Principal's Weekly Update
January 5th, 2024
A Message from Mrs. Enrique, Assistant Principal
Welcome back to St. Mary's and Happy New Year!
It was so nice to return to school from our Christmas and New Year's break. Everyone greeted each other with warm smiles and embraces, and students arrived eager to learn! It was a smooth transition back to routines and classes. January is full of excitement as we prepare this weekend for the arrival of the Three Kings for the Epiphany, and later in the month for Catholic Schools Week. Mrs. Fragola’s second-grade class celebrated the Epiphany on Friday by creating crowns, writing about their gifts for Baby Jesus, and eating homemade treats. Be on the lookout for emails announcing the schedule and special events starting Sunday, January 28th. We are also keeping an eye on the weather reports for this weekend and will keep you updated via email in case of a delayed opening or closure on Monday, January 8th.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Looking Ahead
January 8th
- Baptism of the Lord School Mass at 8 a.m. (K2-8)
- Winter clubs begin
January 10th
- Early Re-Enrollment begins
January 15th
- No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 16-25th
- Grades 2-8 Winter MAP Testing
January 19th
- Discovery Day
January 24th
- Coffee with the Principal
January 25th
- Progress Reports Released (K2 - 8)
- Report Cards Released (PreK - K1)
January 26th
- No School - Parent-Teacher Conferences (PreK - K1) and Professional Development (K2 - 8)
January 28th
- Catholic Schools Week Kick-Off Mass
January 28th-February 2nd
- Catholic Schools Week
February 14th
- Ash Wednesday Mass at 12:10 (PreK-8)
February 19th - February 23rd
- February School Break
A Message from Ms. DeLuca, Director of Admissions
Early Re-Enrollement
Happy New Year St. Mary’s Families! The early re-enrollment period for the 2024-2025 academic year will open on January 10th and will end on January 24th. Please be on the lookout for an email with instructions on how to re-enroll. All families that re-enroll between January 10 and January 24 will be eligible to be entered into a drawing to receive a $500 credit towards their 2024-2025 tuition!
Discovery Day
We will be hosting our second Discovery Day on January 19th from 9:00-11:00 a.m! This is an open house event that will include a presentation from administrators, students, and current parents followed by a tour of the school. If you know of any families that are interested in enrolling in St. Mary’s, please encourage them to sign up for this open house event using the admissions tab on our website (https://stmarys-brookline.org/admissions/). If you are interested in helping out with this event please reach out to me (ddeluca@stmarys-brookline.org).
We look forward to continuing to grow our St. Mary’s family in 2024!
A Message from Mrs. Salic, Director of Development
Candidly, we are close to exceeding last year’s Appeal. I know I can count on your continued support to help us surpass 22/23. Every dollar counts. Please visit us at Our Online Giving Page to donate today.
A Message from Nurse Catherine
News from Nurse Catherine
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a nice Christmas break!
As a reminder, respiratory illnesses continue to rise in the community. Please continue to report to me any student infections of RSV(Respiratory Syncytial Virus), influenza (flu), and Covid-19. If your student is a household close contact please let me know for appropriate masking guidelines. In addition, if your student is out with a stomach virus please let me know. Tis the season for the Norovirus. The Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes vomiting and diarrhea. Students are continuing to practice good hand hygiene in school especially after using the restroom and before eating.
It is not too late to get the flu vaccine. If you are a Boston resident you can get free flu or Covid-19 vaccination at Boston City Hall or the Bruce Bolling Building 2300 Washington Street, Roxbury. You can check the City of Boston web page for the most updated information.
CVS, Walgreens, or your primary care provider can also assist you with Flu and Covid-19 vaccinations.
St. Mary's will welcome two new Boston College nursing students in late January for their Population Health clinical rotation. We love having nursing students with us and the students love seeing them. This semester they will assist me with health classes for the 4th-8th grade girls. There will be a separate session for the boys as well!. They will also visit classrooms to read stories promoting healthy bodies and teeth. Please let me know if there is a topic you would like us to cover.
Enjoy your weekend,
Nurse Catherine
Reminder about Dressing for Winter Weather
As stated in the Parent-Student Handbook, students participate in outdoor recess, weather permitting. Send students to school with cold-weather gear such as snow boots, snow pants, hats, gloves/mittens, and scarf. Remember to label these with your child’s name/grade.
Follow us on Social Media
Please find the links below to our social media pages. We have been constantly uploading posts and stories so if you are interested in seeing more of our day-to-day happenings, please follow us!
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/st-mary-of-the-assumption-school
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmaryschoolbrooklinema