Cougar Paw Prints 12/3
Great Things Are Happening
It is time for our second through fifth graders to show what they know on the district benchmarks. Writing test is Wednesday 12/6, reading is Wednesday 12/13, and Math is Wednesday 12/20.
Teachers are setting goals and having data chats with individual students. Please speak to your student about the importance of trying their best on these tests. You can help them be successful by ensuring they get a good nights sleep, eat breakfast that morning, and arrive to school on time.
Canned Food Drive
Holiday Shop
Holiday Shop is coming and it is such a wonderful opportunity for students to get a chance to pick out and purchase gifts for their family and friends. Expect to receive a flyer this week with details. Official shop days will be 12/11-12/15, classes will come during the day and there will be an hour after school shopping for families on 12/13-12/15.
Family Fun at a Glance
- 11/7: Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day
- 12/1: Holiday Bake Off
- 12/11-12/13: Holiday Shop
- Stay tuned for Spirit Week 12/18-12/21
- No School on 12/22
Coffee Talk - IN PERSON
The locally owned coffee cart will be in the south parking lot on Wednesday, 12/20. Please park, buy yourself a cup of coffee and say hi to us.