Rāmere Friday 18th February 2022 Hui-tanguru (T1: Wk 3/11)
Our Tumuaki Principal
EPS Covid After Hours Hotline: The school's cell phone will become the EPS (Edendale Primary School) After Hours COVID Hot Line.
It will be taken home after school and at weekends so that parents/caregivers can get in contact with a school staff member regarding any COVID concerns you need to communicate to us that might impact the school's operation.
What we need to know (as soon as possible so we can get organised) is whether children at our school...
1. Have tested positive for COVID-19.
2. Have a household family member test positive for COVID-19.
3. Are required to isolate as they are deemed a close contact of a positive case.
The number is 027 614 6740.
During operational hours you can ring the office on 03 206 6959.
COVID and Schools: COVID has entered Southland and we anticipate that we will have a case in our school community in the near future.
We expect to find out about this from you: Refer to our school's COVID Hotline above.
When we learn of a case we ring the Ministry of Education and take advice from them in conjunction with the Southland District Health Board. Currently, this means identifying close contacts (children and staff) and informing you about health guidelines relating to isolation and testing.
From an educational point of view, we would encourage all families to be ready with...
- Good internet
- Digital devices e.g. iPad, Chromebook, laptop.
- Ensure that Zoom is downloaded onto your device.
- A workspace for children.
All the children have the Seesaw Classroom E-Learning information pasted into the back of their Learning Partnership Book.
We do not know how a case or cases may present which means any number of a variety of options may present themselves.
- A small number of children have to isolate.
- A whole class, including the teacher and teacher assistant/s, has to isolate.
- A whole block (junior or senior) including teachers and teacher assistants has to isolate.
- The whole school has to isolate.
Tips and tricks:
- If at all possible have a week's worth of food supplies ready for self-isolation.
- Carry future plans very lightly.
- Keep your employer informed.
- If required to isolate reach out to neighbours, friends and family to help you get through.
Meet the Teacher Goal Setting Interviews: Bookings are coming in for this which is next week. Please remember to follow our COVID requirements which will help keep our school fully open for as long as possible.
To ensure a quality-focused interview the interviews are for the child, teacher, parents and parent support. We desire that for the 15 minutes of the interview a child's siblings remain outside.
Word Lab - Word Learning: From this week you should begin to see the children getting Word Lab spelling words home. Teachers will be exploring the makeup of the words in the classroom and you can support them by encouraging children at home to learn their words and use them through the Learning Partnership activities.
Thank You - Team Edendale
- Andrea Russell: The administration functions of a school are very important for it to be able to run smoothly. Andrea clearly has her head around these, ensuring that everything that needs to get done, is done, on time and well. Her positive can-do attitude is appreciated by all staff. Andrea has been doing a power of work behind the scenes to get us COVID ready. Thanks Andrea.
Principal's Term One Challenge
Principal's Term One Challenge - Leonardo da Vinci Portrait Artists
My challenge for Term One is to become an artist like Leonardo da Vinci and paint a portrait.
Entry Details
- The portrait is of a person alive today. It can be a self-portrait or of someone else. Maybe even a teacher!
- There will be a filled-in background that places the person in a context.
- The portrait can be by any handcrafted media (e.g. painted, colouring-in pencils, felt tips, pencil sketch, pastel). Not digital.
- Your name, year level and team need to be on the back of the artwork.
- There is an adults section available for any parents or community members who want to submit their work.
- The paper is an A4 orientated portrait (not landscape). We can supply A4 paper if needed for any artist.
- They are due Friday 8th April.
- By submitting a piece of artwork you are agreeing to have the portrait scanned and shared on our social media and website.
- Year 1 & 2
- Year 3 & 4
- Year 5 & 6
- Adults
Our Events Coming Up
All activities and events are subject to the government's Covid-19 'Traffic Light' settings and local requirements when there is an outbreak within our community.
Week Four (of 11)
- Monday 21st - Friday 25th February - Meet the Teacher Goal Setting
- Tuesday 22nd February - School Board Meeting One, 7.00pm, staffroom
Week Five (of 11)
- Monday 28th February - Home and School Meeting 7.30pm, School Staffroom
Week Seven (of 11)
- Wednesday 16th March - Kamahi ReserveTrip
Week Eight (of 11)
- Tuesday 22nd - Year 6 Big Day Out
Week Nine (of 11)
- Tuesday 29th March - School Board Meeting Two, 7.00pm, staffroom
- Wednesday 30th March - Student Council, GRIP Leadership Conference
Week Eleven (of 11)
- Friday 15th April - Good Friday. School Closed Easter.
Our Kura News and Information
Student Council - 2022
Our 2022 Student Councillors had their first meeting on Thursday, at which they received their new badges.
These Year Sixes have been elected by their peers (voting took place at the end of 2021) to represent them and organise various activities and some fundraising events during the year.
With our motto being ‘Where Our Dreams Begin, who knows just where we will see these young leaders in the future?
Ollie, Erin, Iyland, Chase, Rilan and Fleur - we hope you have a fantastic year in your role and look forward to seeing the contributions you make to our school whanau.
Meet the Teacher Goal Setting Interviews - Booking Your Time
Bookings are now open for the Meet the Teacher Goal Setting Interviews set down for Monday 21st February to Friday 25th of February after school.
The code is: c2gnj
When attending, with your child, at their interview please follow the COVID protocols for this event.
1. Sign in to our school with the QR code that will be at your child's classroom.
2. Wait at the designated area outside of the classroom.
3. Enter after the previous parents have exited.
4. Hand sanitise before going into the room.
5. Maintain a suitable distance from non-family contacts.
6. For everyone's protection staff will be wearing masks, we ask the children in Team Tui, Kereru and Kahu to wear masks and that all parents and whanau support wear a mask.
Remember, you are welcome to bring along a whanau support person, who is someone who has regular input into your child's life. Further, the interview is for the child and their whanau support only. Other siblings are to remain outside the room waiting or playing suitably in the playground.
Our Team for this Week - Team Kahu
Kia ora! Team Kahu has twenty Year Sixes this year, all of whom are excited about the adventures ahead of them as senior leaders and role-models of the school. The students and I have settled quickly into our new routine and they are learning the new expectations and class duties.
To start the year off with some fun and drama, students are learning about and presenting plays. In groups students are working hard, learning their lines and thinking about facial expressions, voices, the costumes and props. This provides them with a great opportunity to be creative and bring their own flair to their roles.
This year, the members of Team Kahu are all embarking on a new learning journey, exploring our new spelling programme, WordLab. Students are enjoying the different home learning tasks they get to choose from. With the extra teaching of spelling words and spelling patterns in class, we are sure to see an improvement in writing.
In art, students got to choose their first art project for the term. Students chose to create name art. With this artwork, they had to show 3D shapes or perspectives and show the use of either warm colours or cool colours. They all look fantastic and will look great hanging in the classroom. We are also lucky enough to have Mrs Aleisha Schrader coming into Team Kahu; she will be exploring art further with the students.
In Week Six, we are holding an In-School Carboot Sale. This means that this event will take place during school hours and is only for students. Team Kahu are already flat out coming up with ideas and creating different products to sell as part of our DRIVE topic, Being Product Designers. Students are working in groups, some creating bracelets and bookmarks, with others creating some school fair-style games such as the prize wheel and guessing the number of lollies in the jar. They will also be running a sausage sizzle and maybe even a waffle stand!
As well as product design students are expected to create advertising for their sale items. In writing, they are learning about advertising, the language used to entice customers and the importance of slogans, logos, colour and font. All going well, we should see some great posters and adverts for Team Kahu’s products.
I look forward to meeting all our new Team Kahu parents at our goal setting meetings next week.
Miss Sanne den Boon, Teacher, Team Kahu
Character Values Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L): Term One Respect Manaakitanga
Respect means we honour other people equally as we would honour ourselves and is shown through manners, courtesy, politeness, self-control, co-operation, obedience and participation.
At Edendale Primary School respect is demonstrated when we..
- Use our manners and talk politely to each other.
- Follow rules and instructions.
- Listen actively.
- Are aware of the needs of others and offer to help.
Every time our values are shown they make our school a great place to be for children and adults.
Term Two - Responsibility Haepapa
Term Three - Excellence Tohungatanga
Term Four - Integrity Ponotanga
Principal's Values Award
This week the Principal/Tumuaki would like to acknowledge Ben Bayliss for being a strong contributor, living out our school values every day.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kereru
Team Kereru’s MVP for displaying Manaakitanga - Respect is Georgia Abbott.
Georgia is respectful in and out of the classroom and cares about her peers.
She is a polite girl and will come to school with a smile on her face and possibly a story to share.
Georgia participates in group situations and in whole-class learning. Georgia thinks carefully about her response before she answers.
She follows rules and instructions in games and tasks in class. This shows her ability to listen actively.
We look forward to seeing what the year is going to provide for you, Georgia, and the friendships you will make.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kiwi
Team Kiwi’s MVP for displaying Manaakitanga - Respect is
Nirvana Dinnan.
Nirvana has started the year off right with a friendly greeting and a smile on her face each morning when she arrives at school. She arrives on time and gets herself ready for the day ahead by putting her home partnership book out on her desk and her pencil case ready.
Nirvana is a respectful and kind young lady that uses her manners and always says thank you. She speaks politely to her peers and the teachers and always lends a hand where needed. We often hear Nirvana offering to help another student in Team Kiwi.
Nirvana can be relied upon to be doing the right things at the right times; she listens to and follows instructions and is always ready to move onto the next task.
Nirvana, you have made a great start to Team Kiwi.
We look forward to having a great year with you.
Mahi nui!
Writer of the Week - Haylee Moir (Team Kahu)
It was the school holidays and, well you know what us kids do!?
I was just watching a movie with my dog Peppermint, and my friends, Mya and Aisha. The movie we were watching was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Suddenly, something happened to the TV, it went bonkers. I closed my eyes for a second. You will not believe what we saw!
We opened our eyes and there were two giant goblins! We were all shaking because the goblins had captured two of us. They had us on their backs and were bringing us to their master.
What they did not know was that they only had two of us, but there were three of us!
Mya and I were looking around to see if we knew where we were, then it clicked. We were in the chocolate factory! We watched the movie and knew what to do.
It was weird because it must happen to everyone who watches the movie.
Our Kaitiaki School Board
Situations Vacant - After School Care Job-Share Coordinator
The position of an After School Care Job-Share Coordinator has come up.
If you are interested please send a CV with all your details to the principal at by Friday 14th of January. Include references, referees and evidence of identity (copy of your passport and driver's licence).
Employment is conditional on vaccination and a clear police vet. An up to date First Aid certificate would be helpful. Training will be required around child safety procedures.
Next School Board Meeting - 2022
The next, and first for 2022, School Board meeting is to be held on Tuesday 22nd February at 7.00pm in the school staffroom. All material for this needs to be in the week before so that it can be sent out to the School Board members before the meeting.
Our Home and School
Next Meeting - Term One 2022
The Term One 2022 meeting of the Home and School is scheduled for Monday 28th February starting at 7.30pm in the school staffroom.
Our Community - News
Boys Outreach and Girls Rally - Friday
- When: This Friday 18th February 7-9pm.
- Where: Christian Activity Centre, George Street.
- Who: Anyone aged 9 years old and up welcome. Just turn up on the night.
All Covid regulations will be followed.
Contact: Johno Ferguson 206 6878 Liz Pask 206 6135
Youth Group - Saturday
- When: Youth Group is Saturday 19th February
- What time: 7.30-10.30pm
- Where: Christian Activity Centre, George Street
All Covid regulations will be followed
Contact: Becs Ferguson 0274 124 941
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool