Miller Elementary Weekly Update
March 5, 2023
Mrs. Goodman's Message
Hello Miller Families,
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! As a reminder, there will be NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY, MARCH 6th in order for staff members to continue our professional learning in Literacy Instruction. We are looking forward to seeing your children on Tuesday!
This upcoming week, many of our preschool families will be enrolling their child in KINDERGARTEN! This is a friendly reminder to families that are enrolling, that you need to update Final Forms prior to your registration time slot and preferably as soon as possible. I have included a quick link below. Additionally, you must have a time slot for registration. These 2 days can be very busy enrolling many eager families and this schedule helps to keep the process smooth and efficient for everyone. If you do not have a registration folder or you have a question about registration, please call Vicki Wolf at 330-562-6199. We are VERY EXCITED to enroll the CLASS OF 2036!
It's hard to believe we are wrapping up the last week of the 3rd quarter this upcoming Friday! We will be communicating with many families over the days and weeks ahead either via a spring conference or progress updates via our report cards. Spring conferences are not required for all students and your child's teacher has been in communication about our spring schedule.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and here's to a great week ahead!
Warm Regards,
Maria Goodman
Miller Elementary School - Principal
Kickoff to Kindergarten 2023-2024
The Aurora City Schools' Kindergarten Registration for the 2023-2024 school year has officially started! Please help spread the word to your neighbors and friends. We held our Kick Off to Kindergarten this past week and if you were unable to attend, please use the presentation link below to view all the important details. Additionally, make sure you have selected a registration time slot for March 8th or 9th to officially enroll your child in kindergarten. All Miller preschool children transitioning to kindergarten need to update their Final Forms for the 23-24 school year and complete all the forms in the registration folder before registration day. Please don't hesitate to call Miller Elementary School with specific questions about kindergarten at 330-562-6199.
Extra Clothes
1: Please make sure your child has a change of clothes in their backpack. This includes extra socks and underwear. They often feel more comfortable in their own clothing.
2: Our clinic is running low on pants. If your family has a pair of girls or boys pants that your child has out grown and you would be willing to donate to our school, we would appreciate any donations. Please send in washed items labeled "Extra Clinic Clothes" and we will put them to good use. Thank you!
Please make sure you RSVP for DONUT DAYS!
Save the Date for Donut Days
The Aurora Elementary PTO will be hosting 2 Donut Days on March 21st and 22nd for all Miller Elementary children. Please see the schedule listed below for your child's assigned day. We will be sending home a flyer requesting a response if you plan on attending this fun event. This response helps us order enough tasty treats! If you have a child in both preschool and kindergarten or in different classes, you may select one of the days to attend or come on each of the scheduled days so your child can be with their classmates.
Tuesday, March 21:
- All preschool classes, AM & PM (Ms. Sarah, Ms. Jaime, Ms. Lauren, and Ms. Amanda)
- 1/2 day Kindergarten, AM & PM (Mrs. Verhotz)
- Mrs. Buettin
- Mrs. Forster
Wednesday, March 22:
- Mrs. Sabulsky
- Mrs. Yonally
- Mrs. Kidwell
- Mrs. Gallucci
- Mrs. Jaworski
- Mrs. Haughey
- Mrs. Smerkar
Right to Read Week will be celebrated March 20th-24th! Please see this important update to find a gently used book that you would like to donate for our book swap. More information about Right to Read Week will be shared next week!
Important Dates and Events
Monday, 3/06 - No School (PD Day for Staff) *Recent board-approved change to the district calendar.
Wednesday, 3/8 - Kindergarten Registration (By Appointment Time)
Thursday, 3/9 - Kindergarten Registration (By Appointment Time)
Sunday, 3/12 - Daylight Savings Time Begins
Week of March 20th - Right to Read Week
Tuesday, 3/21- Donut Days (See Schedule)
Wednesday, 3/22 - Donut Days (See Schedule)
Week of March 26th - SPRING BREAK - NO SCHOOL
Monday, 4/1 - School Resumes After Spring Break
Friday, 4/7 - No School
Monday, 4/10 - No School
Nurse Update: Cold, Flu, COVID, & RSV
Here are some important reminders to ensure the safety of our school community each day:
- Check your child each day for illness symptoms. If they begin to feel ill during the day, please know our school nurse, Jackie Pawlowski, will assess your child and make contact with a family member when necessary.
- Students sent home with a fever, may not return to school until they are fever free without medication for at least 24 hours. This means if your child was sent home on Tuesday at 12:00 p.m. with a fever, he/she may not return to school until Thursday. If your child does return the next day, our school will be calling for you to come and pick him/her up. Please help to support our efforts in this area. This also is the protocol if your child is vomiting. They need to be vomit free for 24 hours to return to school.
- We will send a Final Forms notification if there is a communicable disease reported in your child's classroom. This can help you monitor your own child and make informed decisions about symptoms.
- Please make sure your Final Forms medical information is up to date. We will closely read the health section to address any medical concerns.
School Counselor Updates: Mrs. Ambrosia
Hello Families! I am happy to share all Kindergarten Students are ZONES of Regulation “graduates.” This means they can recognize and identify their feelings and connect those feelings with possible coping skills. We have been working over the last few weeks to understand all feelings are okay, triggers may cause certain feelings, and coping skills are the things we do to self-regulate. Triggers are the events that happen right before a feeling. Coping skills help us “regulate,” independently. If we can’t self-regulate, it’s okay to ask a trusted adult to help us!
While your student has some visual reminders about coping skills within their classroom and possibly some that they brought home, I wanted to provide you with additional resources to ensure you can find the coping skill that best suits your home needs. Please check out these additional resources below:
Moving forward, we will focus on the topics of kindness, diversity and inclusion. During this month of February, our focus will be to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week and Black History Month. Beginning next week, we will focus on the following kind acts each day:
Monday, February 13- Tell someone, “Good job.”
Tuesday, February 14- Give a silent wave.
Wednesday, February 15- Say, “Hi!” to someone you don’t normally talk to.
Thursday, February 16- Give three students a compliment.
Kindergarten and Preschool classrooms will visit these topics in varying ways, but I wanted to share with you some of the activities and resources your children may be referring to at home:
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation | Kindness at Home
K-2 Diversity & Inclusion Literature for Families
As always, please reach out with any questions! I hope you enjoy a wonderful weekend at home with your families!
Lindsey Ambrosia
School Counselor
Miller Elementary School
330.562.6199, ext. 5414
Craddock Elementary School
330.562.3175, ext. 1260
Reporting Absences
We ask that you call Miller School at 330-562-6199 to either speak with Vicki Wolf or leave a message. Please share your child's first name, last name, teacher, and the reason for the absence. If they are going to an appointment, please ask for a doctor's note to have on file here at school. Thank you!
If your family will have a planned absence due to an event or vacation, you will need to fill out a planned absence form for our schools. Please send in a note requesting this form as soon as you know your anticipated date.
If your child is experiencing illness symptoms and you have questions for our school nurse, Jackie Pawlowski, you may call 330-954-2286. She can help answer any questions.
Important PTO Information
1. Our next AEPTO meeting is April 5 at 6:30pm at the C&I Building or via Zoom.
Thank you to those who attended our March meeting in person and via Zoom. Also, a big thank you to Schell Bell Boutique for hosting us this month!! Ace Hardware also provided some giveaways, so thank you to them! Lastly, thank you to our guest speakers, Principal Nizen (Leighton) and Heidi Kerchenski, State Support Team Region 8, for presenting information on Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) and the Handle with Care program.
2. Save the Dates!
March 5, 2023 - Community Event at Ol'Chefski's BBQ! Visit Ol'Chefski's between 12:00pm-7:00pm (or until sold out) and Ol'Chefski's will donate 20% of the proceeds to AEPTO!
March 21 & 22 at 8:15am - Miller Donut Days
We are inviting ONE parent or special adult per family to come in and enjoy a donut in the gym with their student before school. We will divide classes between the two days -
Tuesday, March 21:
- all preschool classes, AM & PM (Ms. Sarah, Ms. Jaime, Ms. Lauren, and Ms. Amanda)
- 1/2 day kindergarten, AM & PM (Mrs. Verhotz)
- Mrs. Buettin
- Mrs. Forster
Wednesday, March 22:
- Mrs. Sabulsky
- Mrs. Yonally
- Mrs. Kidwell
- Mrs. Gallucci
- Mrs. Jawroski
- Mrs. Haughey
- Mrs. Smerkar
If your family has kids scheduled on both days, please choose one day that works best for your schedule.
If you plan to attend, please complete the form at the link below by FRIDAY, MARCH 10th!!
Thank you to our chairs, Ashley Ingersoll and Kate Nixon, for working on this event!
Thursday, April 6 from 5:00pm-9:00pm - Mother & Son Event at Fun 'n' Stuff!
Tickets are on sale now! You can purchase tickets through the Schoolze app (under the fundraiser section) or through our website ( Adult tickets are $20 and sons are $10 each. This event is only open to boys in pre-K - 5th grade at Miller, Craddock, or Leighton Elementary Schools.
Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 2:00pm - Magic Gives Back
AEPTO and the Harmon High PTO (HHPTO) are partnering with Ganley Chevrolet of Aurora to proudly present "Magic Gives Back!" This is a Vegas style magic show and a unique fundraising platform developed specifically for local schools and communities. Magic Gives back will be held at the Solon High School Auditorium.
3. AEPTO Board Positions for 2023-24 year
Samantha, our current VP for Craddock, will be the VP at Leighton next year. Therefore, the VP position for Craddock will be available! Please email her at if you would like to hear more about the role or if you are interested! The Treasurer position will also be open next year, if you would be interested in hearing more about that role please email Ashley at auroraptotreas@gmail.com4. Foertmeyers Spring Flower Sale!
Your student should have brought home a brochure and sale information.
Sale Runs: 2/28 - 3/14
Flower Pick Up Date: May 7th (Before Mother's Day!!!)
Any questions, please reach out to Katie Stump at or Anna Kandra at
Upcoming Events
3/5 - Community Event at Ol'Chefski's
3/6 - No School
3/8 - Kindergarten Registration
3/9 - Kindergarten Registration
3/14 - Spring Flower sale ends
3/21 - Miller Donut Days
3/22 - Miller Donut Days
3/27-3/31 - Spring Break, no school
4/5 - AEPTO Meeting 6:30pm
If you have any questions, please let me know!
Jen Borman
Aurora Schools Foundation
Important Updates From Our Superintendent Mike Roberto
Miller Elementary: Preschool & Kindergarten
Vicki Wolf
Location: 646 S Chillicothe Rd, Aurora, OH 44202, USA
Phone: 330-562-6199