Cougar Paw Prints 10/16
Great Things Are Happening
Thank you, families, for a wonderful first quarter. Students had a great time participating in spirit week the last week and it was so fun to see everyone dressed up. Thank you for your continued commitment to Kellond and trusting us with your students. We are so happy to have all of you as part of the family.
5th graders - Family Life Curriculum
5th graders are starting their family life curriculum. This is something you selected at the beginning of the year on Synergy. If you have any questions about this, please call the front office.
Thank you for your donations to the Cougar Campaign
Thank you to everyone who donated! We raised over $13,000 and are small steps closer to an upgraded playground.
- Reminder about parking your car. If you are going to leave your car for any reason, you must be in a designated parking spot. This includes the drop off/pick up lane in the south parking lot as well as the front fire lane; please do not park in these lanes. You must be in a parking spot. Please also do not park in front of the houses on Lehigh. The neighbors do not appreciate it and are complaining. It is also not safe to cross, especially by the bus bay.
Zumba Dance Paper Party
Thank you to everyone who came to dance with us and donate paper. We were able to get 25 reams, which is awesome!
Great Kellond Holiday Bake Off
Introducing our first annual holiday bake off! Do you think your holiday cookies are the best, are you always eager to show off your holiday fudge? If you think your baking skills is where you shine, enter our Great Kellond Holiday Bake Off. More details to come, but mark your calendars now for Dec. 1st.
Family Fun at a Glance
- 10/24: Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser from 5-8pm
- 10/25: No School
- 11/2: PTO meeting in the cafeteria at 3:45
- 11/4: Make a Difference Day
- 12/1: Holiday Bake Off
Coffee Talk - IN PERSON
The locally owned coffee cart will be in the south parking lot on Thursday, 10/26. Please park, buy yourself a cup of coffee and say hi to us.
Angela Schiavone
Angela is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters