EMS Raider Student & Family News
JULY 24 - 28
A Message from Mrs. Venegas
Hello Raider families!
We are officially one week out from the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. Ten days from today, our hallways will be filled with returning and new Raiders. We are pumped to welcome everyone into our building and get this year going. We are embarking on a great year! Last year's history-making very first 6th grade cohort ushered in our new beginnings as a 6th - 8th grade campus. And now...it's time to go on an adventurous journey & explore the possibilities and RISE UP to reach our full potential!
We will be having a full week of professional development for our teachers. After we kick off our morning with our entire staff on Monday, our front office will be open for service to your family from 12:30 pm on Monday through the end of the day on Friday. Meet the Teacher Nights will take place from 5:30 - 7:00 each night on July 25 (6th grade), 25 (7th grade), and 27 (8th grade) according to grade level. We hope to see you there!
This week should be all about preparing your Raider for the first day & week of school. It's time to make sure they are getting back to a school-day routine and feel ready for a successful start.
Here are a few important things to keep in mind:
- Make sure you are FULLY complete with online registration and enrollment. Raiders whose registration has not been finalized and accepted will NOT be permitted to go to class on the first day.
- Student schedules should be visible in the Home Access Center midweek. We are finalizing some details and will send a quick email and text blast to let you know when they're ready.
- Students will receive a printed copy of their schedule on the first day of school. We will have student locator lists to which students can refer and find out who their first period teacher is, in the event they are unsure. They will report to their 1st period classroom (Advisory) by 8:30 am and receive a printed copy there.
- Please make sure you review the campus dress code prior to purchasing new school clothes and shoes. We want EVERY Raider to be in compliance with dress code from day one.
- Begin having your Raider go to bed a little earlier each day and waking up earlier in the mornings as well. We want to make sure they are ready and rested for school.
- Be on the lookout for another newsletter to come next weekend with specifics on what to expect for the first day and week of school.
Trust that I am just as excited and nervous as most of you are about the start of the school year. I also have a new Raider in my own house who is starting middle school on July 31st. My principal heart and mom heart are bursting with pride knowing what a wonderful experience every one of our Raiders is about to have.
It is an honor that you have entrusted us with your Raider's middle school experience this year--I ensure you we will do all we can to make sure it is a wonderful, memorable one! Thank you for your support & partnership, not only of your Raider, but of our whole school community--where ALL #RaidersRiseUp!!
Mrs. Venegas
Online Enrollment / Registration Notice
All Raiders must have their online enrollment/registration completed and accepted prior to starting the first day of school.
Students who have not completed theirs will not have schedules created or permitted to begin school without doing so.
We have approximately 56 students whose families have not started enrollment and 72 still in progress. These students will not be permitted to begin school without completing enrollment and receiving an acceptance email from our attendance clerks who are verifying for proper documentation and submission.
Thank you to our remaining families for completing your part & to our hard-working clerical staff for ensuring our records are accurate!
Attention 7th Grade Parents!!
If students already obtained their vaccines, they can begin to bring in their vaccination record and Nurse Dehghan can begin entering all the information in eSchool.
This Week's Campus Events
July 24:
- Teacher Professional Development
- Front Office Open for Assistance 12:30 - 4:15 pm
July 25:
- Teacher Professional Development
- Front Office Open for Assistance 8:00 am - 4:15 pm
- 6th Grade Meet the Teacher Night, 5:30 - 7:00 pm
July 26:
- Teacher Professional Development
- Front Office Open for Assistance 8:00 am - 4:15 pm
- 7th Grade Meet the Teacher Night, 5:30 - 7:00 pm
July 27:
- Teacher Professional Development
- Front Office Open for Assistance 8:00 am - 4:15 pm
- 8th Grade Meet the Teacher Night, 5:30 - 7:00 pm
July 28:
- Teacher Professional Development
- Front Office Open for Support 8:00 am - 4:15 pm
- Students should arrive by 8:15 am and be IN CLASS at 8:30 am
EMS Office Staff & Nurse Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach out to anyone by calling our main number 915-434-4300, or any of the direct numbers below, from 7:45 am - 4:15 pm to assist you.
Office Clerk & Nurse Contact Information:
6th Grade Students
Heather Borrego
(915) 434-4368
7th Grade Students
Ana Cadena-Medina
(915) 434-4310
8th Grade Students
Aida Marquez
(915) 434-4367
Front Office/Discipline Clerk
Susana Jimenez
(915) 434-4300
Sched/Registrar Clerk
Melissa Franco
(915) 434-4392
Nurse's Office
Lizeth Dehghan
(915) 434-4311
Counselors' & Communities in Schools Contact Information
Counselors & CIS Contact Information:
Counselors' Clerk
Maricruz Ramirez
(915) 434-4300
6th Grade Students
Rose Ponce De Leon
(915) 434-4319
7th Grade Students
Susana Medina
(915) 434-4315
8th Grade Students
Melissa Alvarez
(915) 434-4321
Communities in Schools Coordinator - Student Last Names A - L
Ricardo Lomeli
(915) 434-4313
Communities in Schools Coordinator - Student Last Names M - Z
Claudia Ortega
(915) 434-4320
Administrative Offices Contact Information
Administrative Office Contact Information:
6th Grade Students
Assistant Principal - Michael Gutierrez
(915) 434-4302
7th Grade Students
Assistant Principal - Tanya Vega
(915) 434-4304
8th Grade Students
Assistant Principal - Carmen Imai
(915) 434-4326
Whole Campus Oversight
Principal - Sarah Venegas
(915) 434-4301
EMS Perimeter Map (Drop-Off & Bus Locations)
Raider Connect
Website: www.yisd.net/eastwoodmiddle
Location: 2612 Chaswood Street, El Paso, TX, USA
Phone: 915-434-4300
Facebook: facebook.com/EastwoodMSRaiders
Twitter: @EMS_Raiders