Koala Communication 9/4/23
Weekly Updates from Kinloch Elementary
Principal ~ Mrs. Jill Marvaso
Email: jmarvaso@csdm.k12.mi.us
Website: https://www.csdm.k12.mi.us/schools/kinloch-elementary-school/
Location: 1505 Kinloch Street, Dearborn Heights, MI, USA
Phone: 313-278-4482
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kickin.It.With.The.Koalas
Join us at our new website!
Download the App for Kinloch Information
Happy Labor Day ~ Monday, September 4, 2023
📖✏️ Back to School ✏️📖 2023 - 2024
The 😃SMILES😃 Say It All!
To work and learn and play!
I'm in a brand new grade this year.
What a happy day!
Arrival Information
Dear Kinloch families,
I ask that you read the following in order to accommodate the significant amount of traffic entering the parking lot. The DROP & GO approach will ensure traffic moves smoothly and that all students can get to class on time. Please read the following:
All students will line up inside the school upon drop-off. Doors will open at 8:25 am and will stay open until 8:40 am. This allows for a 15 minute drop off window.
Ten (10) drop-off zones will be labeled along the front curb of the school. A staff member will direct your car to a designated zone. Pull up to your assigned zone and a staff member will assist your child(ren) out of the vehicle and have them enter through the closest entry door (1, 3 or 4).
All students will enter through doors 1, 3 or 4 depending on which door is closest to their drop-off zone. Students will proceed inside and be directed to their classroom by staff and 4th grade safeties. There will no longer be teacher assigned doors.
Any student who walks to school will need to enter through doors 1, 3 or 4. All other doors will remain closed, except for students eating breakfast and bussers which enter door 9 at 8:15 am.
To help with the continuous improvement, we ask that our Kinloch families keep the following in mind:
Stay in the outer lane and wait to pull up. You will be given a drop-off zone number.
Please DO NOT park in the parking lot and get out of your vehicle. Stay in your car to keep traffic moving.
Arrive early! Doors will open at 8:25 am. Anyone that arrives after 8:40 am will need to walk their child(ren) to the office and sign them in.
Dismissal Procedures
Dear Kinloch families,
I ask that you read the following information in order to accommodate the significant amount of traffic entering the parking lot at dismissal time. Our goal is to improve our dismissal process and ensure that students are picked up within a reasonable time. Therefore, we will be utilizing dashboard cards for easy identification and pick-up. Please read the following information:
If you are walking up to the building to pick up your child(ren), please DO NOT park in the parking lot. All walkers must park off the property on one of the side streets.
All families that are picking up their child(ren) by car will stay in the outer lane and wait until a staff member comes by to announce their child's name for pickup.
1. Be prepared to roll your window down and tell one of our staff members who you are picking up.
2. Stay in the outer lane and in your vehicle at all times to keep traffic moving.
3. A staff member will call your child(ren) by their family name and they will walk to your vehicle to go home.
4. Follow the car in front of you and do not try to go around them. Be patient as they may need a few extra seconds to get their child(ren) into their vehicle.
5. When leaving the parking lot, remember to turn right only! The Dearborn Heights Police will issue citations for anyone turning left during school hours.
Please be patient as we get this process up and running. We thank you for your continuous partnership and support. Together we can make a difference in the dismissal process!
September Food Service Calendar
📚😃 Kinloch PTA Used Book Sale Starts Tomorrow 😃📚
Kinloch's Community Walkthrough of New Classroom Additions
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
4:00-5:00 pm @ Kinloch
~ Ribbon Cutting Ceremony ~
Open House: Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Upcoming Events and Important Dates
Friday, September 1 & Monday, September 4, 2023
NO SCHOOL! Labor Day weekend
Tuesday, September 5 - Friday, September 8, 2023
- PTA Used Book Sale 3:40-4:00 pm
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
- Kinloch PTA Meeting @ 9:00 am in the Media Center
- Community Walkthrough/Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Kinloch 4:00-5:00 pm
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
- Kinloch Open House from 5:30-7:00 pm
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