Hembree Highlights

Message from Ms. Smith
Hello Hawks!
I hope that you had a great week this week. We started with 9/11 which is always heavy on our hearts as adults because many of us were impacted personally by this day and we remember that tragedy first hand. In my moment of reflection on 9/11, I was overwhelmed with gratitude for my kids and family. Even though that is a heavy topic, it is also a reminder of hope. I attended the community meeting with our board member, Katha Stuart, this week at Northwestern Middle where their chorus performed "Hope lives here." This song was deeply moving and allowed me to see the hope in our youth. Everyday I get to see the future through the eyes of little ones and I am hopeful for tomorrow.
On a different note, I have been trying to figure out how to get clubs up and running. I was given some great feedback from a mom who shared that the survey was pretty overwhelming. It has been modified based on that feedback. If you think of an idea for a club or might be interested in supporting or sponsoring a student club, please complete this form by 9/25/2023.
I can't wait to get our students engaged in activities after school. I hope that we have enough interest to make this happen.
Enjoy your weekend!
AJ Smith
Hembree Springs ES
470-254-2905 - office
678-525-7704 - cell
Important Dates
9/20 PTA Reflections Workshop @7:10-7:40am
9/21 PTA Reflections Workshop @7:10-7:40am
9/21 PTA Spirit Night @ Bad Daddy's Burger Bar from 5:00-9:00pm
10/17 Title I Hembree Perk- (ELL Parent Workshop) @7:40-8:40am/General PTA Board Meeting to immediately follow
Congrats to our Best of the Nest winners for August! Way to go!
Code of Conduct
FCS requires all parents and students ages 10 and up to sign the 23-24 Code of Conduct. While there is an online option through Infinite Campus, we are also asking that HSES parents sign a paper copy of the Code of Conduct Parent and Student Receipt Acknowledgement Form. Teachers included this form in the Open House folders, but we understand that you may need another copy. Please let your child's homeroom teacher know if you need another copy to sign, and he/she will send it home with your child. We are hoping to have all signed Code of Conduct forms returned to school by October 1st. Reach out to Morgan Tew, Assistant Principal, with any questions.
From Title I
Thank you to everyone who attended our Title I Annual Meeting on Tuesday. If you were unable to join us, I have enclosed links to the PowerPoints below. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to learn more.
Lucy Gilbert
Title I Parent Liaison
gilbertL2@fultonschools.org / 470-254-9460
PTA Reflections Project
Calling All Students: Enter the 2023-24 PTA Reflections Project!
Llamando a todos los estudiantes: ¡Participe en el Proyecto de Reflexiones de la PTA 2023-24!
Unleash your imagination and showcase your talent!
¡Da rienda suelta a tu imaginación y demuestra tu talento!
Are you a student with a passion for art, music, dance, photography, film, or literature? Do you want to express yourself and have your work recognized? Join the PTA Reflections Project and let your creativity shine!
What is the PTA Reflections Project? The PTA Reflections Project is a nationwide arts program that encourages students to explore their artistic abilities and express themselves through various mediums. It's a chance for you to showcase your unique perspective and be recognized for your talent.
How to Participate:
1. Choose a category: Visual Arts, Music Composition, Dance Choreography, Photography, Film Production, or Literature.
2. Create an original piece that reflects this year's theme: “I am hopeful because…”
3. Submit your entry in the Hembree Springs lobby area or your teacher by Thursday, October 5th, 2023.
4. Get a chance to win awards, scholarships, and have your work showcased at the state and national level!
Why Participate?
- Develop your artistic skills and explore your creativity.
- Gain recognition for your talent and receive awards.
- Have the opportunity to win prizes.
- Showcase your work at Hembree Springs.
Important Dates:
- Project Kick-off: Monday, September 11, 2023
- Reflections Workshops @ HSES cafe’ at 7:10am-7:40am on 9/12, 9/13, 9/20 & 9/21
- Submission Deadline: Thursday, October 5, 2023
- Awards Ceremony: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 @ 8am-8:30am
For more information and official rules, visit https://www.pta.org/home/programs/reflections
¿Eres un estudiante apasionado por el arte, la música, la danza, la fotografía, el cine o la literatura? ¿Quieres expresarte y que tu trabajo sea reconocido? ¡Únase al Proyecto de Reflexiones de la PTA y deje que su creatividad brille!
¿Qué es el Proyecto de Reflexiones de la PTA? El Proyecto de Reflexiones de la PTA es un programa de arte a nivel nacional que alienta a los estudiantes a explorar sus habilidades artísticas y expresarse a través de medios diversos. Es una oportunidad para que muestres tu perspectiva única y seas reconocido por tu talento.
Cómo participar:
1. Elige una categoría: Artes Visuales, Composición Musical, Coreografía de Danza, Fotografía, Producción Cinematográfica o Literatura.
2. Crea una pieza original que refleje el tema de este año: "Tengo esperanza porque..."
3. Envíe su entrada en el área del vestíbulo de Hembree Springs o su maestro antes del jueves 5 de octubre de 2023.
4. ¡Obtenga la oportunidad de ganar premios, becas y exhibir su trabajo a nivel estatal y nacional!
¿Por qué participar?
- Desarrolla tus habilidades artísticas y explora tu creatividad.
- Obtén reconocimiento por tu talento y recibe premios.
- Tener la oportunidad de ganar premios.
- Muestra tu trabajo en Hembree Springs.
Fechas importantes:
- Inicio del proyecto: lunes 11 de septiembre de 2023
- Talleres de Reflexiones @ HSES café' a las 7:10am-7:40am el 9/12, 9/13, 9/20 y 9/21
- Fecha límite de presentación: jueves, 5 de octubre de 2023
- Ceremonia de premiación: martes, 17 de octubre de 2023 @ 8am-8:30am
Para más información y reglas oficiales, visita https://www.pta.org/home/programs/reflections
Bubble Mailers Needed!
Does your family shop at Amazon? The art room is in need of Amazon bubble mailers. These mailers will help safely transport clay projects home with students! Please feel free to send in any used mailers with your student. Thank you!
Vision to Learn
Letter from Vision to Learn to Hembree Springs Parents in Preparation for September 13th Screenings:
Dear Parent or Caregiver,
Vision screenings will be conducted at your child’s school to determine if your child may have difficulty seeing. Vision To Learn, a mobile eye clinic that provides at no cost eye exams and eyeglasses, is coming in the next few weeks and can help your child’s vision. Since 80% of children’s learning is obtained through vision, when children can see well they can be more successful at school. Here’s how the program works:
1. Send your signed opt out form back to the school, if you DO NOT give Vision To Learn permission to examine your child’s eyes. [Opt-Out forms will be sent home with your child on 9/8 to be returned by 9/19, day of screening.]
2. The Vision To Learn mobile clinic will arrive at the school/and a representative will take your child to our mobile clinic to be examined by an Optometrist and Optician. [PTA Volunteers will support this process. Please reach out to Emily Willis at volunteer@hembreespringspta.org if you are interested in this or any other volunteer opportunity at Hembree Springs ES.]
3. If needed, the doctor will prescribe eyeglasses for your child.
4. Children choose frames they like and get fitted for glasses.
5. In 4-6 weeks, eye care professionals will return to the school/organization to deliver your child’s eyeglasses and make sure they fit correctly.
*** The process starts with a basic screening for all students. About 35% of our students will need further examination. If your child receives notice that they did not "pass" the screening, they will receive a follow-up exam in the upcoming weeks. You are more than welcome to take your child to your eye doctor or pediatrician for the exam, but the Vision to Learn program will be conducting these free of charge.***
Departmentalization and Beginning of School Year Feedback Needed
We have finished the first month of school. We want to know how departmentalization is going for your family and child(ren). This is also an opportunity to share anything else that we can make better for your child. Elementary school is not just a time of learning the foundations, it is also important that we foster a love of learning. By getting this feedback we will work to improve our practices and ensure that each child has the opportunity to learn and fall in love in learning.
Please complete the survey by September 18, 2023.
Help A Child Smile Dental Program is coming to HSE!
Great News for parents! Help A Child Smile dental program will be coming to Hembree Springs on Wednesday, September 20. They will offer full-service dental care to your child during the school day. Dental Service includes an exam, x-rays, cleaning fluoride sealants and cavity treatment if needed. If your child does not have a regular dentist, please complete the registration form and send it back to your child's teacher or you can sign up online. If your child is insured with Medicaid/PeachCare for Kids, there is no cost to you. Help A Child Smile accepts most private dental plans, also. If you have any questions, please contact Help A Child Smile at 800-770-0388.
Mrs. Jean
Hembree Springs Clinic- 470- 254- 9461
From PTA
PTA Volunteer Opportunities
If you have not already, please make sure you've completed the Volunteer Registration Application through Fulton County Schools:
Grown Ups on the Ground
Have you ever wanted to join in at Recess? Well, now’s your chance! PTA will provide the supplies; you help provide the fun. Join the kids for a game of Freeze Tag, Hopscotch or Basketball. Have a special skill or game like you’d like to share? Then sign up for Parent’s Pick. Each week slots will be available for each grade and their recess times. If you have any questions, please reach out to staffsupport@hembreespringspta.org. See you on the grounds!
Media Center
Ms. Soberanis is looking for one volunteer every other Tuesday, 8 am - 9 am, to help with shelving. She thinks the shelving will take about 20 minutes. Sign up for a slot here:
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat is scheduled for 10/20, 5:30 pm. We are looking for volunteers to serve on the organizing committee. Please email sfuchs@gmail.com if you'd like to serve on the committee!
Book Clubs
Book club is held three times a year, for 3rd, 4th, or 5th grades (one day in November, January, & April). We are looking for a committee head - hand out the books to kids who signed up and find volunteers to discuss the book with the students during lunch time. It's super fun! Please email sfuchs@gmail.com if you'd like to be the committee head.
Spirit Nights
Our VP of Business Partners, Tamika Whitted, is looking for someone to organize Spirit Nights - one night a month for November, January, February, March, & April. We have a list of contacts! Just need someone to set up the dates, help advertise them, and collect the check afterwards. Please email Tamika at business@hembreespringspta.org if you'd like to take this on!
Grant Writing
Please email sfuchs@gmail.com if you'd like to help with grant writing. We are applying for three grants with a deadline of October 4th, so this will start immediately.
Order your HSE Yearbook!
Lunch Visitor Schedule by Homeroom
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Previous Newsletters
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902