September 2022 | Olympic View Elementary School
From the Desk of our Principal
Welcome Back, Orca Families!
We are so happy to see kids back on campus and are looking forward to an amazing year ahead. Please know that we are so excited that your family is a part of our Orca Community.
At Olympic View:
We believe in the power of working together and our collective strengths and knowledge.
We believe in our students, families and one another.
We believe in our community.
We believe in what is possible
Thank you for partnering with us to have an amazing year!
Please reach out with any questions or if we can help you in any way.
Mrs. Lucero
Olympic View Support Staff
Karen Bell, Communications Secretary
Andra Shelley, Principal's Secretary
Michael Howard, Students Support Specialist-Dean of Students
Carla Hurst, School Counselor
Sara Lucero, Principal
General Office Contact Information
Office contact number: 360-279-5150
Attendance: 360-279-5159
Office contact email: oveinfo@ohsd.net
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Wa kids Kindergarten | Sept. 1, 2, & 6
- First Day of School 1st-4th grade | Sept. 6
- First Day of Kindergarten | Sept. 7
- PTA Meeting | Sept. 14, 4:20 p.m.
Notes from the office
We are quickly approaching the end of the school year. This will be your last opportunity to rectify any unexcused absences your child may have. Monday, there will be a slip sent home with your child with specific attendance information.
Attendance tracking for the past two years has been a challenge due to COVID. However, with the pandemic recessing, attendance tracking will once again be in full swing for the 2022-2023 school year.
Thank you for your time and for making sure your child's education is a priority.
For families with incoming kindergarteners, please register online as soon as possible.Required documents:
- Birth certificate
- Proof of address
- Immunization record
Character Strong: Respect
This month we're talking about Respect. One way to think about Respect is “seeing value in all people and things & treating them with care.” Many people feel Respected in different ways and we hope this month inspires discussions with your family about what Respect means to you and how you can practice it together!
Review Respect as a family! Remember that in our lessons we are teaching that Respect means to see value in people and things and treat them with care. Agree as a family to set aside a certain time each day this week to unplug from devices and plug into family time. It shows Respect to practice being present in the moment without the distractions that can come from technology. Debrief and discuss this challenge afterward and commit to this practice at least 1 day each week!
Counselors Corner
I hope you and your family had a fun and relaxing summer vacation. My name is Carla Hurst and I am the School Counselor at Olympic View Elementary. I have always enjoyed the energy and excitement of a new school year as we prepare to see returning students and meet many new ones! I am looking forward to a school year full of lots of successful learning and growth for our students. Again this year, I will be providing classroom lessons as part of my services for all students. Please watch for more information about these lessons and when you can expect them to happen in your child's classroom. Also, if you have any concerns about your child that you wish to discuss with me, please feel free to reach out anytime. I can be contacted at churst@ohsd.net or 360-279-5160. I am lucky to be joined again this year with additional building level counseling supports. Claire Gelrich is our Military and Family Life Counselor working with our military population and Joycelin Vester is our Mental Health Counselor who provides more in-depth individual counseling support. Both Mrs. Gelrich and Mrs. Vester split their time between Olympic View and Crescent Harbor Elementary, but we are very lucky to have them both part-time in our building. We are looking forward to getting the school year underway and are excited for the opportunity to work with the amazing students at OVE! GO ORCAS!!
- Utilize our transportation services, if you qualify for busing. Please be sure to check the transportation website for more information.
- Walk or bike to school! This is a great opportunity to get to know your neighbors and develop a shared plan for getting to and from school.
- Carpool. If you need to drive, then drive together!
- If you must drive, there are some changes that you'll need to be aware of including:
We really appreciate your continued support of our Orca Community and need your help ensuring the safety of our community and students and easing the traffic congestion during dismissal.
See you all soon,
Mrs. Lucero
All vehicles must enter campus via the south entrance (nearest the CDC).
In order to ensure the safety of all students, families, and staff.
- Follow directions of all staff members.
- Drive slowly and keep a watchful eye out for students!
- Students may be on campus at 8:30 AM.
- Any time you enter the building, please check in at the front office.
- All students will enter the building through the main entrance at arrival.
- For drive-through dismissal, no parking/waiting on campus or on NE Regatta St. before 3:15 PM.
Morning drop-off is in front of the school. Please use the drop-off lane closest to the main building. Pull forward to the farthest point possible for the best traffic flow. For your child(ren)'s safety, if you park in the front lot, you MUST accompany your child(ren) across the crosswalk to the front of the school. If your child(ren) needs extra time to unload, please park in the parking lot at the front of the building and walk your child across to the front entrance of the building.
If there are changes in the dismissal plans for your child(ren), please call the office before 1:30 PM to ensure there is sufficient time to pass on the information.
If your child(ren) needs extra time to load, please park in the parking lot at the front of the building and walk your child across the crosswalk to the front entryway of the building.
Front of the School Dismissal
- If walking, please meet your child(ren) at the front of the building.
- If driving and parking, authorized adults must walk to the front of the building and escort their child to the car.
Drive-Through Dismissal- Back of School
**For drive-through dismissal, no parking/waiting on campus or on NE Regatta St. before 3:15 PM. All Families will be given a car tag to place in their car for drive-up dismissal. When you enter campus at the south entrance, please have your car tag on the left side of your car's front window or the driver's side window.
- Have your car tag with your students first and last name visible.
- Please have a card in every car that is authorized to pick up your child.
- Additional cards are available, please tell your child(ren)'s teacher or call the office if you need a new one or an extra.
- Pull your vehicle up so that the car door is lined up with the cone.
- Please remain in your vehicle during pick up.
- Follow directions of the staff that are directing traffic. We want to have the process be as safe and quick as possible.
- Pick up your child(ren when they are at a cone, and not before.
Please join our Olympic View PTA
On Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/OVEPTA
Importance of this form
COVID Questions?
360-678-2301 Mon - Fri 08:00- 4:30pm
About Olympic View Elementary
Email: oveinfo@ohsd.net
Website: www.ohsd.net/oves
Location: 380 Northeast Regatta Drive, Oak Harbor, WA, USA
Phone: 360.279.5150
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Olympicviewelementaryschool