From the Eagle's Nest
w/ Principal Vaughn
March 2023
Hello there Eagle Families! I can't believe it is March already! As we head into the last 3 months of school, we are focusing on our schoolwide expectations more intentionally. This month's focus is Respect. See photo for more information about how respectful behavior at school and on the bus will be taught, highlighted and celebrated during the month of March.
"Treat others the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Respect is earned, not given." -Hussein Nishah
Dress Code Reminder
-above excerpt taken from Jesse Stuart Elementary Student Handbook
🏀March Madness🏀
Are you familiar with our monthly Golden Apple Competitions?
Each month, classes compete to see who can earn the most "High 5s" or "Blue Ribbons." If they reach their goal (or are the 1st class to reach it), they earn a reward & the coveted Golden Apple 🏆 . Goals are set as a grade level and rewards are decided as a class.
✋High 5s are earned through time spent on eSpark Pathways.
🔵Blue Ribbons are earned through time on the Study Island Pathway.
Both of these programs use the students' MAP Testing data to create an individualized learning path of instruction and practice to help students grow in the areas of Reading and Math.
🏡Students work on this during the school day and can do it at home too. 🏫
What's Happening @ JSES:
Lunch Dates for the Month (Parents invited to eat with their child)
- March 3rd: K & 3rd (canceled due to weather)
- March 10th: 1st & 4th
- March 17th: 2nd & 5th
- March 24th: NONE
- March 31st: NONE
We hope to see you there! *Don't forget your ID.
Week of March 6th:
It's National School Breakfast Week (March 6th-10th)
Each morning your child eats breakfast at school, they will earn a ticket. We will do a drawing each day for a chance to win a variety of fun prizes, like Book Fair Bucks, Putt Putt Golf passes and MUCH MORE.
Monday, 6th
- "Principal for the Day" raffle sales begin, $1.00
- Book Fair ALL Week!
- Bundt Cake orders and money due
- 5th Grade Math Team Practice till 4:30
- Golden Apple "March Madness" Competition begins
Tuesday, 7th
- Family Night @ 5:30 (PTA Meeting, 2nd Grade Seussical Musical, Math Family Night)
Wednesday, 8th
Thursday, 9th
- 5th Grade Math Team Practice @ 7AM
- Choral Festival Practice in AM
- Fire Drill 9:00
- Fish & Wildlife w/ Mr. DJ, 10:20 in gym
- Last Archery Practice
Friday, 10th
- 3rd-5th Honor Roll Recognition, 8:00 (invitation only)
- Lunch Dates: 1st & 4th
Week of March 13th:
Monday, 13th
- Principal for a Day Raffle ticket sales continue, $1.00
- Spring Royalty info goes out today!
Tuesday, 14th
- Pi Day
Wednesday. 15th
- Real Life Science Presentation K-5 (during school day)
- 3rd Grade Math Team Practice till 4:00
Thursday, 16th
- Choral Festival Practice in AM
- Bundt Cakes go home
Friday, 17th: St. Patrick's Day🍀
- Last Day for Principal for a Day Raffle
- Lunch Dates: 2nd & 5th
- Eagle Rally
Saturday, March 18th:
- Super Saturdays at CTC
Congrats Eagle Archers on a great season!
Special thanks to Coach Unland.
Way to go JSES Academic Team!
4th in Quick Recall at Regionals!
Special thanks to Coach Dickerson & Coach Young!
MNNHS Beta Club
Special thanks to North Beta Club (& Sponsors Darrick Baird & Lori Hall) for coming to read to our students on Read Across America Day!
Week of March 20th:
Monday, 20th
- Spring MAP Testing begins this week: Encourage your child to take their time and do their best!
- Principal for the Day Raffle drawing, 2:00 via PTA Facebook LIVE
- 5th Grade Math Team Practice
Tuesday, 21st
- Choral Festival Practice 1:45
Wednesday, 22nd
- Extra Art w/ Mrs. Hofmann
- 3rd Grade Math Team Practice till 4:00
Thursday, 23rd
- 5th Grade Math Team Practice, 7AM
- Dibby's March Birthday Celebration
Friday, 24th
- Lunch Dates: NONE
- Principal for a Day!
- Eagle Rally
- Super Saturdays at CTC
Week of March 27th:
Monday, 27th
Tuesday, 28th
- NA
Wednesday, 29th
- 3rd Grade Math Team Practice till 4:00
- SBDM Meeting, 3:15
Thursday, 30th
- The Amazing Shake Competition, Round 1 (5th Grade during specials)
Friday, 31st
- Mid-Term ends
- Last day for ESS
- Special Eagle Rally (highlighting our Archery Team)
Spring Break😎
April 3rd-7th
JSES is the BEST
📅Special Permission Window is open now through April 1st
JSES PTA Hard @ Work🦅
~Get your JSES Spirit Wear today~
March Breakfast & Lunch Menu
Contact me anytime!
Phone: (270) 825-6033
School Address: 1710 Anton Rd, Madisonville