High School Enewsnotes
Friday, November 19 , 2021
Important Dates
- Sat., Nov. 20 Annual & Nordic Ski Swap at MS
- Tues., Nov 22 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Set 1
- Tues., Nov. 23 - Board of Education Meeting, 7 p.m.
- Wed., Nov. 24 - Fri., Nov. 26 - Thanksgiving Recess - No School
Please Consider Joining the Ski Team
HF-L Downhill Ski and Snowboard Club is back!
Sophomore Holiday Fundraiser
Toys For Tots
Toys for Tots
As the Holiday Season approaches, please consider helping the STEM Club support The Kade Project in collecting donations of new, unwrapped toys for kids in the area. We all know of families in need, families with illness, job loss, or other issues. Some of these families go without gifts for their children during the holidays. A small toy, doll, LEGO set, or stuffed animal can go a long way to ease the burden on parents who are struggling. Let's support our students as they work to impact their community during a special time of year.
The High School donation box is located in the main entrance vestibule by the Main Office. Donations will be accepted until December 10th. The STEM Club will help transport the boxes from all the HF-L schools to the Community Center after school on December 10th.
A special shout out to Melissa Boldt's classes for always stepping up with donations. Thank you to everyone for your consideration and tremendous, annual support.
Clothing Drive Competition- Donut Breakfast to Class Donating Most Clothing
HF-L Music Boosters is offering plants for sale (Poinsettias, Cyclamen, Christmas Cactus) in a variety of colors, as well as a beautifully designed centerpiece to decorate for the holidays or give as gifts. (See Website for further details.) Ordering deadline: Wednesday, December 1st. Plant pick-up: CURBSIDE ONLY at HF-L Middle School, 619 Quaker Meetinghouse Road on Friday, December 17th (3:00 PM-6:00 PM) and Saturday, December 18th (9:00 AM-Noon) To view plant photos, download an Order Form or to place an order online, please visit Music Boosters Website at: https://www.hflcsd.org/page/music-boosters.
Youth Risk Behavior Survey on November 23, 2021.
LINK TO PARENT LETTER: https://hflcsd-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/cmillard_hflcsd_org/Eeadj8hw-ZVOuGsUTWSlZCwBupa3wBJl0hdMyVp7JMJlaw?e=ERYwEW
The Monroe County Department of Public Health and the Honeoye Falls-Lima High School are conducting the 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey on November 23, 2021. Students in grades 9-12 will be asked to take this online survey during first set. This survey will assist HFL, and schools across Monroe County, to identify behaviors that increase the risk of adolescent physical and mental health problems.
Student participation in the survey is voluntary; students can skip questions they do not want to answer. We encourage students to participate. Student responses will allow for timely and accurate information that can be used to create comprehensive programs at local and county levels to address teen needs.
Student responses are confidential. The survey is completed online with no personally identifying information attached.
Attached find a Frequently Asked Questions document and Parent Permission form. If after reading you would like to have your child opt out of the survey, please complete and return to the Counseling Center by November 22, 2021.
Honeoye Falls-Lima to Conduct School Census
The Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School District will once again conduct its resident census to update its information on pre-school and school-aged children in order to plan for changes in student enrollment. Families with children enrolled in grades K-12 at HF-L, families with children enrolled in private and parochial schools, and residents with no children in the District will all receive the census form through the mail and are asked to respond. All information gathered will be used solely by the Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School District.
It is important to note that this is a local census and is unrelated to the U.S. Census.
Residents will receive the District census form (which will be printed on pink paper) by mail the week of November 17, 2021, and are asked to reply verifying their information as soon as possible in one of three ways by December 7, 2021:
District website - visit https://www.hflcsd.org/page/census-2021 to fill out the online census verification form and click submit.
Telephone - Call the District Census/Central Registrar's Office to verify your information at (585) 624-7123.
Mail - Indicate and print any corrections and/or updates on the printed form. Sign, affix a stamp, and return the form via postal mail.
For more information, please visit: https://www.hflcsd.org/article/589364
EMCC Programs / Overview & Schedules - Monroe
EMCC offers 18 Career and Technical Education programs. Please click the links under EMCC Programs to see more information on the specific programs we have available.
It's graduation order week at Honeoye Falls-Lima! Please take a minute to watch the brief video below for information on graduation - what you need and how to order online. We'll be available during lunches on Monday & Tuesday, November 15th & 16th as well.
Click here to view our virtual catalog, or a complete packet can be found in the main office.
Thank you and we look forward to helping you make it a great senior year!
Confidential Family Support Survey
This is a confidential form seen only by the HF-L School Counselors. If you are in need of financial assistance for your school-aged child during the school year, please fill this form out. You will be contacted when programs are activated. If you are not interested or previously completed, please disregard this. Please submit one form PER FAMILY no later than OCTOBER 30th.
Join the HF-L Team!
Our District is continuing to develop strategies to combat the current labor shortage. If you or someone you know is interested in joining the HF-L family we have the current job openings District Wide:
- School Bus Driver
- School Bus monitor
- Food Service Helper
- Lifeguards/WSI/WSI Aide
- Lunch Monitors
- Substitute Teachers
- School Nurse
- Cougar Care Staff
- Cleaners
- Mechanic 2
- Grounds equipment Operator
- Director of Technology Operations
If you or someone you know is interested in joining the HF-L Team, Please go to www.work4hfl.org
Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School District - Frontline Recruitment
Frontline Recruiting and Hiring, Applicant Tracking for Educators. Online Job Employment Applications, Web Based Employment Applications for School Districts and Educational Institutions.
Honeoye Falls-Lima High School Contact Information
Website: https://high.hflcsd.org/
Location: 83 East Street, Honeoye Falls, NY, USA
Phone: 585-624-7050
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HFL-High-School-238272826545177/
Twitter: @HFLHS