August 25th, 2023
Westbrook Elementary School
Email: dean.chynna@westside66.net
Website: https://ne50000555.schoolwires.net/Domain/19
Location: 1312 Robertson Drive, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: (402)390-6490
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WestbrookElementary/
Twitter: @westbrook66
Important Upcoming Dates
August 30 - 5th/6th Grade Band/Strings Parent Meeting at WMS at 6:30pm
September 1 - No School
September 4 - No School
September 5 - Community Club meeting @ 6:30pm
September 21 - Family Engagement Night - Family Fitness Night
You can link to the Westbrook Calendar Here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=d2VzdHNpZGU2Ni5uZXRfY2FicjVyaWhsMzB2OWQ0aXVmamwzN2Y3bnNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ
Be On Time
Westbrook Family Facilitator
In addition to connecting with families, Ms. Ibarra will also be working with Westbrook students throughout the day practicing reading and social skills.
We are excited to have this partnership with Buffett Early Childhood Institute and hope you participate in some of our family events throughout the year! You can contact Ms. Ibarra at ibarra.genoveva@westside66.net.
Fall Fundraiser
We encourage every student to register and share the information with at least 10 friends/family. The money will be used to support field trips for students, classroom grants for teachers to apply for, and more!
Be on the look out for the packets on Thursday.