker, Assistant Principal
Order A Yearbook Today
Jostens is the company that will be doing our yearbook. These hardcover books are $30 and will help preserve your child's memories for years to come. Please click on the link below.
The Closet
Maple Grove Middle School is fortunate to have the "Closet". We have received donations of clothing items, hygiene products, school supplies, shoes and more. As winter approaches we do have winter outerwear that families in need may have. If you are in need of this service, please reach out to your grade level counselor.
We are also in need of donations. As you are looking through your own winter gear (or if you have family/friends with growing middle schoolers of their own that may be willing to donate), please drop them off in the main office. We are looking for warm winter jackets, winter hats, scarves, gloves & mittens.
Thank you.
Reminders for Parents/Guardians
Absences, Appointments, Attendance - What to Do...
If your child is going to be late or absent from school, please call the school with the reason for the absence. The telephone call eliminates the need to send a note with your student when he/she returns to school. Excused absences consist of illness, medical appointments, and family emergency situations such as a funeral. Oversleeping, missing the bus, or skipping school are not excused and are considered truancy.
MGMS 24 Hour Attendance Line: 763-315-7603.
1. Send a note with your student in the morning
2. When the student gets to school they go to Student Services to get a white pass
3. At the stated time on the pass, your student leaves class and comes to the office with the white pass and signs out in the main office
4. The person picking up can wait in the car (very helpful on cold winter days)
If you didn't send a note, you will need to come in with your driver's license and we will call your student down when you arrive. This procedure is in place to ensure student safety.
If you received a call saying your child was absent one or more periods, please check your ParentVue account for the period your student was absent. Have your child talk to the teacher for the class that they were marked absent. The teacher will then communicate with our attendance person.
3 Accounts Parents Need to Have
We have three accounts parents should have; ParentVue, Schoology and EduTrak. ParentVue allows you to see attendance, testing scores and report cards (we do not mail them out). Schoology allows you to see assignments and communicate with the teachers. EduTrak is how you add money to your student's lunch account, pay fees for sports, or other fines. Attached below is a document that will help you set up accounts and answer any questions you may have.
Who to Contact
School Phone: 763-315-7600...............................Website:
Attendance: 763-315-7603………………………………..Transportation: 763-391-7244
6th Grade
Jennifer Hinker, Assistant Principal.....Email:
Kaia Paquin, Counselor 6th Grade.......Email:
7th Grade
Jason Olson, Assistant Principal……..Email:
Katie Gerdts, Counselor 7th Grade......Email:
8th Grade
Patrick Smith, Principal………………….Email:
Megan Woods, Counselor 8th Grade...Email:
Student Management Specialists Assist With All Grades
Candice Ledman - (Grade 6) - Email:
Levy Jones (Grade 7) - Email:
Nathanial Davies (Grade 8) – Email:
District Tip Line.........763-265-3636