Craddock's Weekly Update
For the Week of August 7, 2023
Mrs. Menta's Message
Greetings Craddock Families!
My apologies this is coming out a little later than promised. It's been a busy few weeks as we continue creeping closer to the opening of the 23-24 school year!
I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all of you who have taken time to attend our building tours and popsicle events. We have had a great turnout across all of them! Thank you for your patience and flexibility, as some of the tours have been packed! We have two more tours tomorrow at 9:00 and 10:00 and our final popsicle event running from 10:30-11:30. Hope to see you there!
The Weekly Update is filled with incredibly important information to get the year started smoothly. Please read carefully and never hesitate to reach out with any questions! We are here to help you!
From this point forward, you can expect a Weekly Update each week of the school year. I try my best to get them out on Fridays for the following week, but sometimes they come out over the weekend! I know these can be overwhelming, so I appreciate your understanding in advance. It's my way to ensure all you need to know is in one central location!
Have a wonderful rest of the week and know we are so excited to see everyone at Meet and Greet on Monday, 8/14/23!
Take care,
Kim Menta
330-562-3175 (office)
216-8489-2552 (cell)
Welcome Back!
To help with parking and traffic flow in the building, we encourage all students with last names beginning with the letters A-L to come between 3:00-4:00 and those with last names beginning with M-Z to attend 4:00-5:00. Kona Ice treats will be available for purchase. The cost ranges between $4.00-$6.00. Thank you in advance for helping the teachers and with parking. We hope to see you all there!
School Fees Due
Beginning each school year each student has fees. The fees are for paper and consumable student workbooks. You have three options on how to pay your school fees.
Go on the Aurora school webpage, left hand side Fee Payments Online. It will direct you to
Please call Mary Kohanski 330.562.6106, the Superintendent Secretary to pay with a credit card.
Send in a check, made out to Aurora City Schools and in the memo line please add student name and teacher.
Craddock Transportation Request/Attendance Reporting 23-24
If you want to change your child's transportation in any way, please scan the QR code below or click the button below to fill out our Google form. This can be done from any device and your reply will be sent immediately to our secretary, Mrs. Kerchenski.
Also, if your child is absent, instead of calling us, you can also use this code to report the absence and reason for the absence. We are working really hard to reduce the amount of phone calls, emails or notes that we receive. We ask that you reserve those modes of communication for emergencies only. It's hard to manage communication coming in from all those different medias for 400 plus students. Thank you in advance for your help and let us know if you have any questions at all!
Bus Information
The login information is as follows:
User name = jane.smith (That is the students first name period last name with no spaces) Password = students date of birth 01012021 with no characters or spaces between mmdayyear
Once you are in, go to "Work with students" then "View my students" and you should see all of your students to choose from.
Please be reminded we now have GPS on all of the school buses. You can see when the bus is to arrive at your home. Download the app "versatrans my stop" from the app store and sign in the same as above. If you have any questions or concerns with transportation, please email us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Note, we are never sure how many students will be riding the buses. Once schools open we will make necessary adjustments for buses that may be full. If you did not respond to our survey and your students will not need transportation, please notify us via email.
Thank you and have a safe school year!
Transportation Department
Car Rider Protocol
Students can be dropped off at 8:40 a.m. at the earliest! Please do not allow them to exit your car until that time, as there is no staff to monitor them. Pick up will begin promptly at 3:10 each day. If everyone knows the system and cooperates, we will have all students in cars in 15-20 minutes.
You will need a car rider tag to pick up your child. These can be secured at our Meet and Greet in the hallways across from the gym or the first few weeks of school in the car rider line. We will come out with them each day before pick up begins at 3:10.
Here are some things I need all car rider families to do, which will help immensely.
- Please do not use Willard to line up for drop off or pick up. We are working with the police to get it blocked off, but in the meantime, please avoid it. Enter Hurd Road off of New Hudson and begin lining up there. Please see the map below for guidance.
- Parents are not permitted to get out of their car when dropping off or picking up their child(ren). It is one of the main reasons the flow of traffic slows down. If you need to do that, you must pull into a marked parking spot. Again, we ask you don't do it at all. We have plenty of staff available to help your child in or out safely.
- All students must exit their car on the passenger side of the vehicle. We understand this can be tricky with child locks and car seats, but it is in the best interest of all our car riders to have it be this way. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
- We are not permitting people to turn left into the school from Hurd Road. You will be asked to continue down Hurd, turn around and join the end of the line.
- We ask that you please respect the guidelines we have set up and follow them consistently. Everyone involved in the car rider process, staff and parents, thank you!
Student Medication Forms
If your child needs to take medication at school, please fill out the forms shown below and bring the medication to Craddock. Your child is not permitted to carry the medication in themselves. An adult must transport it.
If you have any questions at all, please call our main office at 330-562-3175 or Mrs. Courtad's school cell phone at 330-285-3714. You can call or text that number.
Bus Drivers Needed for 23-24
Looking for a part time job?
Wanting the same schedule as your children?
Join Aurora Transportation Department!
No experience required, we will train you!
Contact us at
Mark Your Calendar
W, 8/09
Building Tours at 9:00 and 10:00
Popsicles on the Playground from 10:30-11:30
R, 8/10
New to Aurora Student/Family Orientation at 6:30 in Craddock's Cafeteria
M, 8/14
Meet and Greet from 3:00-5:00 (A-L from 3:00-4:00 and M-Z from 4:00-5:00)
W, 8/16
First Day of School for Students Whose Last Name Begins with A-L
R, 8/17
First Day of School for Students Whose Last Name Begins with M-Z
F, 8/18
First Day of School for ALL Students Together
T, 8/22
Fall Pictures
F, 8/25
Autumn Assessment Day for Students Whose Last Names Begin with A-L (M-Z students stay home)
M, 8/28
Autumn Assessment Day for Students Whose Last Names Begin with M-Z (A-L students stay home)
M, 9/04
NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
F, 9/29
Cruisin' Craddock Fundraiser (Parents are invited to walk with their child this year. Stay tuned for more information!)
Fall Pictures Coming Soon!
Your Online Ordering Code is: pd1588cradd
Important PTO Information
Craddock Elementary School
Location: 105 Hurd Road, Aurora, OH, USA
Phone: 330-562-3175
Twitter: @CraddockSchool