St Benedict's Catholic College
Newsletter - Friday 22 September 2023
Dear Parents, Students, and Staff,
As we bid farewell to another remarkable term, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all our students for their hard work and dedication.
This week we were able to celebrate the achievements of the Graduating Class of 2023. They have displayed remarkable resilience and adaptability throughout their journey at St Benedict’s, and they have successfully reached this important milestone in their lives.
I extend my heartfelt congratulations to our Year 12 graduates and their families. Your dedication, perseverance, and determination have paid off, and I have no doubt that you will go on to achieve great success in your future endeavours. Remember, this is just the beginning of an exciting and promising journey, and we are proud to have been a part of your educational journey. Thank you to the staff involved with the Farewell Assembly, Mass, Awards and the light lunch. Special thanks to the Year 12 Coordinator Mr Anthony McAteer for guiding our Year 12 students. I would like to share an important message that Mr McAteer gave the graduates:
“Year 12, Remember our College motto “Be my Light” and our Pillars: Love of God, Love of Neighbour and Love of Learning."
Think of “Love” not as a feeling but as action and an action you choose. How will you choose to put love into action and be a light for others? Will it be through a smile, a kind gesture, kind words. Love should not discriminate. Put someone else's needs before your own and do not expect anything in return.
- A Love of God through your actions and words showing wisdom, humility and gratitude.
- A Love of Neighbour through continued service showing kindness and forgiveness in providing hope to others.
- A Continued Love of Learning through self-regulation, perseverance, curiosity and an appreciation for working in a team, not as Team 23 but with new found teams.
Lastly take away:
"A growing understanding of your own strengths and how these can help you to flourish in order to enrich your lives and the lives of others.”
Throughout the term, we witnessed numerous achievements across all year levels. Our students participated in various academic, athletic, and artistic endeavours, showcasing their talents and dedication.
A big thank you to our dedicated staff members for their unwavering commitment to providing our students with a nurturing and enriching learning environment. To our students, I encourage you to make the most of Term 4. Continue to work hard, support one another, and embrace every opportunity for learning.
Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable break during the upcoming holidays.
Mr Michael Turner
Principal (Acting)
As we reach the end of another school term, it is a good reminder to ensure that students have everything they need for effective learning. The holiday period is a wonderful chance to go through books, bags, wardrobes and take stock of what may be needed to best navigate the term ahead.
This term has had many highlights and special events which our students have been involved in. Year 7 started with their Sustainability Day, Years 7 to 10 were visited by Narellan Police who discussed a series of information related to online safety, Year 8 and 9 were visited by Camden Council who talked about the different types of graffiti and forms of artwork, Year 9 were given their Youth Aware of Mental Health (YAM) talks, Year 9 and 10 had guest speakers who discussed personal responsibility, in addition to Year 11 completing their Examinations and the amazing and emotional Year 12 Farewell activities. A busy and enjoyable term which has aided in fostering a wonderful sense of community here at the College.
Further, Term 4 will commence on Tuesday 10 October and with the weather beginning to warm up, a reminder that from Term 4 Week 1, College summer uniform is to be worn. Further, the College uniform guidelines for summer uniform can be seen below. In addition to this, and considering the recent weather, hats will also be compulsory for students wishing to use the oval during break times. Any student seen without a hat will be asked to find shade and shelter.
Finally, the College prides itself on the wellbeing of our students. If your child has a concern related to their wellbeing or the wellbeing of others, can they please make contact with their STRIVE coach who will aid them and guide them through their challenges and address their concerns.
Mr John Wheeler
Assistant Principal (Acting)
The last two weeks of this term have been HUGE. So much happening in the space of Catholic life and Ministry in the College. POLDING won the ‘Michael Hanratty House Cup’.
We also welcomed and inducted our new College Captains, Prefect of Mission and Ministry, Prefect of Learning and Wellbeing and House Captains.
Week 10 celebrations for Year 12 culminated in a most wonderful Mass. Thank You to Fr Michael
Williams, Parish Priest of St Paul’s Camden for coming to celebrate our Year 12 Graduation Mass. Mass was beautiful.
Fr Michael spoke in his homily about the importance of living and enjoying life. Yes it is important to work and study but also to connect with others and find enjoyment too. Do what makes you happy.
A special thanks to the Year 12 Music class under the guidance of Mrs Jenny Koryzma. The singing at Mass was beautiful and so meaningful. Thank You also to Mr Brandon O’Donnell for his involvement too.
DIOCESAN CATHOLIC MISSION LAUNCH - Wednesday 13 September 2023
Tahlia and Christopher from Year 11 attended the Catholic Mission launch last week held at Holy Spirit College, Bellambi. We also had a selfie with Bishop Brian Mascord.
‘’Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move” (Luke 13-35)’ is the theme of the 2023 Catholic Mission World Mission Month Appeal.
Inspired by the Pope's message for World Mission Sunday, this year Catholic Mission is raising awareness of the life-giving work of lay and religious missionaries around the world with the theme "Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move".
Throughout 2023, Catholic Mission aims to encourage everyone to engage in both a physical and spiritual journey, to share the message of love and hope not only through their words, but also through their actions, building up momentum for the celebration of World Mission Month in October.
In his message, Pope Francis reflects on the resilience that everyday missionaries demonstrate in their life-giving work and the burning passion for God and people that inspires their hearts. Dedicating their lives to others, in partnership with communities, missionaries aim to create a positive change through spiritual care and the implementation of grassroots projects, such as healthcare and education, reaching far beyond Catholic communities.
Catholic Mission's National Director, Fr Brian Lucas, expressed enthusiasm for this year's theme, saying, "Pope Francis has given us a powerful and inspiring message. It is an invitation to walk together on the path of peace, hope and creation."
This year, Catholic Mission invites schools and communities to journey with and discover how, together in Mission, we can make a difference in the world.
“Everywhere we can make something, small things but we can do what God wants from us. So this is my message. We here. You in Australia. Everywhere. But together we can reach a Kingdom of God.” Says Sr Alma, a missionary dedicating her life to the people of Timor-Leste.
This award is awarded to one Year 12 student from each of the Diocese of Wollongong’s secondary schools who embody true dedication to the vision of Catholic education and Gospel values. The recipient from St Benedict’s was our College Captain, Blake Straub.
I have included an excerpt from the citation:
“Blake Straub has consistently displayed the core values of what it means to be a student at St Benedict’s Catholic College. He embodies a Love of God, Neighbour and Learning. Throughout his schooling Blake has demonstrated an exceptional level of conduct that has been characterised by diligence, dedication, leadership and most importantly quality relationships.
Blake has actively involved himself in College life, most notably the spiritual and faith dimensions of the College. His commitment to his Catholic faith is clearly evident via his involvement in College Masses and Liturgies as an Altar Server. Blake is also a vital member of the College Senior Leadership team and has made outstanding contributions in his role as the College Captain. He is keen to involve others and build their capacity to lead.
Blake is an altar server in the parish of St Mary MacKillop Oran Park, and has now completed training as a Junior Acolyte. He is a great witness of leadership and faith practice to the parish, and he is well respected by all parishioners who encounter him and minister alongside him. “
Congratulations to Blake.
Our Year 10s students assisted in supporting the Spirituality Days for students at Mater Dei.
Our students are to be commended for their care and enthusiasm for the students they had the opportunity to work with. New connections were made and friendships born out of this experience.
Thank You to Mr Steve Bulfon for his leadership in organising and being actively involved in the day.
Thank You to Ms Suzanne Seychell for her support too on the day.
Student Reflection
During our visit, I was impressed by the enthusiasm of the students and their outgoingness to join the activities provided, taking into consideration their unique/different abilities, each and every one of the students greeted us with open arms. Their commitment to educational excellence was shown in every aspect at Mater Dei, from its academic programs to its welcoming atmosphere, the students of Mater Dei were friendly, generous and socially active throughout our entire visit. Throughout a specific activity (the cup stacking) each of the students participated and contributed to make the tallest tower, my competitiveness obviously led my group to victory although my teammates did the majority of the stacking I still claim victory. Some students in my group, no matter their differences, encouraged each other to join in and contribute even if it was the smallest detail, this taught me that no matter how different you can be from someone, all people should be treated equally. Overall, my day at Mater Dei allowed me to gain a better understanding of skills I lacked such as interpersonal skills, making new friends, simply having a conversation and having the confidence to go up to someone you've never met and just simply chat, I personally feel privileged to have been part of it. Once again, thank you for the opportunity, and I look forward to any future learning experiences. Ethan N (Year 10)
Last week on the 14 of September, a group of year 10's had the privilege of going to Mater Dei for their reflection day. The day was an amazing experience for our group as we were able to celebrate with them as well as create memories with them. When we arrived at Mater Dei we did a 'get-to-know-you' activity where we were able to ask people questions about what they like. We then did a game where they were split into year groups and the aim was to create the tallest tower. I was a part of the year 7 team, so of course, we won!! We worked as a team to build a base and then build upwards. This helped us to work as a team and teach them that sometimes it is better to work as a team and ask for help sometimes. We then had lunch where we went into their rooms and watched a movie with them. We played Uno with some of the year 7's, they won most of the time. After lunch, we helped to create affirmation boxes for the students, helping paint, putting glitter on them, and putting their pictures in the box. This day was very enjoyable and I was able to create many memories that I can take into my life. Thank you Mr Bulfon and Mrs Seychell for taking us on the day and helping us run the activities with the kids, we couldn't be able to do it without you!! Claire S (Year 10)
Last Thursday, I had the wonderful privilege to spend the day at Mater Dei and help out with their first-ever reflection day. The day allowed me to make great memories and connections with the students. I was warmly greeted with smiles and an introduction of names we day off with a friend's bingo where I got to interact and have a one-on-one conversation with all the lovely students. We then moved on to a cup challenge where we stacked cups in order to make the highest tower, in my eyes the aim was not only to build the tallest cup stack but to achieve the goal through teamwork and participation, this activity allowed me to admire the perseverance, determination and strong friendships among the children as their leadership allowed them to achieve their goal of building a tower, despite the multiple collapses their enthusiasm and commitment to the activity shone. After this, we got to enjoy spending our lunch break with these wonderful kids playing uno and discussing their day-to-day lives. Last of all we had an activity making affirmation boxes in which the activity entailed building confidence and allowing the children to affirm their positive qualities and characteristic strengths. Through this activity, I got to make 4 new friends Jessica, Maya, Tobias and Lucas who all were 16 and in year 10. We spent time getting to know each other discussing our siblings and our hobbies. The day was a great opportunity to spend time with these wonderful children, make new connections by meeting these wonderful children of my age and get them to create a loveable and enjoyable memory that created a positive lasting impression. Kirsty F (Year 10)
Monday 18 September saw 8 of our Year 11 students assist as small group leaders for St Justin’s Year 6 Spirituality Day. The staff from St Justin’s were thoroughly impressed with our students. This was a great opportunity for both schools to work collaboratively together and also for our Year 11s to make connections with Year 6 students. Many students from St Justin’s will be coming to St Benedict’s next year. How exciting!
My dear young Benedictine friends,
I am eternally grateful to each and everyone of you who over these 9 days are gathering during your ‘break times’ and at home and in the classroom to pray the Novenas with me and for me.
I thank Mrs Logue for sending me photos of your gatherings; and I thank the students who are leading the novena prayers.
Please know that despite some initial and expected side effects from my first chemo on Monday, I am travelling ok. Your prayers are lifting me up.
In his Rule, in Chapter 36, St Benedict says:
“Care of the sick must rank above and before all else, so that they may truly be served as Christ, for he said: I was sick and you visited me (Matt 25:36), and, What you did for one of these least brothers and sisters you did for me (Matt 25:40)”
Thank you for putting St Benedict’s wisdom into practice, through your prayers for me as I face this health challenge.
While you will not get to see me around the parish and College to often over these next 4-6 months, I want to assure you of my prayers for you, your friends and your families.
- I will be especially praying for all of you in Year 12 on 20 September when you will gather for your Thanksgiving Mass.
May the Lord Jesus – through the intercession of St Mary MacKillop and St Benedict and Servant of God Eileen O’Connor - carry all of us over these days and may we learn what it means to carry and support one another; knowing that – as St Mary MacKillop said - “we are but travellers here”.
“May the Cross be My Light and yours” - may this be our prayer for each other.
God bless
Fr David
Director of Mission and Vision,
Religious Education Coordinator
Year 12 2023 - Congratulations to the students who were First in Course
During Weeks 3 & 4 of Term 4 all students from Years 7 - 10 will participate in Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) in Mathematics, Reading Comprehension and Science. PAT tests are designed to assess each student’s current capability against the appropriate standard for their age.
The tests are online, multiple-choice and each test will take 40 - 45 minutes.
Why do we use PAT?
At St Benedict’s, PAT helps in measuring a student’s knowledge, skills and understanding in a subject, which in turn helps pinpoint where they are in their learning journey – and what they need to progress.
Staff use a multitude of data including PAT and NAPLAN to help determine how to best differentiate the learning within their classrooms. It is essential, therefore, that students approach these tests seriously, allowing them to be a genuine reflection of their ability.
At St Benedict’s, staff use a powerful and intuitive data package called Literatu, which sorts and presents data on each student in each class. Literatu highlights to teaching staff what specific skill areas need development, allowing them to cater the learning to the different learners in the class.
Below is a sample view of the data ‘Ledger’ that staff have for each class:
Test durations:
Reading - 45 minutes
Maths - 40 minutes
Science - 40 minutes
All students will receive their login in details closer to the tests.
Student Instructions (these details will be provided to students)
For the Maths test, calculators may be used by students. They will need their physical calculator with them.
Students are encouraged to use a pencil and paper to assist with working out in all tests.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via
Marc Ghignone
Director of Teaching and Learning
Marc Ghignone
Pedagogy and Innovation and High Performance
Information in this calendar list is correct at the time of publication but is subject to change without notice.
- Monday 9 October - Staff Development Day - Pupil Free Day
- Tuesday 10 October - Students commence Term 4 & HSC Begins - Summer Uniform
- Tuesday 12 December - Last day for Years 10 & 11
- Wednesday 13 December - Students Activity Day
- Thursday 14 December - Last day for Years 7, 8 & 9
- Friday 15 December - Parent Teacher Interviews Years 7 to 10 (8am - 12.30pm)
Now taking expressions of interest for Art Enrichment Program - Term 4, Week 1
Our Art Enrichment Term 4 Program will start in Week 1 in Term 4. If you are interested in learning new artmaking skills and enjoy working with other creative individuals, please complete the expression of interest form. This program is suited to students from Year 7-10.
Students will be working with one of our Visual Arts teachers Mrs Lane every Wednesday afternoon to produce a number of artworks. If you participated in Art Club earlier in the year, you will need to resubmit details if you are interested in joining the Term 4 program.
Expression of Interest form closes 6 October. Mrs Lane will contact students involved early Term 4 with more details before starting on Wednesday.
HSC Showcase
Please click on the below links to see the Year 12 music major pieces:
Congratulations to Terence N, Charissa R, Jaasiel A, Elizabeth R and Riley K for their winning entries in our Design a Book Cover Competition.
Mask-a-RADE: Unleash the spooky creativity
Keep an eye on our Oliver Homepage and the big Screens for our next competition Mask-A-Rade. This competition invites students to express their creativity with a light hearted approach to Halloween with a mask made by the students - a task which can be undertaken over the holidays. Strict guidelines are to be adhered to encourage appropriate entries particularly the exclusion of blood, gore, weapons and similar items.
Technology Free Friday
The Library will be implementing Technology Free Friday for the remainder of the year at the Recess and Lunch break. This will provide our students the opportunity to either:-
Read a book
Play Chess
Play Games
Ask for direction
Relax - this will not apply to Senior Students !
Happy reading
The Library Team
In previous editions of our newsletter and Bennies Bites, we delved into a mathematical concept that has been making waves in the world of St Benedict's Catholic College and the education of our students - RUTAC.
Whether a student is simply looking to excel in mathematics or a maths enthusiast exploring new problem-solving techniques, RUTAC is a valuable addition to any mathematical toolkit. We want students to remember that practice makes perfect, and incorporating RUTAC into their mathematical journey can lead to greater success and a deeper appreciation for the beauty of mathematics.
With our whole Year 7 cohort this term, we have seen students use this process on a daily basis in their Mathematics classes - implementing this strategy with challenging questions in an effort to build confidence in using this strategy and instilling that repetitive behaviour of reading, underlining, translating / thinking, answering and then checking their answers! I have had the privilege of visiting an array of Year 7 Mathematics classes and seeing in action the adoption of this method of interpreting mathematical questions.
But sometimes I get asked…Why Does RUTAC Even Matter?
RUTAC is more than just a problem-solving technique; it's a mindset that promotes mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills. Here's why RUTAC matters:
Clarity: RUTAC encourages a systematic and organised approach, reducing the chances of making errors and increasing the clarity of your solution.
Understanding: By emphasising the "Understand" step, RUTAC reinforces the importance of grasping the problem's context and requirements, which is fundamental for deep learning.
Confidence: Following a structured framework like RUTAC can boost your confidence in tackling even the most challenging maths problems.
Versatility: RUTAC is applicable across various mathematical disciplines, making it a valuable tool for students, teachers, and professionals alike.
Here are some samples from our Year 7 classes…the students have clearly READ, UNDERLINED, TRANSLATED / THOUGHT about what the question was asking and what operation to use, ANSWERED and CHECKED. Although they look like simple questions, you would be surprised by how many students got this wrong, simply by not reading the question properly.
Now I CHALLENGE all the remaining year groups (who have heard of RUTAC before), to ensure they are using this strategy in their maths classes and potentially adopt this method across the different Key Learning Areas. We need to lift and improve the simple things - these basic processes that ALL should be doing in order to lift our Numeracy as a school. Just remember however - this is only ONE aspect of Numeracy improvement - but a large aspect!
Have a happy and safe holiday.
Each year the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference releases a Social Justice Statement on Social Justice Sunday that explores important justice issues with the hope of provoking thought and action throughout the following year. This year’s theme is LISTEN LEARN LOVE - A New Engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
Last week secondary students and teachers from across the Diocese of Wollongong gathered to explore and unpack this Social Justice statement at the annual See, Judge, Act Workshop.
The day began with a Smoking Ceremony where all were invited to walk through the cleansing smoke acknowledging our connection to country and the First Peoples of our land. This acknowledgement was then deepened by the Aboriginal Cultural Dance students from John Therry Catholic College, Rosemeadow who proudly shared their talents, experiences and deep pride for their culture with the gathering.
We then moved into a yarning time with prayer and ritual inviting all into a spirit of listening, learning and loving. The keynote speaker was Maddy Forde Senior Advisor – Ministry Catholic Education South Australia who shared her wisdom and experience in a most engaging and inspiring way. There was then an opportunity to read through the Social Justice Statement, reflect on and discuss it and then consider how they might listen, learn and love back in their own school communities and in their own lives.
The day culminated in an artistic activity that represented the students’ responses to the call to action of the statement. In the final ritual, each secondary school was gifted a special message stick with the words Listen Learn Love to take back to their communities as a reminder of the challenge we all have to journey together in a spirit of recognition and reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and all Australians.
The Social Justice team will be hosting a stationery and sporting equipment drive throughout Week 9, 10 and Week 1, Term 4. We will be gathering the necessary resources for children in Uganda in support of Mary Babirye Kabanda and her team which will be donated around October. Please look out for any notices and please donate anything you are able to! Your small donation can make such a large impact.
We hoping to receive the following items:
Soccer Balls
Soccer Boots (used but in good condition)
Skipping Ropes
Pencil Cases
Coloured Pencils
Coloured Paper
Writing Books
Reusable Lunch boxes
Granger Forge & Engineering - Seeking an Apprenticeship
The Company
Granger Forge & Engineering is a well-established industrial blacksmith business, family-owned and operated for over 35 years, located in Smeaton Grange. Granger Forge & Engineering has a history of training apprentices in this industry. Growth in our business means an opportunity exists for an apprentice to join our friendly team.
The Role
As the Apprentice Industrial Blacksmith reporting directly to the Master Blacksmith, you will:
• Commit to undertake a four-year Tafe course
• Work under the direction of the Master Blacksmith
• Work with our existing friendly team
• Learn a wide variety of unique skills
• Every day is different, there is no repetitive work schedule
Skills & Experience
• No prior metal working knowledge assumed
• Basic Maths and English achieved/required
• Ability to work cooperatively with a small team
• Demonstrate willingness to listen and learn
• Can drive/arrive at work by 7 am
What’s on offer?
• A fantastic opportunity to join an industry-leading organisation
• An apprenticeship role within a small friendly team
• Great working environment
• We work a nine-day fortnight with every second Friday taken as an RDO
Helen Arnot
Customer Relations / Office Administration
Phone: 02 4647 6374
Careers: What’s On in the Next Few Weeks
ACU | Talk with Arts Graduates September 21, 2023 Find out more
NIE | JCU Medicine & Dentistry Application Advice and Strategies Webinar September 23, 2023 - Find out more
WSU | Bizfluencers Workshops September 25 to September 26, 2023 - Find out more
WSU | Free HSC Study Sessions September 25 to September 29, 2023 - Find out more
WEP | Student Exchange Info Session September 25, 2023 - Find out more
UOW | EmpowerHER STEM Summit September 26 to September 27, 2023 - Find out more
ACU | Talk with Psychologists, Youth Workers and Social Workers September 26, 2023 - Find out more
SCCE | Exchange Webinar September 26, 2023 - Find out more
ACU | Talk with Nutritionists and Dieticians September 27, 2023 - Find out more
iscd | Virtual Info Session September 28, 2023 - Find out more
Clusters PD – Support the ones with no idea October 5, 2023- Find out more
University of Sydney | Ngara Future Focus Program October 20, 2023 - Registration closes on Friday, 13th October 2023 Find out more
Sydney Design School | Open Day October 28, 2023 - Find out more
Aviation Careers Forum – Parramatta November 9, 2023 - Find out more
Scholarships Beyond university – diverse scholarship opportunities
Vocational education
Scholarships are available for apprentices and trainees pursuing careers in almost any field, like automotive technology, business, healthcare, and more. Many industry-specific associations and organisations can also offer financial aid.
Art and creative fields
If you have a talent in art, music, writing, or other creative areas, there are numerous scholarships available. These can support your artistic pursuits and help you refine your skills. You could be offered a residency or money to help you buy new supplies.
Sports and athletics
Athletic scholarships aren’t limited to university. Many local organisations and clubs offer scholarships for talented athletes, which can help with training costs and travel expenses.
Entrepreneurship and innovation
If you have a knack for business or innovative thinking, there are scholarships and grants available to support your entrepreneurial endeavours. Look for programs in your area, or get in touch with local business associations to see if they offer anything.
Language learning and gap years
Scholarships for language learning programs or gap year opportunities can enhance your cultural understanding and language skills. These experiences can be invaluable in today’s globalised world (and can be really fun too).
Essay contests and competitions
Various organisations host essay contests and competitions on a wide range of topics. These can be a great way to showcase your writing skills and potentially win funds to put towards nearly anything you can dream of.
Remember, finding the right opportunity may take some time and effort, but the investment is well worth it. Take advantage of online resources, scholarship search engines, and your school’s career services to help identify opportunities that align with your interests and goals.
You can find out more about scholarships and search our database here.
Getting Ready for Work- Finding holiday jobs
Do you have a special place in the Macarthur area that you find inspiring?
The Macarthur Nature Photography Competition is an opportunity for you to help highlight the beauty of our region - so dust off your camera and get ready to capture our beautiful local environment.
Camden Council, Campbelltown Council and Wollondilly Council are once again hosting the highly anticipated Macarthur Nature Photography Competition (MNPC) and is encouraging our community to enter your most striking, engaging and enticing images of local native flora, wildlife and natural scenery taken from within the Macarthur area.
Entries open: 8:30am Monday 4 September 2023
Entries close: 5pm Friday 29 September 2023
This year's themes include:
- Caring for Country;
- Threatened species; and
- Australian native plants, animals and pollinators.
Check out our website today and start snapping!
For further information please click here.
College P & F Uniform Pool orders
P & F Uniform Pool order form - click here
The P & F preloved Uniform Pool has reopened, please complete the order form and send to the P & F by email at: Our wonderful P&F volunteer Tracey will contact you.
Items can be paid for and collected from the SBCC College Office. We do not return, exchange or refund on 2nd hand clothing as these are donated by families.
Donations of items in good condition can be left at the College Office.