Heights Happenings
April 14, 2023
Newsletter from Mrs. Gossett
Hello Amazing Families of Heights,
Please read below to stay informed about all of the fantastic things happening at Madison Heights.
Movie Night - Please see the information below in this newsletter to order your presale discounted raffle tickets and see all of the cool themes of the baskets that will be raffled.
Free pass to the Phoenix Art Museum
Did you know that Madison Heights Families can check out our school pass to the Phoenix Art Museum and enjoy free admission and discounts at The Museum Store? To check out the Phoenix Art Museum Pass please email our Library Associate, Mrs. Shelley Scurran at sscurran@madisoned.org. Passes are checked out Monday through Monday and need to be returned on the following Monday after it is checked out. This fun opportunity for our families is sponsored by the Madison Education Foundation.
Spring Assessments
MAP - Our final administration of the MAP assessment for this school year will be the week of May 1. As soon as we complete the schedule we will provide the information in one of the upcoming weekly newsletter. As a reminder all K-4 students take the MAP Reading and Math assessment. For those families who are not familiar with the MAP test, it is an adaptive test where the results are used to help teachers make instructional decisions that enhance academic growth for your child. To find out more information about the MAP assessment, please click on the link below. We will be sending home MAP results in a few weeks when testing is completed.
MAP - Common Questions for Families
AAPPL - ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL)
The AAPPL Assessment is for our third and fourth-grade students. The AAPPL assesses Interpersonal Listening/Speaking, Presentational Writing, Interpretive Reading, and Interpretive Listening. Ratings are assigned according to the ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners. Compared to AASA and MAP, it is a much shorter assessment. Our third and fourth graders will be taking the assessment with the Spanish Language Arts Teachers during the last week of May 8th. We will be sending home your child’s AAPPL results at the end of the year. Students in Kindergarten through second grade do not participate in the AAPPL assessment, however, we do assess their Spanish Speaking abilities during the first week in May with our own speaking assessment modeled after AAPPL and our Novice and Intermediate speaking indicators.
Movie Night - 4/21/23 - 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Movie Night
Please save the date for our Movie Night, Basket Raffles and Art Show from 6:00 - 9:00 pm. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets and come out and enjoy the movie Luca on our big field. Food trucks will be available and Mrs. O’Oconnor is preparing an Art Show from student work in the cafeteria. The crowd favorite is always the baskets that will be raffled off in the Gym.
RSVP for Movie Night
Pre-purchase Raffle Tickets for Movie Night
Pre-purchased tickets are sold at a discount. All tickets will be $1 the day of the event. Use the link or the QR code above to pre-purchase your tickets.
Thank you to our families for donating the items for each of the baskets related to the theme selected by each homeroom. Some of the themes include Lego, Grilling, Pool/Beach Time, Pamper Mom, Coffee and Chocolate, Sports, Pet Lovers, Game Night, Art, Baking, Lunch with the Principal, Disney, All things Star Wars and so many more. We can’t wait for this fun event and would like to thank C & S Sporting Goods for sponsoring this event,and our parent organizers,Hollis Procopio and Lynne Turner for bringing back this pre-COVID family gathering.
Thank you to C&S Sporting Goods for Sponsoring our Movie Night on April 21st
Basket Raffle Themes
Mrs. Burnham - Pamper Mom Basket
Mrs. Jensen - Disney Basket-All Things Disney
Ms. Harris - Sports Basket
Mrs. Martinez - Game Night Basket
Ms. Torres - Art Basket
First Grade
Mrs. Anchondo - Diner and a Movie Basket
Mrs. Aguilar - Ice Cream Basket
Ms. Hyde - Grillers Delight
Mrs. Ryba - Painting Basket
Mrs. Spector - Pool/Beach time
Second Grade
Mrs. Aguayo - Road trip Basket
Mrs. Mattison - Lego Basket
Ms. Teran - Eco-chic
Ms. Wong - Pet Lover Basket
Mrs. Heilman - Out of this World/ All Things Star Wars
Third Grade
Mrs. Barnett-Noel - Outdoor Fun Basket
Mrs. Dulin - Amazon Basket
Ms. Garcia - Movie Night at home Basket
Mrs. Martinson - Coffee and Chocolate Basket
Mrs. Andreasen - Baking with kids Basket
Fourth Grade
Mr. Delgado - Family Beauty Basket
Mrs. Juarez - Italian Dinner Night Basket
Mrs. Weitzel - Target Basket
Mrs. Heinlein - Baking with kids Basket
Preschool - Mexican Dinner Night Basket
Mrs. Coughlin - Snack and games with Mrs. Coughlin
Mrs. Gossett - Lunch with the Principal Basket
Student Showcase Night - April 26, 2023, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Please mark your calendars for our Student Showcase Night. This is an event where students lead parents through topics and skills they have learned throughout the year. We are staggering the start times for this event by last name. This allows us to minimize the crowding in the classroom so that families can sit at the tables and participate in their students' explanations of what they have learned throughout the year. It also helps tremendously with traffic and parking. Thank you for adhering to this schedule.
Families with Last Names:
A-D: 5:00 - 5:30 pm
E-K: 5:30 - 6:00 pm
L-R: 6:00 - 6:30 pm
S-Z: 6:30 - 7:00 pm
Mark your calendars for these important dates:
April 21 - 1st Grade Field Trip to the Reptile Sanctuary
April 21 - Movie Night and Themed Baskets for raffle on the Heights Playground , 6-9pm
April 26 - Student Showcase at Heights - 5-7pm
April 28 - Dia de los Niños - Baile Folklórico Group and Fiesta..Stay tuned for more information
April 28 - PTO Fundraiser - Karen Scott Jewelry, 4:00 - 8:00 pm
May 2 - First Grade Field Trip to the children’s theatrical production of Frosh Follies at Xavier College Prep.
May 2 - Kindergarten Concert at the Madison Center for the Arts
May 5 - Mariachi Del Sol Master’s Class at the Madison Center for the Arts for Kinder, 1st, 3rd & 4th Grades
May 10 - PTO Meeting in the Cafeteria
May 12 - Bilingual Career Day