The Eagle Express
CSSE's Weekly Newsletter - April 29, 2022
Important Dates
Sat., Apr. 30 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Goga!
Sat., Apr. 30 - First Communion at St. Eugene 5pm mass
May 2-6 - Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
Mon., May 2 - National School Principal’s Day
Tues., May 3 - Spirit Tee Tuesday and 2pm Dismissal
Tues., May 3 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Duginski!
Thurs., May 5 - School Mass (8:15am)
Fri., May 6 - School Lunch Heroes Day
Sat., May 7 - Dads’ Club Scotch Tasting (sign up)
Tues., May 10 - Fine Arts Night
Fri., May 13 - All books due back to the school library
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week begins next week! Help celebrate our amazing teachers and staff! PTO will have optional themes for each day May 2nd-6th if you would like to participate in that way. Let’s show our St. Eugene faculty and staff that we believe they are #TheEducatorsYouPrayFor! - Link to Favorites lists
KHC Free Dress Day
Save the Date for Fine Arts Night!
Need Time & Talent? We need a few volunteers to accept and arrange the cupcakes and a few more to take money and sell cupcakes and water during intermission. See volunteer sign up.
Raffle Update
Rice Bowls
Library Books and Fees Due
Dads’ Club Scholarship
Dads’ Club Scotch Tasting Night
Uniform Fittings - Save the Date
Ms. Whitmire’s Summer Art Camp is Back!
Join us for a fun and creative week at Ms. Whitmire's Summer Art Camp in the art room at CSSE! Separate camps will be offered for CSSE elementary and middle school students. Both camps will include a wide variety of art activities as well as intermittent physical activities like outside time, games, and yoga! Students will need to bring lunch and a water bottle each day. Morning and afternoon snacks will be provided. Enrollment form and tuition payment are due Wednesday, June 29th. Payment can be made by cash or check made out to Kara Whitmire with Memo "Art Camp - [Student Name]" and dropped off in the school office or Venmo directly to @Kara-Lane-20. Sessions are capped at 15 students.
Elementary Camp (Incoming 3rd-5th grades) FULL - Please email to be put on waitlist
July 5th-8th (Tuesday-Friday) 9:30a-3:30p
Tuition: $175
July 11th-15th (Monday-Friday) 9:30a-3:30p
Tuition: $220
Time & Talent Requirements
Our Time and Talent program requires each family to contribute 30 hours of service to the school. Only 20 hours are needed for single parent families. Grandparents can earn hours for their children's families, however you must indicate which grandchild's family you are working for in each particular instance. Students may earn up to 10 hours of their family’s obligation, provided it is for an approved and qualifying volunteer opportunity.
Eagle Basketball Skills Camp
PTO News
Upcoming Eat & Earns - Always mention St. Eugene when you order so we get a donation back to the school. Thank you, and don’t forget to spread the word to family and friends! Have an idea for an Eat and Earn or school fundraiser? Email us at!
Ted’s - N. May location - Wednesday, May 4th from 5-9pm
Don’t forget our Simply Sign It fundraiser that you can purchase at any time for them to donate 25% back to our school!
Eagle Excellence
Congrats to our students who participated in the CGSAA City Track Meet last week! Our students gave great effort overall, and we are proud of them! Top finishers include: AB Rogers (1st place, long jump), Chibuzo Ejiofor (1st place, 50m and standing board jump), Luke Dooley (1st place, 100m and running long jump), and Lennox McCormick (1st place, 800m). We also had quite a few 2nd-6th place finishes. View the rest of the results on the CGSAA website. Thank you to Lee Marks for leading our track team this year!
Please Pray For...
Pray for our newly confirmed students, the newly baptized, and our students who will be receiving their First Communion this Saturday evening at Mass. | Pray for peace in Ukraine. | Please pray for Mrs. Hackett who continues to recover from the side effects of COVID-19.I Please pray for Mrs. Aleman’s mother who is very ill. | Please pray for Judy Seymour, grandmother of Isla and Lusiana. | Please pray for Linda Skinner, a mentor and dear friend to Mrs. Goldsworthy. She is going through chemo. | Please pray for the healing of Sasha, cousin to Mark Roby and granddaughter to Mrs. Neal. | Please pray for the healing of Dub Wheeler, grandfather or Gehrig and Gabby. He has numerous medical issues, and needs the extra prayers. | Pray for those in our community who are ill, suffering, or lonely. | Pray for our staff, students, and their families.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at
Parish & Community News
Summer Ministers Schedule is Here - The summer ministers schedule is here. Please check for your name or your student's name in the list for ushers, readers, greeters, altar servers, etc. If you have a scheduling conflict, please find a sub or contact the church office. Use the MyParish app and join the Altar Server group to find server subs.
Do you receive the St. Eugene E-Pistle? Our church sends out a weekly newsletter with updates, news, and events. Sign up to receive the newsletter through Flocknote.
The Eucharistic Revival in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City Join Archbishop Coakley, clergy and parishioners, children and other Church leaders as they process from Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School to The Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Oklahoma City. The procession is part of a nationwide Eucharistic Revival. Visit
Altar Society Spring Fling Every woman in the Parish is a member and we need you to attend. Look for a great spring hat to wear. The afternoon will include a brief program, prizes, and an important general meeting. RSVP to church office.
Register for OLOG!
Rocket Summer Camp
Mark your summer calendar now for Rocket camps!
Registration will open May 1 for all Rocket Summer Camps. Below is a list of all camps and dates so you can plan ahead!
Volleyball, Soccer, Speed, Basketball, Baseball, All Sports, Football, Softball, Cheer! Go Rockets!
CCYO Cheer!
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067