Principal Weekly Update to Families
October 13, 2023
From the Principal
Hello Prairie Families,
October is such a wonderful month! The change of the leaves, the final harvest from the garden, my son’s birthday; and of course, the Prairie Halloween Carnival are some things I look forward to every October.
Last Friday as students enjoyed a day away from school, the teachers and staff worked together focusing on our school’s mission and vision as well as some in-depth training on the book, Belonging through a Culture of Dignity by Cobb and Krownapple.
Our mission and vision at "Prairie Elementary is a caring community school, working together to create an educational success story for every student."
Our staff at Prairie believes all students can achieve rigorous academic standards. We work collectively to offer support and compassion to all. We are committed to maintaining a strong sense of belonging among students, families, and staff by honoring each persons’ dignity. We focus on ensuring that all Prairie community members feel appreciated, validated, and accepted.
We are proud of our school and our students! This year is off to a great start with a lot of learning and joy to come.
In partnership,
Tami Beach
National Principals Month
Thank you, Ms. Beach and Ms. Fowler!
October is National School Principals Month! Please join us in honoring our Principal, Tami Beach, assistant Principal Becki Fowler, and all the principals, assistant principals of Yelm Community Schools. Together, these innovative leaders are creating cultures of belonging and deep learning districtwide. We are fortunate to have exceptional leadership teams in Yelm Community Schools!
Salute to Veterans
Photos Needed for the November Assembly!
One more week to share your veteran and active service member photos for this year's "Salute to Veterans." Prairie will be saluting veteran and current military service members at the Friday Assembly on November 3. Email photos to Erika Morisset at erika_morisset@ycs.wednet.edu. Please include the veteran's name, branch of service, and student's name and teacher. Contact our office if you have any questions. We look forward to recognizing veterans on November 3. Thank you for your service!
Costume Dress Up Day
Ghosts, Barbies, and Vampires ... Oh My!
Annually, the office begins receiving questions from families if costumes will be allowed at school. Costumes will not be allowed on Tuesday, October 31.
Students and staff are invited to wear their costumes on Friday, October 27. This annual Prairie activity is held the same day as PTO's Halloween Carnival. Some guidelines are listed below to ensure that the day can continue to be fun for all. Parents can play a key role in preparation for this event. Remember the following school guidelines:
- No weapons as any part of the costume's accessories
- Keep face paint simple – save the elaborate face paint for the carnival or trick-or-treating
- No masks during the school day
- No blood or gruesome face paint or costumes
- Costumes must allow for normal participation in school activities
Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Seasonal Fun
The Pumpkin Decorating Contest is around the corner. Do you have a plan for your pumpkin entry? Entries submitted will be displayed in the Library from October 25–27. Judging will take place on Thursday, October 26. All pumpkins submitted for the contest must be picked up before the end of the Halloween Carnival or they will be placed in the garbage at the end of event. If you have questions, please contact our office.
Staff Spotlight
Title 1 Program
Title 1 is a targeted assistance program that helps students meet state standards and guide systematic improvement. Title 1 provides academic services to children who are identified as failing or at risk of failing to meet state standards. Students are tested on multiple, educationally related, objective criteria, and places them on a rank order list for services needed in reading or math. The work of the Prairie Title 1 team provides our little Panthers the extra boast they need to be academically successful. Special thanks to our Title 1 team – Jason Kerber, Shelley Lunsford, and Luann Easley!
Prairie PTO News
Volunteer Roll Call!
PTO needs you, you, and you! Sign ups are now beginning for a number of upcoming events.
- October 19: Popcorn Thursday and PTO Volunteers will be assisting with Prairie Picture Day.
- October 19–26: Candy collection for the Halloween Carnival. Donations are appreciated!
- October 26: Halloween Door decorating judging.
- October 27: 4:30–6:30 p.m., Prairie Halloween Carnival — Watch for pre-ticket sale information. Volunteers can click here to sign up to help.
Handbook Spotlight
Family Access
Family Access has a new look and is more user friendly. Videos are available for you to learn how to navigate your student's account. Click this link to be directed to the district webpage for further information.
The administration and staff at Yelm Community Schools recognize that many parents/guardians would like to play a greater role in their child’s education. To make it easier for you to get involved, each parent/guardian is provided the ability to view their student’s information anytime, day or night, with a Family Access Login.
There is also a link to Family Access at the top of every page on the YCS website.
In an effort to improve login security of Skyward, your Family/Student Access password needs to meet the following requirements:
- 8-15 characters
- One character must be a capital letter
- One character must be a lower case letter
- One character must be special (e.g. #,%,+,=,$,&,@,?,!)
- Numbers can be used, but all the above must also be met
If you forget your password, go to the login page to recover account information. Your will receive an email to reset your password. You can also update your email and contact phone number. Please ask school office staff if you need assistance.
Announcements and Reminders
- October 16–20: National School Bus Safety Week
- Monday, October 16: Photo Day flyers will be sent home with students. Please look in those backpacks!
- Wednesday, October 18: Late start day. Buses will pick up one hour later than the normal pick up time.
- Thursday, October 19: School Photos! A flyer with more information will be sent home on Monday, October 16!
- Wednesday, October 25: Late start day.
- Friday, October 27: Costume Day.
- Tuesday, October 31: No costumes at school.