Excelsior Springs High School
Parent Newsletter

It seems this year is flying by! Don’t let your opportunities fly by, too. It’s not too late for all college applications, but the final deadlines will be here soon. Colleges have different admission and scholarship application deadlines, so be sure to research those for the campuses you’re interested in.
The 2024-2025 FAFSA that we've been eagerly awaiting is open, but on a "soft launch" basis, meaning it will be available periodically while they monitor site performance. All progress will be saved and, if you complete the FAFSA during the soft launch, you will not have to resubmit it later. The FAFSA can be accessed at https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa. Remember that each contributor to a student FAFSA must have their own FSA ID and those can take up to 3 days to be verified. Missouri still has Feb. 1st as its priority application deadline, so you'll want to complete the FAFSA quickly for the most possible aid you can qualify for. You can reach out to us or your student's college financial aid office with questions. Each college has their own FAFSA deadline, too!
Don’t forget to watch those scholarship deadlines! Colleges have their own deadlines, but most local scholarships are due in the spring, and we must strictly adhere to those deadlines. Local scholarships are great because someone from ESHS is guaranteed to be awarded those scholarships, if we have a qualified applicant, and scholarships are funds that you don’t have to repay, unless there are specifics mentioned in the announcement. Be sure to use the online applications though! Computer-generating and proofreading your scholarship applications gives you a better chance of being selected. Remember that we have an ESHS Local Scholarship Application that allows you to apply for many scholarships with one application.
Be sure to check on your A+ eligibility! This is your last semester to log tutoring hours. If you are a Tiger in the Classroom, remember to log your hours and turn them in to Mrs. Gilmore. Remember that if you did not get an Advanced or Proficient score on the Algebra I End of Course exam, you'll need a qualifying ACT math subscore. See Mrs. Gilmore if you have questions!
Senior Checks will be coming up very soon, probably Wednesday, pending any weather issues. Seniors, please be on the lookout for this schedule! These are important meetings to make sure you know what you need to complete to graduate and check in on other programs such as A+, scholarships, etc.
If you need to take or retake the ACT, do it ASAP. ACT has announced testing dates for this year. See the chart below for all dates, registration deadlines, etc. Register early because space may be limited. Ask your counselor for an ACT fee waiver if you qualify for free or reduced lunch. Some colleges in our area have gone "test optional" meaning that you don't have to have taken the ACT for admission, but if you haven't taken it or didn't do well, placement tests are still required. Get to know your college's requirements! Just because a college is considered test optional, doesn't mean you shouldn't take the ACT for scholarship or placement in courses. And you might need it to qualify for the A+ program.
To sign-up for text or email messages regarding graduation events, please click on the appropriate link below:
SENIORS: https://www.remind.com/join/eshsgrad24
PARENTS: https://www.remind.com/join/24srparent
Parents, please join the parent group, not the student group, because spots are limited.
Deadlines to submit "Senior" entries to the yearbook have been extended to January 12th.
- Seniors - fill out your Senior Yearbook Bio entry HERE.
- Senior ads - A half page is $125 and a quarter page is $75. Please send text, photos, and payment to Mrs. Boone, room 88 (kboone@ga.essd40.com), or you can purchase one on the Jostens website under Senior Recognition Ads.
- Senior photos are due Jan. 12th, or students' cap and gown photos will be used. Senior photos need to be portrait orientation. Send via email to kboone@ga.essd40.com or send hard copies to Mrs. Boone, room 88.
- Each senior can also submit 2 baby/childhood photos. Due Jan. 12th. Send via email to kboone@ga.edds40.com or send hard copies to Mrs. Boone, room 88.
Many universities offer competitive, academic scholarships for students who apply early. Sometimes these applications are automatic with your admissions application and some require additional applications. Check with the universities that you are interested in for the various scholarships that you may qualify for.
Big Future has a monthly scholarship giveaway for completing college readiness tasks. Check that out HERE!
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation (various amounts)
The GKCCF offers numerous scholarships with online applications at http://www.gkccf.org/scholarships starting in December. Some of these include:
Pastor Otis L. Cobbins, Sr. Memorial Scholarship – open to any senior who feels they demonstrate loving service to family and community, trustworthiness, etc.
Stephen R. & Dorothy M. Pratt Scholarship Fund – - LOCAL! For ESHS seniors who plan to major in music – must have a minimum 3.0 GPA
Automobile Dealers of Greater Kansas City Scholarship – must be planning on a career in the automotive field and have a minimum 2.75 GPA
Check out the web site for many others! Scholarships have various deadlines!
The Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship (up to $30,000) NEW!
This application is open to highly motivated African American students. Applications must be done online at https://www.jackierobinson.org/ and must be complete by January 10, 2024.
Profile in Courage Essay Contest ($100 – 10,000)
Describe and analyze an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official who served during or after 1917, the year of JFK’s birth. For more information and to submit your essay, go to https://www.jfklibrary.org/Education/Profile-in-Courage-Essay-Contest.aspx
Submissions are due by January 12, 2024.
Robert J. Stuckey Essay Contest ($250-1,500)
ESHS can have only one nominee for this award. To enter, write an essay of 1,200 to 1,500 words about one or more aspect of books and reading. For more information, go to http://library.missouri.edu/giving/stuckey-essay-contest/
Submissions must be turned in to the counseling office by Jan. 25, 2024.
Mediacom World Class Scholarship ($1000) NEW!
Mediacom is offering this scholarship to seniors in the North Central Division. The scholarship is based on academic performance, leadership and financial need. Applications are available online at www.mediacomworldclass.com and are due to Mediacom by January 31, 2024.
Charles P. Bell & Ed Stengner Conservation Foundation of Missouri Scholarships ($250- 1,000)
For seniors going into a natural resource field. Financial need strongly considered. More information can be found at http://www.moswcs.org/scholarship/ Applications must be submitted to the Conservation Foundation by January 31, 2024. More scholarships available on their website.
James and Nellie Westlake Scholarship Program (tuition, books and supplies) NEW!
Student eligibility for this award must included having at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA and a family adjusted gross income of $60,000 or less. More information is available at https://learnmore.scholarsapply.org/westlake/ and students must apply by Feb. 1, 2024.
Engineer Girl! Food Engineering Essay Contest ($100 -$500) – NEW!
Write an essay of no more than 650 words about engineering in everyday life. Male or female students may enter this contest regardless of planned college major. Submit your essay online at https://www.engineergirl.org/151463/2024-Writing-Contest-The-Secret-Life-of-Everyday-Items by February 1, 2024. See a complete list of essay requirements on the website.
Elks Legacy Award ($1,000 X4 yrs renewable)
Any senior who is a child, grandchild, step-child, step-grandchild or legal ward of a living Elk member who joined on or before April 1, 2018 is eligible to apply. More information and applications are available at http://www.elks.org/ENF/scholars/legacy.cfm and must be submitted online by February 4, 2024.
Jack Holley MO/United School Insurance Council Scholarship ($2,000)
ESHS can have one nominee for this scholarship that focuses on academics, leadership, activities, an essay and career objectives. One letter of recommendation is also required. Applications can be found HERE and must be turned in to the Counseling Office by Feb. 5, 2024, to narrow down our school's nominee.
Elizabeth Spelman Health Career Scholarship ($2,000)
This scholarship is for graduating seniors entering post-secondary program with a declared major in a health-related curriculum. Applications are attached below and are due to St. Luke's Hospital by Feb. 20, 2024.
Greater KC PFLAG/GLSEN Scholarship ($1,000)
This scholarship is for students in the Greater Kansas City area who identify as LGBTQ+ and are pursuing post-secondary education. The online application can be found HERE and is due by February 28, 2024.
MO Society of CPAs Scholarship ($500) NEW!
MOCPA is offering this scholarships to seniors who plan to major in accounting. More information cam be found at https://www.mocpa.org/students/scholarships. Apply by Feb. 29, 2024.
MSPE Western Chapter Scholarship ($1500) NEW!
Seniors interested in engineering should apply for this scholarship. Eligibility requirements include a minimum 3.0 GPA, minimum ACT subscores of 29 in math and 25 in English, enrollment in an ABET-EAC accredited program. Letters of recommendation and an essay are required. Applications are available at https://mspe.org/western-chapter . All materials must be submitted to MSPE by Feb. 29, 2024.
Missouri Courage Scholarship ($500 - 2,000) NEW!
These are scholarships for MO seniors who are pursuing higher education and who have demonstrated courage and commitment to enhancing the lives of LGBTQ individuals and working toward social justice. Apply online at http://courage-scholarship.org/ by March 1, 2024.
FCS Financial Services Scholarship ($1,500) NEW!
For Missouri seniors who are children or grandchildren of customers with FCS Financial through their loan or crop insurance programs. To apply go to https://www.myfcsfinancial.com/about-us/scholarships Applications must be submitted by March 1, 2024.
Missouri Women’s Golf Association
This scholarship is for female golfers and can be found at http://www.mogolf.org/mwgea-scholarship/ and is due to the Association by March 9, 2024.
ESHS Local Scholarship Application (amounts vary) NEW!
This one application will gain you consideration for the following scholarships:
American Legion
American Legion Auxiliary - TBD
Bonnie Casto Memorial - TBD
Coach Nile Brown Memorial
Excelsior Springs Business Women of Missouri
Excelsior Springs Area Cultural Guild
Excelsior Springs Hospital Auxiliary
Excelsior Springs Quarterback Club
Excelsior Springs Quarterback Club Visual Arts
Excelsior Springs Rotary Club
Gary Kennedy Memorial
Martha Jarman Memorial
Mary Denton Lamb Memorial
Michael Raybourn Memorial - TBD
Optimist Club Lambert Clark Dickey Memorial
Ray Reynolds Memorial
Shemwell Cameo Point Educational Fund - TBD
Student Council
Terri Garbison Memorial
Woods Memorial
Some restrictions apply, depending on intended college major, extra materials needed, etc. We are waiting on final confirmation for a couple of these, but we anticipate them being available. The application is HERE and all materials are due to the Counseling Office by March 15, 2024.
Business Women of Missouri ($1,000)
Missouri residents with financial need are eligible to apply for this scholarship. Students must be accepted into an accredited program or course of study. Applications can be found HERE and must be submitted to the Business Women of Missouri by March 15, 2024.
AFA 2020 Teens for Alzheimer's Awareness College Scholarship Essay Contest ($5000 grand prize) NEW!
Write a 1,200 to 1,500 word essay or submit a video describing the impact of Alzheimer's disease on yourself, your family or your community to enter this contest. Go to https://alzfdn.org/young-leaders-of-afa/scholarship-contest/ for more information. Submissions due by April 1, 2024.
BBB Student of Integrity Scholarship ($2,000)
These scholarships are designed to recognize students who embody ethical behavior and personal integrity, demonstrating traits such as humility, courage, compassion and respect for their peers, teachers and community — the core values of the BBB. Applications are available HERE and are due by April 5, 2024.
Abbott and Fenner Scholarship Program ($1,000) NEW!
Students will submit an essay on the topic that appears on the scholarship page of our web site:http://www.abbottandfenner.com/scholarships.htm Apply by June 7, 2024.
Don't forget to do your own search on a free site like Fastweb, Scholarship Central, the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation, etc. Try the free version of the MOS app. Never pay for a scholarship search!
Contact the High School at 816-630-9210 or visit www.essd40.com for building and district information
Do you have questions or concerns?
Taylor Gilmore
Counselor (last names A-K)
630-9210, extension 2615
Heather Grove
Counselor (last names L-Z)
630-9210, extension 2614