Dublin High School
Week of November 27, 2023
A Note From Dr. Overstreet...
The PBIS Celebration was WOW!!! If your child said that the PBIS Schoolwide Celebration was lame, don't believe them. It was FANTASTIC!!!!!! The PBIS Celebration was a daylong event filled with an awesome guest speaker, Mr. Keith Brown who engaged our students with a powerful message. Following Mr. Brown, students were treated to a 3 on 3 basketball tournament, game trucks, a movie in the rotunda, flag football, and more. It was a great day!
Congratulations to the Fighting Irish Football Team: What a great season of Irish Football! I can't say enough about how our football team gave it their all every Friday night. However, they left it all on the field in Brooks County in the second round of GHSA Post Season Play to bring the season to an end. My hat is off to the players, coaches, and the community for a great season of Irish Football.
Apply to College Day - A Huge Success! Thank you to DHS Counselor, Ms. Jessica Lemon, Ms. Kristal Waller, the Family Engagement Coordinator, and to Ms. Antionekio Madison for coordinating this overwhelming successful college day event. During this 2-day event, students were engaged in the following activities:
· Apply to College Day - Nov. 8th
· Seniors were taught the steps on how to apply to college.
· Seniors were given access to apply to 50+ colleges for FREE!
· 86 Seniors submitted 1 or more college applications.
· 15 colleges/universities and 4 military branches
· On-the-spot acceptances
· FAFSA set-up (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
· Scholarships & ACT waivers
· Trio Upward Bound sign-up & SAT waivers
· Junior Class attended the College Fair.
· 20 colleges have visited DHS this semester
· 46 on-the-spot acceptances so far.
· 2 - FVSU
· 17- Savannah State University
· 27 - Middle GA State University
Winter Sports are Here! Now that football season is over, Irish Winter Sports are starting: Wrestling and Basketball are gearing up for an exciting season of Irish Winter Sports. Please continue to support Irish Athletics. This year, we welcome Coach Carlos Hope as our new Irish Boy's Basketball Head Coach. Coach Hope and his family joined the Irish Family last Spring. He brings an accomplished high school basketball and Cross County career to Dublin High School, and we are proud to call him Coach!
21st Century After School Program: The 21st Century Afterschool Program is available to all students. The 21st Century Program is an after-school program for students who are in need of extra help or tutoring for core academic subjects they are currently enrolled in this semester. Students can also recover credits for courses they may have previously failed in order to get back on track for graduation. The afternoon program is Monday - Thursday from 2:30 until 5:30. Bus transportation along with an afterschool meal are provided. For more information, please contact Ms. Madison, the school's Graduation Coach at 478-353-8040.
This #WorkforceWednesday we're showcasing our Dublin City Schools College and Career Academy's Business & Technology Pathway! Students in Mrs. Stephanie Wardlaw's Introduction to Business and Technology have already created personal logos and websites. And, now, they're working on perfecting their resumes. Sarah Wardlaw, Human Resources Manager of Interfor, recently stopped by to share tips for nailing an interview, what should be included to set a resume apart, and the top skills employers seek. To showcase their new skills, students participated in an interactive group project, during which they crafted a persona and constructed a resume for this character. Utilizing their individual work experiences, skills, and awards, they compiled content for their character's resume.
Thank you to Mrs. Sarah Wardlaw and Interfor for investing in The WAY's Business & Technology Pathway students!
“Don’t Stop Believing!”
Go Irish!
Michael Overstreet
· 12th Graders: GEORGIA MATCH Initiative
· 12th Graders: Georgia Apply to College Month
· 12 Graders: Hagan Scholarship - Due December 1st
· StudentScholarships.org - The Largest Collection of Scholarships on the web
· 12th Graders: The Gates Scholarship 10th, 11th & 12th Graders: GSBA's Student Video Contest
· 11th and 12th Graders: United States Youth Senate Program - Due September 29th
· 12th Grade Only Coco Cola Scholarship https://www.coca-colascholarsfoundation.org/apply/ the deadline to submit is 5 pm Eastern on Monday, October 2, 2023.
· Students Scholaship.org. The Largest Collection of Scholarships on the web: https://studentscholarships.org/scholarships.php
· The Heisman High School https://apply.mykaleidoscope.com/apply/a0DHq00000leoNrMAI/a1PHq00000BlyySMAR
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, November 28th: Irish Basketball Twiggs County Jeffersonville @ 6PM Home
Friday, December 1st: vs West Laurens @ 6PM Home
Saturday, December 2nd: SAT at Dublin High School @ 8AM
Friday, December 8th: Wilkerson County @ 6PM Home
Thursday, December 14th: Dublin High School LGST Meeting @5:30
DHS Wrestlers Alumni Night Duals, December 14th @ DHS Time TBA
DHS Shamrock Scuffle, December 15-16 @ DHS Gym Time TBA
DHS PBIS Celebration with Keith Brown
DHS PBIS Celebration with Keith Brown
DHS PBIS Celebration with Keith Brown
DHS PBIS Celebration Student & Faculty Basketball Game
DHS Faculty Dance Moves
DHS PBIS Celebration
DHS PBIS Celebration
DHS College & Career Academy's Business & Technology Pathway
DHS College & Career Academy's Business & Technology Pathway
DHS College & Career Academy's Business & Technology Pathway
About Us
Email: michael.overstreet@dcsirish.com
Website: https://dhs.dublincityschools.us/en-US
Location: 1127 Hillcrest Pkwy, Dublin, GA 31021, USA
Phone: 478-353-8040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhsirish
Twitter: @dublinhighga