The Patriot Way
Union County High School, Volume 1, Issue 3
Where Did October Go!!!
Warren Cook
Union County High School
our students love our teachers!!
Students honor our office staff
Mrs. West - We'd be sick without you! YOU make everything better! Thank you for putting yourself on the front line.
Mrs. Maddock - The fixer of everything! Always making our days run smooth!
Mrs. Webb - Wears many hats and with a smile!
Rachel Hamilton - Shout out to Mrs. Barnhizer for being a helpful and guiding mentor!
Jill Webb - Shout out to Tony and Robin for dealing with difficult and sensitive situations in a professional and compassionate manner day in and day out. They are both a blessing to our students and staff.
Shannon Hill - Shout out to my A-Lunch Buddies who are fun and supportive every day!
Susan Graham - Shout out to Charlotte Hale for helping me write my first IEP! There is so much behind the scenes that has to happen for an IEP to be written correctly!! She is a a pro!
Susan Graham - Shout out to Megan Worcester for a HUGE mathematical victory with Deivy, one of the ESL students! You are a ROCKSTAR! We are so lucky to have you helping these kiddos get the education they deserve!
Susan Graham - Shout out to Daniel Taylor for his work with the Model Leg group! The students are raving about how much fun it was and how much they learned! With so many irons in the fire between school and home, your energy is amazing!
Megan Worcester - Shout out to Kady Carmack for giving up her study hall and work time in Biology to come double duty in my room for 2 periods this week. She flipped back and forth working on homework and projects and being my loud speaker and teacher's helper when I lost my voice on Tuesday.
Karla Barnhizer - Shout out to Rachel Hamilton for the passion she brings to content.
Karla Barnhizer - Shout out to Shannon Hill for ALWAYS providing emotional support! She is relentlessly devoted to our students and staff.
Karla Barnhizer - Shout out to Dorothy Campbell for her mission to make certain every student knows someone cares.
Karla Barnhizer - Shout out to Nick Shank for enthusiasm for science--courses that connect with everything!
Karla Barnhizer - Shout out to Karen Kahl for her compassion for all students. I watch her as she checks in with students.
Warren Cook - Shout out to Mike Reister for his dedication and drive to make UCHS a great place! What you do for this school does not go unnoticed! I could not think of a better partner to navigate through the school year with!
Shannon Hill - Shout out to Mr. Cook for taking the time to check in with teachers!
Mandi Reed - Shout out to Jennifer Brannon for making an awesome spreadsheet for our group to use to tally our assessment types at our meeting.
Robin Durham - Shout out to Nick Shank for always seeing and commenting on the positive of situations that are not ideal or disruptive to your daily schedule...and always being so flexible!!
Charlotte Hale - Shout out to Tony Duritsch for taking the time to set up the second Plato business class for those students who need it.
Charlotte Hale - Shout out to Robin Durham for making sure the PSAT is set up for students with accommodations.
Charlotte Hale - Shout out to Bekki Geis for covering classes when we need a teacher in IEP meetings.
Shannon Hill - Shout out to student Ryan Alexander who exhibited excellent manners and professional etiquette when seeking assistance for his class and the substitute teacher.
Nick Shank - Shout out to all those teachers that have allowed me to observe in their classes these last two weeks. I didn't get into all the rooms I wanted to, but I saw some amazing things going on! I'll highlight a few from what I say - in the order I observed them.
Miss Adams - I've never seen a math teacher do so many interactive projects, and they are SO creative!
Mrs. Campbell - I may have observed your study hall, but you definitely do a great job keeping a relaxing, calm atmosphere where students can work.
Mrs. Allbright - You do an inspiring job at trying to motivate your students in a class where many of them are lacking.
Mrs. Meier - Your ability to pull prior knowledge out of your students and build on what they already know is amazing!
Mrs. Barnhizer - Even giving a quiz, you show the kids love and dedication, and it always shows.
Mrs. Hill - The way you refer to vocabulary and have them apply it to their reading is marvelous. I've already used your candy reward for answering questions.
Mrs. Reed - Your project ideas are always incredibly unique and creative, and seeing what the kids are making in your classes is inspiring!
I wish I could give all of you the bison. This is NOT an easy choice!!!
Ashley Reister - Shout out to Jennifer Brannon for taking time out of her prep to help me import content into Canvas!
Ashley Reister - Shout out to Pat Tafelski for answering all my Plato questions!
Ashley Reister - Shout out to Jill Webb for always being so nice and helpful.
Charlotte Hale - Shout out to Darlene Mahaney for excellent work and compassion working one on one with special needs students.
Charlotte Hale - Shout out to Susan Graham for picking up IEP writing so quickly and handling case conferences like a pro.
Robin Durham - Shout out to Shannon Hill, Megan Worcester, Tony Duritsch, Charlotte Hale, Karen Kahl, Monica Hoffman, Darlene Mahaney, and Paula Norton for administering the PSAT. I know it is not convenient to have your typical schedule be interrupted!
Karen Kahl - Shout out to Shannon Hill for organizing a successful blood drive and getting students to participate.
Karen Kahl - Shout out to Ashley Reister and the Yearbook class for making "Kiss the Pig" a fun and worthwhile event!
Karen Kahl - Shout out to Darlene Mahaney for the patience and kindness I see her give students.
Debbie Allbright - Shout out to Nick Shank for making my play posters
Debbie Allbright - Shout out to Shannon, Ryan, Nick, and Megan, Best lunch group ever!
Debbie Allbright - Shout out to Dorothy Campbell who is always positive no matter what is happening in class
Debbie Allbright - Shout out to Mandi Reed for making the parenting and teaching thing work with a great attitude when life is crazy.
Nick Shank - Shout out to Debbie Allbright for dressing up, playing her character for Rock History Class.
Nick Shank - Shout out to Georgetta Hartman for always being willing to figure things out and how to cope with a lack of subs. She covered a class herself on Friday which shows she is willing to go above and beyond to be sure we get the time off we need,
Nick Shank - Shout out to our entire faculty, there are so many wonderful people in this building, and your all a privilege to work with. Love you all!
Mandi Reed - Shout out to my students for there maturity in handling an emergency in my class.
Mandi Reed - Shout out to Rhonda for helping during the situation and sticking close to the student to reassure them and provide comfort!
Dorothy Campbell - Shout out to Megan Worcester for helping with my 7th period on Wednesday! I'm so thankful for you and ALL that you do!
Rachel Hamilton - Shout out to Karla Barnhizer and Ashley Reister for contributing their wonderful ideas for journalism class!
Kasey Brubaker - Shout out to UCHS admin for providing El Reparo for dinner during conferences.
Kasey Brubaker - Shout out to Mr. Shank for being a great resource and letting me bounce ideas off of him/ check my lab results.
Jordan Ashbrook - Shout out to all the teachers that helped cover my classes while I was out!
Eli McCoy - Shout out to Shannon Hill for checking up on me and helping me with everything. Her support has meant a lot all year.
Karla Barnhizer - Shout out to SSGT Tyler Powell of the Marine Corps for American Flag Etiquette training for Daulton Back, Jack Whipple, and Nathaniel Tolford. Staff Sergeant Powell has family connections to UCHS--Community supports us!
Karla Barnhizer - Shout out to Daulton, Jack, and Nathaniel for raising and lowering our campus American Flags each morning and afternoon.
Karla Barnhizer - Shout out to Tony Duritsch for empowering our students with a VOICE for making UCHS a better place for everyone! Their stories are "unwritten" and we have the opportunity to impact them in powerful, positive ways.
Karla Barnhizer - Shout out to Rachel Hamilton for never giving up!
Karla Barnhizer - Shout out to Daniel Taylor for hosting a Cake EXPLOSION of sweet connections to Federalism. YUMMY learning...
Warren Cook - Shout out to all of the UCHS Family!!! I am blessed beyond measure to have the privilege of working for you!
Nick Shank - Shout out to Debbie Allbright for an excellent concert, and great quick action when things went unexpectedly for a moment.
Nick Shank - Shout out to Warren Cook for always being willing to listen to us and making sure we have a positive school climate.
Nick Shank - Shout out to Jennifer Brannon for being so patient with me when I take forever to get Nathan's points in the grade book.
Nick Shank - Shout out to Austin Marshall for giving our students another club to attend.
Nick Shank - Shout out to Shannon Hill for keeping a rough group engaged, productive, and ...dare I say it...LEARNING!
Ashley Reister - Shout out to Jordan Ashbrook for covering my class due to a medical issue! #UCFamily
Ashley Reister - Shout out to Jennifer Brannon and her students for making blankets for all our local veterans! #UCCommunity
School Improvement Team
next bison award winner
"What a great time with our student class officers at the Anthony Munoz Youth Leadership Seminar in Mason, Ohio. The day started with being greeted by the great staff and a few Chick-Fil-A Cows. We ventured into the Auditorium for a morning concert and our morning Speakers (Anthony Munoz, Amy Thompson, Kick Lee, Chris Cox) 9:00-10:20.
Our group got to break for a free Chick-Fil-A lunch and networking from 10:20-11:20.
Our Breakout sessions from 11:20-12:20 consisted of the following steps to develop a program at our school.
After collaborating with local schools and developing a plan for a leadership program to start at our school, we returned to the auditorium for another concert, a few student speakers and our last adult presenter, Allison Mecca. I was inspired to empower our young leaders to succeed and to promote inclusion for our students and community."
Tony Duritsch, School Counselor
student quotes about the conference
Libby Page - “Be the hero of your own story”
Bailey Boatright - “I think everyone should go, all the speakers were awesome and the environment is so upbeat and welcoming! I learned so much!”
Jared Grissom - "It was very fun and a cool experience especially for me as a freshman I would definitely go again if given the chance. Also thanks to all the teachers and administrators who took time out of their day to help with the awesome experience."
Autumn Cantrell - I believe the Anthony Munoz Leadership event really opened our minds, and inspired us, as students to better our school and community around us. That our generation is in control of future outcomes. We are the change.
Carson Garrett - “The Anthony Munoz Leadership Conference was a wonderful learning experience, we got to meet students from other schools and talk about what we could do to improve our school and community.”
Mackenzie Carter -”I think the Anthony Munoz Leadership Conference was an amazing chance to open our minds as leaders. So we could grow our leadership skills and bring them back to our school, to help make it a better place to learn.”
Eric Burdine - “I really like the Anthony Munoz leadership conference because they showed me how I can be a leader not only at school but in the community as well.”
Hayden Boatright - “It was a really great experience. It was really inspiring and it showed me that there are still people that care and want to do good for others, and not just themselves.”
Delaney Allen - "After this experience, I came back to school confident that I knew how to be a leader for my peers."
kiss the pig!
Principles of Entrepreneurship Class
Basic Skills Development Class
Drawing Class
Thank You to Mrs. Brannon and her Nutrition class for never forgetting about me when you bake !!!
to our incredible community stakeholders
Union County High School
Email: warren.cook@uc.k12.in.us
Website: https://www.uc.k12.in.us/union-county-high-school
Location: 410 Patriot Boulevard, Liberty, IN, USA
Phone: 765-458-5136
Twitter: @UCHSPrincipal