Walker-Winter Family Update
Great Futures Start Right Here!
Week of June 5 and June 12 (virtual day), 2023
My heart is at Walker. As I transition out, I have been able to reflect and enjoy a ton of great memories. Thank you for supporting my staff and me for so many years.. The greatness that we created will continue and grow. I look forward to visiting Walker and supporting this amazing district in other ways.
There's so much to pack in for the end of the year. Take a look at everything coming up. Please mark your calendars for the quick Virtual 9:10 am Check in with your teacher on June 12. This virtual check in or quick is important for student count so we do not miss out on state documentation.
June 7
The students will be enjoying our fun events during the school day's Dolphin Splash. During LUNCH ONLY, families can come and eat outside during their child's 30 minute lunch.
Families may join their child for lunch from
12- 12:30 (grades K, 2, and 5) or
12:35-1:05 (grades 1, 3 and 4).
Parents do NOT go to the classrooms or come into the school for this picnic. Parents will meet their children outside on the playground. Parents bring their own lunches and sit outside with their kids. They can bring blankets to sit on. Younger siblings are welcome. Please wear sunscreen and bug spray.
After lunch, parents will head back to work or home.
If it rains, the family lunch will be cancelled.
June 9:
5th grade Clap Out: K-4 students line the halls at 11:55 for the 12:00 pm 5th grade Clap Out. Parent/family stay outside by K/1 doors and along the sidewalk/basketball court,. 5th grade parades down from 5th out to the K/1 doors, circles around and then comes back to their rooms. All K-5 students then go back to their rooms until the 12:20 bell. If not going on the bus, 5th grade parents will pick up their children at the 5th grade exit doors (unless there is a normal younger sibling exit door). No silly string, etc. please.
As a school, we will focus on Leadership. We define leadership as you value each member of your group and you inspire people to do their best. We look forward to reading, discussing, and watching video clips of this. For more details, please click on Positivity Project for Families Go to Resources then P2 for families or P2 para familias en espanol. Password is P2. Read about ways that your family can support this at home.
WWCSD Calendar for 23-24
Walker's Open House is on August 28th from 4:30-5:30 pm
First day of school is August 29, Half day from 9:10-12:20 (students come to school at 9:00)
Does your child have medicine at school?
Medicine must be picked up on our half day, June 9.
We have some yearbooks left in the office. First come, first serve. $15 CASH ONLY in office
P2/LLG: Outro Week: Other People Mindset
Pledge: DeRose
Popsicles with Principal Mytych at lunch for all students
Dolphin Splash activities and Parent Picnic at lunch
Half day; dismissal at 12:20
10-11 in gym K Celebration of Growth (PE is outside today)
Half day; dismissal at 12:20
5th grade Clap Out: K-4 students line the halls at 12:00; parent/family stay outside by K/1 doors, 5th grade parades down from 5th out to the K/1 doors, circles around and then comes back to their rooms. AllK-5 go back to their rooms until the 12:20 bell
virtual make up day;
Teachers will be sharing their Google Meet for June 12, 2023 Google Meet from 9:15-11:15, :
Teacher will take a quick attendance, say hi and share some summer resources.
Summer Programs We have a comprehensive list of camps and classes available for our students this summer. Our Literacy Bus will be back in the neighborhoods this summer. Please share our summer programs list with students and families.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gARfsBM7gPzJONGmBmJCFwVZWeLp3gdckNSkDMrAEX8/edit
Enroll now for Young 5s and build a strong foundation for your child's education
With the kindergarten standards and curriculum changes, many skilled once taught in first grade are expected in kindergarten. Young 5s provides a bridge to kindergarten and allows students to learn in a hands-on, interactive way that supports their development while maintaining rigor and high standards of success.
Early learning is a key component to the success of every child. The Young 5s program is a gift of time, an opportunity to empower your child to enter kindergarten confidently and eager for learning. In Michigan, children who will be five years old by December 1, 2023, can enroll.
Young 5s classes are located in the following schools:
Graham Elementary
Hamilton Elementary
Hicks Elementary
Schweitzer Elementary
Wildwood Elementary
Enrollment for the Young 5s program is open for the 2023-2024 school year and is entirely online.
Dress Code Reminder:
Early Pick-Up Reminder
The office staff will call your child to the office once you (adult pick up person) checks in at the office. To ensure that your child continues to learn in the classroom, we do not call students down early to wait.
As you arrive at the end of the day, If you arrive early, please do not go to the playground. we have recess up to 3:50. For safety purposes, our staff is trained to look for adults who are not part of our staff. Thank you for helping us with this.
Peachjar Links for flyers Walker-Winter Elementary School - ( https://app.peachjar.com/flyers/all/schools/210571/ )
1st-5th Amira Home Connection (Wonderful reading support)
For more infor/assistance please call 734-419-2709 or email FRC@wwcsd.net. Or fill out the Digital Request for Services Form to request services.
Gleaners Community Food Bank has food distribution twice a month at Adams Middle School Family Resource Center, 33475 Palmer, Westland. The food bank is open to anyone in need of food assistance. Upcoming Food Distribution dates
School-Home IPad contract Google Form link
- https://forms.gle/xxhDt9uifE7uMCV69
Please reach out to me on Class Dojo or email as needed. Building and maintaining family relationships is crucial. It is important to me that, along with your child(ren), you create fond memories of school.
I am proud to be a part of this amazing Walker community.
Julie Mytych
Our mission: Walker celebrates doing our personal best, active listening, truthfulness, trustworthiness, no put-downs, and learning for all!