Hornet Headlines
November 2022 Principal Newsletter by Erika A. Krohn
Principal's Message
Happy November!
November is the perfect month to focus on the core value of Gratitude. We had lots to be grateful for in our busy October. Fifth grade performed at the spirit assembly to teach the entire school about Respect and Anti-Bullying. All classes participated in a Talking Circle about Respect, and select students were honored for exemplifying the core value of Respect.
Walk to School Day was great fun! It was awesome to have so many police officers join our staff and students.
We celebrated Red Ribbon Week to promote a healthy, drug free lifestyle. I was blown away by the great school spirit and creativity of our staff and students. We also had a darling Fall Parade and an awesome turnout at Trunk or Treat.
Our GRIP mentors and mentees met together for snacks, goal setting, and writing veterans cards of appreciation. The GRIP students are leading a school-wide effort of collecting cards and letters for veterans as well.
Follow Handy Elementary school on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for weekly happenings at Handy! Please scroll down to see a complete list of November events.
I encourage every Handy scholar to give their best effort each and every day because: Learning today makes a brighter tomorrow!
With gratitude,
Erika A. Krohn, Principal
LCAP Survey
Help us continue to refine programs, services, and improve student achievement through our Orange Unified School District Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP.)
Orange USD is collecting anonymous responses from parents, teachers, principals, and students to allow them to provide input on the LCAP. Become a critical partner engaged in providing an outstanding 21st century education for all students. OUSD truly wants to hear from you on this survey as these results will guide the (LCAP) for the upcoming school year. Your opinion matters!
Please click on the link to fill out the survey:
Join Handy Parent Teacher Association!
Parents as Partners and Leaders
We are fortunate to have 4 different groups that support Handy School!
School Site Council
School Site Council is an elected group that meets monthly to focus on the academic program and has the responsibility of allocating categorical funds: Title 1, LCFF, and Lottery money. They create and monitor the School Plan for Student Achievement. This council is comprised of school staff and parents:
Erika Krohn, Principal
Frances Vargas, Community Aide
Amber Badalian, Teacher
Jillian Hendrickson, Teacher
Dane Ullman , Teacher
Jaqueline Jaime, Parent
Autumn Martinez, Parent
Jessica Hernandez, Parent
Juana Paez, Parent
Cecila Pasillas, Parent
School Site Council approved the school plan and budget for the 2022/2023 school year on October 27, 2022. Thank you School Site Council members!
English Language Advisory Committee/Parents Supporting Parents
The ELAC meets monthly in order to learn about the programs and services for English Learners. The ELAC advises the SSC about the needs of English Learners so that funds can be allocated in the School Plan. In addition, ELAC meetings usually have guest presenters from our GRIP program to discuss a variety of topics such as gang prevention, nutrition, and preventing child abuse. Thank you to our ELAC members! Here are the parent leaders of ELAC:
President: Juana Paez
Vice President: Elvira Juarez
Secretary: Frances Vargas
DELAC Representatives: Veronica Hernandez and Hortencia Morales
Handy Parent Teacher Association
PTA is a hardworking group of parents who meet monthly to discuss ways that this group can support the school. Then, PTA raises the funds needed to support the school such as community events, field trip transportation, school murals, AVID t-shirts, teacher appreciation, and assemblies.
President: Tom Aguirre
Treasurer: Patricia Ruiz
Secretary: Autumn Martinez
GRIP Greeters
GRIP Greeters greet students during morning arrivals. Their presence helps to develop an anti-gang, safe environment for the school. They motivate students to do their best in school.
Araceli Flores
Alejandra Martinez
Elvira Juarez
Ariadna Espinoza
Josefa Mojica
Juan Mojica
Stacy Villagomez
Elvira Juarez
Hortencia Morales
Sonia Ramirez
Miguel Reyes
November Events
- November 1-new core value: Gratitude
- November 1-PTA Meeting, 8:30 A.M.
- November 2-18-PTA Membership Drive
- November 4-Picture Re-take Day
- November 8-Staff PD Day, No School
- November 10-End of 1st Trimester-Minimum Day
- November 11-Veteran's Day, No School
- November 17-ELAC Meeting at 8:30 A.M.
- November 18-Awards Assemblies-by invitation
- November 21-25-Thanksgiving Break, No School
- November 29-Vision and Hearing Testing
Handy Elementary School
Website: https://www.orangeusd.org/handy-elementary-school
Location: 860 N. Handy St. Orange, California 92867
Phone: (714) 997-6183
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Handyelementary/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
Twitter: @handyelementary